Touchdown ☠ 002

Sep 21, 2009 16:59

Who: Travis Touchdown and Senji Kiyomisa
Where: Espoir
Style: Either
Status: Closed

[ooc: Takes place the day after this.]A roar ripped through the silence of Espoir as a motorbike raced down the uneven path, leaving a trail of dust at its wake. Travis revved the engine a few more times, shifting his weight backward so the front wheel would jump ( Read more... )

kiyomasa senji, !location: espoir, travis touchdown

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deadcenter_crow September 21 2009, 19:16:09 UTC
Hands in his pockets, he made his way to the field where he was supposed to meet this other guy. Things weren't all that bad here really. He was kind of liking it suddenly. Maybe he should have put up that crap about people not wanting to fight here earlier. He might have gotten these results sooner.

Arriving there he found the guy and grinned. He wasn't early. He liked that. The motorcycle was pretty nice too.

His long black coat was rolled up at the sleeves. All the way to the elbows. As usual, he hadn't bothered with a shirt. Why do that? It wasn't like he usually needed one. His grin grew as he stopped there to look at the guy.



scoreatouchdown October 26 2009, 04:12:59 UTC
Travis nodded another affirmative. He was not one to ask about an opponents past nor did he care all to much about it either.

Figuring he knew the man's name, he might as well give his as well. "Name's Travis by the way. Travis Touchdown."


deadcenter_crow October 26 2009, 04:43:09 UTC
"Travis Touchdown, huh? Well, nice to meet ya. You already got my name." He gave him a wicked grin but didn't extend his hand. Travis was someone he'd defeated. He was a good fighter but he had more respect for people who beat him.

Senji turned and looked up at the sky. With a wave of his hand he started to head away. "Hit me up if ya want to fight again. Maybe you'll manage to beat me next time."


scoreatouchdown October 26 2009, 05:00:37 UTC
Travis just scoffed. This Senji guy sure seemed cocky, but he knew he could blame him for that. He did win that fight after all. Evn if he were to extend his hand thought Travis may not have returned the gusture, never being one for formalities after all.

A rematch, huh? That defintiely sounded like a good idea. He was going to make sure that he beat him the next time he got the chance to fight him. "You can count on it. Both the fight and me winning."


deadcenter_crow October 26 2009, 05:13:08 UTC
Senji laughed as he walked away. "I'll count on the fight. But I'm going to win."

Heh. He kind of liked this guy. Interesting fighting style and a willingness to fight. Not bad at all. He needed better names for his attacks though. That crap he had going on now was just that. Crap.


scoreatouchdown October 26 2009, 05:24:48 UTC
"Whatever." Travis crossed his arms, rolling his eyes at Senji's final comment. It looked like that rematch will tell who's really going to win the next time around.

He made his way onto his motorcycle, kicking the vehicle to life and heading back to his apartment. Best tend to his wounds before they get any worse.


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