Touchdown ☠ 002

Sep 21, 2009 16:59

Who: Travis Touchdown and Senji Kiyomisa
Where: Espoir
Style: Either
Status: Closed

[ooc: Takes place the day after this.]A roar ripped through the silence of Espoir as a motorbike raced down the uneven path, leaving a trail of dust at its wake. Travis revved the engine a few more times, shifting his weight backward so the front wheel would jump ( Read more... )

kiyomasa senji, !location: espoir, travis touchdown

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deadcenter_crow September 21 2009, 19:16:09 UTC
Hands in his pockets, he made his way to the field where he was supposed to meet this other guy. Things weren't all that bad here really. He was kind of liking it suddenly. Maybe he should have put up that crap about people not wanting to fight here earlier. He might have gotten these results sooner.

Arriving there he found the guy and grinned. He wasn't early. He liked that. The motorcycle was pretty nice too.

His long black coat was rolled up at the sleeves. All the way to the elbows. As usual, he hadn't bothered with a shirt. Why do that? It wasn't like he usually needed one. His grin grew as he stopped there to look at the guy.



deadcenter_crow October 2 2009, 02:08:41 UTC
...What the fuck kind of name was that? And people bitched about him calling the kid's power Ganta Gun?

At least it wasn't some pansy ass shit like this.

Senji frowned. He hated crap like that. Watching the attack, he saw how it barely could be followed by his eyes. Hell, he couldn't follow it. Throwing his claws in front of him, he blocked as best he could but still felt himself pushed back and then over. Landing on his feet, he cracked his neck.

"What the hell? Pick a better fucking name!"

Quickly, he started slashing up the ground all around the guy. Dust was filling the air as he started grinning again.


fff, late sorry scoreatouchdown October 4 2009, 18:58:07 UTC
As soon as the Dark Side faded, Travis was pushed back by a flurry of swipes from Senji's blades. Parrying some of them with his beam katana, he continued defending only allowing a minimal number of strikes to actually hit him.

"Like I give a fuck what you think about what it's called!"

There was no way he was going to allow someone to diss his moves, especially when he named that one after Cranberry's signature move from Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly!

That comment was enough of a distraction though. One of the slices had gotten past his defenses and cut his arm. Wincing in pain, he bit his lower lip, his grip on his loosening. "Shit." How the hell did he let that one slip?

He jumped back away from the attack and took a quick look at the cut. Nothing too bad. Looks like he had enough to go on.


late is fine! deadcenter_crow October 5 2009, 07:46:34 UTC
So he got him, huh? Well how about that. Grinning, he ran forward to not allow the guy enough time to really just step back. Why the hell would he do something like that anyways?

Slashing at him, he gave a kick to his shin without warning.

Hey, if he did the same thing all the time people would be able to read him. He couldn't allow that.

"No breaks here!"


scoreatouchdown October 5 2009, 18:12:36 UTC
Before he could even recover, Travis found Senji so close that trying to evade or even so much as blocking his next attack was impossible. Lucky for him it was just a kick in the shin and not another cut... not that his shin felt any less pain whatsoever. It was still somewhat bearable.

Crouching into a ball, he rolled backwards and got back onto his feet. It was a good thing that it was the Tsubaki Mk-III he had with him. It'd be hard to maneuver around with that cut and the Tsubaki Mk-II with him, even if did have more power.

This was not turning out good, but Travis was never one to back down from a fight. Perhaps he could pull of another suplex or some sort. That seemed to catch Senji off-guard the last time.

With an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his lips he called out, "What are you waiting for? Come and get me!"


deadcenter_crow October 7 2009, 17:05:31 UTC
Senji's lips curled into a dangerous grin. Running forward, he went to close the distance between them. He seemed to have some kind of advantage when they were closer. Hell, that worked for him. Slashing rapidly, it was almost faster than the human eye could follow. And there was strength behind all of his movements.

He'd worked to tone his body to this level and beyond that for a reason. Always pushing himself. Always ready for that next level.

But he wasn't pulling out Invisible Black here. He hadn't seen a need to do so. Sure that one move this guy had was fast but if he kept him from doing it then he didn't have to think about it.

Pivoting on his heel, he slashed high, low, and destroyed the ground as well.


scoreatouchdown October 11 2009, 17:10:56 UTC
Travis wasn't able to block all of the slashes from Senji, causing a few more cuts here and there. He was having a difficult enough time dodging, parrying or blocking them that it didn't help much that each of them carried a huge amount of force. This guy wasn't just slashing without thought. If the fight continued this way, Travis knew might tire out soon. There was no way in hell that was going to happen. He had to think fast if he wanted to turn the tables on his opponent ( ... )


deadcenter_crow October 12 2009, 01:49:00 UTC
The blade on one arm vanished. The one that remained moved up to block the attack as he sliced the back of his hand. A new blade appeared there. At the speed of sound, he lashed out with it to attack the guy while he was still close. His foot pivoted so that he was leaning most of his weight into that attack. Leaning all his weight could be deadly but he needed to see if this guy could move faster than the speed of sound.

He didn't seem like he could earlier. It was a risky gamble but he liked those.

Besides, this guy was proving that he was worth fighting. He liked that.


s-sorry orz;; scoreatouchdown October 17 2009, 07:59:16 UTC
Travis was only able to see first blade disappear. The time lapse between the disappearance and reappearance of the blade was too quick for him. "Whoa, where the hell did that come from?!"

The attack had connected, earning him another cut on the arm.

He tumbled to the ground, one hand clutching over the new cut. He clicked his tongue. It didn't look too good for him. "Shit."

Reply forgiveness for you *stubborn pose* deadcenter_crow October 18 2009, 04:40:37 UTC
Senji spun around and that blade continued to move at the speed of sound until it froze just a breath away from the guy's face. He was still grinning. Things were probably going to hurt like hell tomorrow but he didn't care.

"Ya done?"

This wasn't a battle in Deadman Wonderland. Besides, he didn't always kill his opponents there either.


/wibbles at ;w; scoreatouchdown October 18 2009, 06:57:05 UTC
Travis stared at the blade. It was a mere inch to his face, probably closer. He let out a low chuckle. He may not have won a fight yet in this place, but he was glad there were more than enough kickass fights to go around.

Given the situation he was in, he knew he couldn't go on any longer without risking his life any further. It was disappointing that he would have to end it here. He was drained, injured and pretty close to his limit. Had he any other choice, he wouldn've kept going but if he was going to finish off this guy, it would have to be for another time.

"You put up a damn good fight."


*stands strong* deadcenter_crow October 18 2009, 07:06:17 UTC
Laughing, the blade vanished and Senji held out his hand to help the guy up. "So do you. That was definitely worth my time."

Not many he could say that about. Too many pathetic losers out there. But he wanted everyone here to know that just because he lost his eye after losing to a kid didn't mean he wasn't strong. He could walk the walk and talk the talk.

"Got to bring out my Invisible Black too."

He loved that best of all.


B| scoreatouchdown October 18 2009, 08:06:19 UTC
He let out a smug noise, but nevertheless retracts the beam of his katana and takes the hand. Pulling himself up to his full height, he winced a little as the pain of his wounds throbbed. He made a mental note to have it checked if he couldn't do a patch-up job himself.

"Damn. I didn't see that one coming." Travis didn't know which move it exactly was but he guessed it was that last one.

Another chuckle escaped his lips. "Heh. Didn't think I'd have to go Dark Side either." Going Dark Side definitely wasn't in his plans. Looks like this guy was the first to witness it in this place.


>D deadcenter_crow October 18 2009, 20:45:52 UTC
"Dark Side huh? Was an interesting thing to see too." He didn't even glance at the wounds he'd given or the ones he had himself. They weren't life threatening. Besides, he could control his own blood so he wouldn't bleed to death no matter how many of those injuries he ended up getting.

Probably. He wasn't in the mood to test it.

Stretching, he laughed again. "Shit, I feel good. This fucking place is actually worth being stuck in."


scoreatouchdown October 19 2009, 05:51:20 UTC
"That wasn't much. It was just one of them." He didn't mind divulging some information about his techniques. As long as his opponents didn't know how it worked, they wouldn't know what hit them.

Travis let out a laugh as well. He agreed whole-heartedly that this place wasn't too bad. Especially when it's got people like Senji to fight. "Don't need to tell me twice.

"This place is hell of a lot better than back home." Things had began to wind down for Travis after climbing to the top of the UAA after all. There weren't many people looking for a real assassin in the city anymore.


deadcenter_crow October 26 2009, 03:39:49 UTC
So. The guy had more moves than that. He liked the sound of that. Maybe he'd get to see them in the future. That would be something to look forward to.

Senji scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Better here huh?"

He looked around and nodded.

"Fresh air. Good fights. Hell, I'll say it's better than where I was too."


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