Noel | REBEL 1

Jun 06, 2010 00:00

WHO: Noel Vermillion and people.
WHERE: Espoir because I'm uncreative.
STATUS: Open like fire.

There is a young girl wearing a blue poncho and beret walking around the streets. She's obviously new, as she's frantically looking around with eyes on the verge of tears. While the fact that she was lost in an unfamiliar place was distressing in itself, what frightened her the most was how she got here while she was napping in the cargo hold of an airship over nine thousand feet above the air.

"O-Oh no...! This is bad! If I don't make it in time for the mission, they'll probably demote me!" Noel whimpered at the thought. "Eeeek... No... I... I don't want that...!"

Her parents, who were so kind as to adopt her, depended on her high-ranking job! It was the least she could do to repay them, so being demoted was absolutely not an option. She needed to find her way to Kagutsuchi. Now.

Except she's in too much emotional panic to actually think of how to do this. Noel sniffles, trying to prevent herself from crying in frustration.

"U-Uuuugh... What... should I do...?"

tidus, noel vermillion, ace, !location: espoir, tim wayne

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