
Sep 12, 2008 15:21

Yaoi Con is two weeks away, and I don't know how I'm going to get everything dooooone...~! T△T

- Homura's robe is finished, construction-wise.  We've also got the necklace and chains covered (styrofoam chains, which I'm wary about, but, uh, heavy-gauge real chain around other people and elaborate costumes/props, tables of merchandise, rabid ( Read more... )

cosplay, wtf, yaoi con

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Comments 18

jibii September 13 2008, 00:10:22 UTC

Let’s use the power of our stress together to bend time and give us an extra week before the con ok???

oh god why did they have to move the con one whole month earlier?! ::sob::

Sokka costume is nearly done, Zuko is half done, Toph isn’t even started yet, my wig hasn’t arrived from china, I still have to do ALL the toning on the twenty-four page shota comic (and then we get to print it and trim it all ourselves!), and we’re on our third proof for Raven (which means we haven’t got the official run decided yet)



soliandxpyne September 13 2008, 00:37:23 UTC

Wtf, yeah, whose brilliant idea was this?? TAT

Those little Zero brats want their teddy-bear backpacks, too. To this, I say stfu, like I have time for frivolous shit like that.



jibii September 13 2008, 04:56:45 UTC
bennnnnnnnndddd;;;;; hurrrrrrgh;;;;; it working yet?


soliandxpyne September 13 2008, 08:48:32 UTC
...i don't think so. DDD:



baka_gaijin September 13 2008, 00:52:01 UTC

~ perks up instantly ~

If there is one thing this world needs, it would be more loins girded up.


soliandxpyne September 13 2008, 02:40:08 UTC
::laughs:: Yes! You are right about that.

It's something of a sewing headache, trying to get it into a size and shape Xpyne won't complain about wearing all day, but it'll be highly amusing to see her in it, I think. :D


despina_moon September 13 2008, 01:29:26 UTC
Okay - breathe...

You two really have your work cut out for yourselves but take one thing at a time.

I'll offer my meager sewing services if that will help (tails and ears I could do.) Probably not, though so I'll offer positive waves instead.


soliandxpyne September 13 2008, 02:47:26 UTC
Well, I will admit to being in mild 'freak out' mode, but Xpyne and I do have this sickness personality quirk that makes us procrastinate like idiots until the last minute, and then scrabble to get everything done in the nick of time (god willing, lol).

Hopefully my costume will go a lot more quickly than Xpyne's. For mine I'd planned out the look quite a while ago, and made a rough-draft of sorts out of old bedsheets, while Xpyne's, I was kind of forced to make it up as I went along, with trial and error and lots of squinting at reference pictures (none of which happened to be 100% consistent with one another! D:,').

Oh, how sweet of you to offer! But actually, Xpyne has been going on about wanting to try her hand at kitty ears since Loveless came out, haha, so I'd hate to rob her of that joy. ^_~

And thanks for the vibes. ♥


despina_moon September 13 2008, 03:18:37 UTC

I can't wait to see your costumes. My own cosplay days are over - but I still love making costumes for others. Good luck and I'll bring a needle and threat to Yaoicon just in case...



eyesofshinigami September 13 2008, 05:06:56 UTC
Gambare! \o/ You can do it!

I can't believe it's so close. >_> I hope you guys aren't stressing yourselves out too badly. Especially since Xpyne's got exams coming up. D: *squishes you both*

Golly, you really did go crazy with the Super Sekrit Cosplay of Awesome. O__O But I totally can't wait to see it. :D *grabby paws*

And I hope you get the Sanzo finished! :( But if not, I'm sure we could figure out a way to still make you jazzy. ;)

Best of luck, love. ♥ I know you can do it! \o\ /o/ \o/


soliandxpyne September 13 2008, 08:46:41 UTC
::huffpuff:: I can do it!

Haha, no, I wouldn't say we're stressing, because it's not like we have no costumes at all,, it's crunch time fo sho. >:[ <-- face of determination


gen50 September 13 2008, 12:50:59 UTC
you can do it!


soliandxpyne September 13 2008, 20:18:34 UTC
Thanks for the encouragement! I sure hope so! :DD


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