Shot Through the Heart Ch 1/7

May 15, 2008 01:46

Title: Shot Through the Heart 1/7
Author: softbluebuddy
Pairing: Dean/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9105

Summary: While at a firing range, Dean meets a woman who really knows her way around her weapons. His joke that she is the woman of his dreams leads to an invitation to spend a no strings attached weekend with her, knowing he is leaving in 3 days. Now he is sure that he has met the girl of his dreams. This is the story of that weekend and how fantasies can come true.

Warnings: Het

Author's Note: Written in part due to the enthusiastic feedback and encouragement from 
sgfansean and 
spikestress after posting Front Row Seat. They wanted more in!control!Dean, and who am I to argue.

****Feedback is Totally Awesome****

carinas_carinae     Fic Banner by 

Shot Through the Heart Part 1

Dean and Sam had been on the road for so long. Sometimes it seemed like they never spent more than two or three nights in a row in the same town and didn’t have much in the way of down time.

But that wasn’t really true at all. They were able to work a few days of down time in between many of their jobs of going after the supernatural that preyed on the folks in these sleepy little towns.

When the boys did have a few layover days they tried to relax, for sure, but they also had all of the mundane things to look after so they were ready when they got to the next job. Hunting required one hundred percent of their attention when they were doing it, leaving little time for things like laundry, shopping for incidentals like soap, shampoo and razors, and the cleaning and maintaining of their weapons.

The Winchesters had just finished a job and were headed on down the road in the direction of Bobby Singer’s place. They were scheduled to hook up with Bobby but not for several more days. They found a decent sized town that looked busy enough that they wouldn’t attract any undue attention. It had all of the amenities the boys always looked for and none that they didn’t, like an unsolved supernatural mystery that they’d need to drop everything to take care of.

Dean pulled the Impala up to the office of a motel on the motorway and went in and got a room for him and Sam to share using one of his many identities and credit cards. After getting the room he walked out of the office and back to the Impala and gave Sam the extra key. “Number 8, Sammy; my favorite number.”

“Since when have you had a favorite number?” asked Sam seriously.

“Dude, eight has always been my favorite number.” Dean smiled at Sam and put the car in gear.

“You are so full of shit, Dean. Regular people have favorite numbers. You and I do not have things like favorite numbers. Maybe a favorite gun or knife, but not number.” Sam looked at his brother while leaning against the passenger door and with his left arm over the back of the seat.

“Okay. So I’ve never had a favorite number. But damn do I have a favorite gun. I love my sawed off shotgun. If I didn’t have that knife I keep under my pillow, I’d sleep with that gun.” Dean admitted with a grin.

“You and that shotgun should get a room, but aren’t you worried about your baby getting jealous?” Sam said as he gently patted the dash of the Impala.

Dean pulled the Impala up in front of room number eight, looked at Sam and patted the dash himself. “Don’t worry, baby; you’re the only girl for me. Sam, I told you not to say that kind of stuff where she can hear you. Let’s get all the gear in the room and figure out who’s gonna do what.”

About ten minutes later the guys had their duffle bags and all their other personal belongings in the room.

They were partners, but Dean was the older brother and usually split up the duties, which suited Sam just fine. Sam by nature was fairly agreeable and had been following Dean’s orders all his life and didn’t see any reason to change things. The fact that he followed Dean’s orders without a lot of questions had saved his life on more than one occasion.

Besides Sam was smart enough to save disagreeing with Dean for the bigger things that counted, rather than the small inconsequential shit that didn’t.

“How many days do you think we’ll be hanging around here?” Sam asked Dean.

“Well, let’s see. It’s Thursday and we aren’t supposed to be to Bobby’s till next Tuesday and it’s only a day and a half drive. If we leave Monday morning we ought to get there Tuesday afternoon.” Dean calculated for Sam. “Sound right to you?”

“Sure, works for me. So we’ll spend four days and nights here and regroup and handle all the normal stuff and rest up? Sounds good. You know what I’d like to do this weekend that we don’t get to do very often? I’d love to go and see a couple of movies. The summer blockbusters have started coming out and we passed a movie theater on the way into town.” Sam told Dean.

“Hey, if there’s nothing else going on, sure, I’d be up for a flick. No chick flicks though, right?” Dean gave Sam a look just to be sure they were on the same page.

“C’mon Dean, when have I ever tried to get you to go see a chick flick?” Sam asked Dean hoping beyond all hope that Dean wouldn’t remember when he had tried to get Dean to go see that movie Pride and Prejudice made from that Jane Austen book.

“You’re kidding, right?” Dean practically snorted.

“It was only that once. And I liked that chick that was in that movie. She was great in all those Pirates of the Caribbean movies. You thought she was hot in those,” Sam explained.

“Dude, pirates are one thing, Jane Austen movies are something entirely different. Find something good or you can go by yourself,” Dean qualified to Sam.

“Okay. Okay. Don’t get your panties in a twist.”

“I don’t wear panties.”

“I know. It’s just fun giving you crap.”



Thursday night had been fairly uneventful. Dinner at someplace nicer than a diner or something from a convenience store microwave, a movie at the multiplex, and splitting a 6 pack and watching TV when they got back to their room.

Friday morning came and Dean had already delegated the job of doing the laundry to Sam while Dean took care of the weapons. Since Sam was the youngest, and Dean hated doing laundry, he always pushed the laundry detail onto his younger brother.

“Okay, I found a firing range not too far from a laundromat. I’ll drop you off with all the laundry then come back and pick you up after I go to the range and re-sight all of the handguns. A few of them have felt a little off and it’s more efficient doing that under controlled circumstances than shooting cans off of rocks in the woods,” Dean explained to Sam as they loaded their stuff into the car.

“Yeah, that’ll work,” Sam agreed with Dean’s reasoning..

After dropping Sam at the laundromat Dean drove to the town’s one indoor firing range. He got the large duffel out of the trunk of the Impala that had all of the weapons he’d be able to fire here.

Entering the range, Dean walked up to the counter and paid for two hours of range time, also buying several paper targets with a human outline on them. He told the guy at the counter that he didn’t need any ear or eye protection as he had brought his own, patting the side of the bag.

“Alright, you’re on lane eight. Go through the door and make a right; lane eight is the last lane up against the wall.”

“Great, eight is my lucky number,” Dean said putting on his ear and eye protection; then hefting the bag of weapons and grabbing the paper targets and heading for the range.

When Dean got onto the range he was the only person there. He got himself situated and put the first target out on the line and then placed each weapon one at a time on the shelf in front of him after first checking to be sure that each weapon was unloaded and the safety was on.

Choosing his favorite handgun he slipped a full clip in it and flicked off the safety. He was sighting the weapon which required single shots at the target so that he could make adjustments with the tools that he brought.

After an hour of single shots and adjustments, he had done four of the six weapons that he had with him. He was just getting ready to start work on the fifth gun when he was able to hear the distinct sound of another shooter on the range. He noticed the target that had been run out on the line was only over two lanes from where he had been shooting.

Whoever was over there shooting had a nice tight cluster pattern going right around the heart of the target.

Probably a cop thought Dean. Those guys were always great shots. Oh, thirteen around the heart and the last two to the head. “Shit, that guy doesn’t mess around, and he really knows his stuff.”

Dean resumed work on pistol number five, single shots followed by adjustments. As he continued working the person two lanes over kept firing as well. Once Dean got done re-sighting the last pistol, he loaded them all up with a full clip and ran a new target out and sent it as far from him as possible.

He picked up the first pistol and after a couple of shots to be sure it was firing true, emptied the rest of the clip into the chest cavity saving two shots for the head. His cluster pattern was very similar to whoever was shooting in lane six. He repeated this with each weapon after running out a new target between each new gun he was going to shoot.

Finishing his work on his guns and his shooting practice, Dean took his time putting all of his gear away. As he got the last of his gear into his bag, he could hear that the only other shooter on the range appeared to have finished as well.

When he walked past lane number six he was completely stunned. He had thought there would be some old grizzled cop or some sheriff in there doing that shooting. What he saw instead was something entirely different.

The first thing that he noticed about her were her legs. Long, tan legs in high heeled shoes making her calves look perfect, a very professional skirt except it was a little short to be too professional, a fitted white shirt open at the collar and her long strawberry blond hair pulled back in a single ponytail to keep it out of her face while she was shooting.

Holy shit, if he’d have known this was who was over here he would have maybe tried to meet her. Now it was too late as he was already done and had his gear packed and as much as he’d like to it wasn’t appropriate to disturb someone on the range when they were working. He hated to be bothered when he was maintaining his weapons. He stopped at the counter and made sure he didn’t owe anything more before he left the building. He was putting his bag in the trunk of the Impala when the woman from lane six walked out into the sunlight carrying her purse and a gun case.

The woman squinted at the sun and put her hand up to shield her eyes. She had parked next to Dean’s vehicle. She walked right up to Dean and said, “Fancy shooting in there.”

“I could definitely say the same to you. I don’t meet many women who really know their way around a weapon like you do. If this were another time in another town I’d probably go down on one knee and ask you to marry me.” Dean said with a good natured laugh.

“That’s all it would take to get a proposal from you? Know my way around a gun? That is amazing; yet strangely a little flattering. You are impressed with my skill. That’s a change. Really,” said the woman to Dean while opening her trunk and securing the gun case inside.

“Honey, you don’t know the half of it. You are basically my dream girl. Watching how good you are with your firearms and then looking at you. How could I not lose my heart to you right here and now?” Dean confessed as he placed his right hand across his heart and patted his chest twice.

“I have to say that I am still impressed because you mentioned my skill with my weapon first both times and only mentioned how I look as almost an afterthought. With you at least I’d know you weren’t just after me for my looks. You might just be the man of my dreams, too.” She said conspiratorially to Dean.

“I am impressed with your skill, but you do know you’re gorgeous, right? Not a surprise I’m sure, but what a combination, looks and skill. I’m Dean, by the way,” said Dean, extending his hand to her.

She took his hand in hers and returned his handshake firmly and replied, “Shannon. Nice to meet you, Dean.”

“So far the pleasure has been all mine.”

“Thanks. I’ve never seen you here before, Dean. I think I’ve run across most people in town who shoot here at one time or another.” She told him.

“No, I’ve never been here before. My brother and I are on a road trip and I left him to do our laundry and I figured I’d come do this while he did that. We’re only going to be in town a few days.”

“Oh. So you get your brother to do your laundry, huh? He must be your little brother.” She laughed.

“You mean Sasquatch? No, he is my younger brother, but he is definitely not my little brother. He is actually quite a bit taller than I am. When I’m giving him grief I call him Sasquatch just to piss him off. It usually works,” Dean told her, the corners of his eyes crinkling up from laughing and being out in the sun without sunglasses.

“Sasquatch. That’s hilarious. You’re pretty tall yourself, he must be a giant.”

“He’s got a few inches on me, that’s for sure. I’m actually getting ready to go get him and have some lunch. Do you want to join us and you can meet him?” Dean asked hopefully.

“I actually have to get back to work, but I would really have liked that. Did you say you are in town for a few days?”


“I wouldn’t mind having dinner with you if you don’t have other obligations.”

“That would be awesome. I think I need some time away from Sam anyway and he wanted to go see a movie so this is perfect.”

Dean made arrangements to meet her at a restaurant she picked out at eight o’clock, agreeing since the brothers only had one car between them, that Sam would drop him off at the restaurant and she agreed to drop him back off at their motel.

“Great. See you at eight. And Shannon? It was very nice meeting you. I’m looking forward to dinner tonight,” Dean told her with one of his real smiles, not the ones he used to make a quick score, but the one that was close to the smile that only Sam had ever seen.

“Me too. See you tonight,” Shannon said as he opened her door so she could get into her car.

Just before turning to slide into the driver’s seat she took a step closer to Dean and brushed his lips lightly with hers. “Tonight, then.”

She slid into the car, he closed the door and she backed up and drove away and Dean was standing watching her car until it rounded the corner.

“Uh oh. I think I may be in trouble here,” is the thought that actually stumbled from his lips. “Shit.”

But he couldn’t help tossing his keys in the air and his lips breaking into a huge grin. “But what a way to go.”

Dean went and picked Sam up at the laundromat a few minutes later and even went in and helped Sam bring their stuff out to the car.

“Dean? Is everything okay?”

“Sure, Sam, why wouldn’t it be?” Dean asked his brother.

“Uh, you never help me grab the stuff and put it in the car. You usually just sit in the car and wait for me. Oh, and you’re smiling. Things go okay at the range?” Sam asked Dean.

“What, a guy can’t help his brother? Part of that laundry is mine, isn’t it? It’s the least I could do. Just don’t get used to it. And yeah, everything went fine at the range.”

“Got all the guns re-sighted?”

“Yup. And I got a date tonight. You need to drop me off at a restaurant and then you can have the car and go to a movie or whatever you want to do. I’ll get a ride home later.” Dean told a stunned Sam.

“What? You have a date? Like a real date, at a restaurant? Seriously? How the hell did you manage that, you were only gone about two hours and you were at the range, right?” Sam asked Dean forgetting that Dean was powerfully attractive to the opposite sex. How he could forget something that was so real it was almost tangible, he had no idea.

“Yeah, Sammy, I got a date. And man can this girl shoot. I told her she was the woman of my dreams, we got to talking, one thing led to another and we are going to dinner on a real date.”

“‘Man can this girl shoot?’ Are you serious? You asked her out on a date because she can shoot?” Sam said stunned.

“You shoulda seen her, Sam. A thing of beauty. Nice cluster around the heart and two to the head. Every time.”

“She does sound like the woman of your dreams. What’s she look like?”

“C’mon, Sam. I’m not going to objectify her. I’ll just say that she’s gorgeous.”

“Cool. You pick up a gorgeous girl who can shoot and I’m stuck in a hot and muggy laundromat with all kinds of, well, anything but gorgeous girls. Although the homeless guy who came in and asked me for a dollar for a beer was pretty amusing,” Sam said, shaking his head at his brother’s luck.

“You gave him the buck, though, right? For being honest about it,” Dean questioned Sam.

“Yeah, I gave him a buck.”

Later in the day Sam and Dean were back at the motel. Dean was just about done getting ready for his date and Sam had finished getting ready for whatever he was going to end up doing.

“Look at that. All ready and it’s still an hour before I’m supposed to meet her at the restaurant,” said Dean.

“Hey, I bet the restaurant has a bar. I’ll go to the restaurant with you and we can have a beer while you wait for her and when she shows up I’ll take off. That way I can get a look at her and make sure she’s not an axe murderer or anything,” offered Sam.

“I could go for a beer. Sure. Let’s go then.” Dean tossed the keys to the Impala to Sam. “You may as well drive.”

“Okay. I’ll drive. Where are we going?”

About fifteen minutes later they pulled up in front of the restaurant that Shannon had told Dean to meet her at. Sam parked the car and they walked in to the bar and ordered beers.

“This is a nice place. Nice town too. If things were different….” Sam started to say, but then trailed off. They were hunters. End of story. It was best not to wish for stuff that they could never have. That only led to heartache and constantly thinking of what-ifs. Daydreaming about stuff you’d never have could distract you enough to get you killed.

It was an unspoken thing between the brothers. This was their life. The family business. Hunting down some evil sons of bitches and saving people. That was never gonna happen if they settled down in some town, found nice girls and got married and had a white picket fence and two point two kids each.

“Yeah, Sam, this is a nice town. Even better, it doesn’t seem like there is anything supernatural going on around here. What you see is what you get,” Dean agreed with his brother, avoiding that whole what-if thing.

The guys sat and enjoyed their beers and a little before eight Shannon entered the restaurant, spotted the brothers at the bar and headed right over to them.

In a spontaneous gesture, Shannon leaned up and kissed Dean on the mouth and turned to Sam and said, “Hi, I’m Shannon. You must be Sam?”

“Yeah, I’m Sam. Nice to meet you.” And they shook hands.

Sam drained the last couple of swallows of his beer and placed his empty bottle on the bar and stood up to go.

“Are you running off already?” Shannon asked Sam.

“I am. I was just keeping him company until you showed up. You two have a great dinner. It was very nice to meet you,” said Sam as he turned to walk out of the bar.

“I hope I didn’t run him off or anything. He could have stayed and eaten with us,” Shannon said a little concerned.

“No, he had someplace else to be. He’d hate it if I told you this, but he really does like chick flicks and I’ll never go watch those with him. There was one starting around eight thirty and he was going to go do that. He can eat popcorn or he’ll get something later. Don’t worry about him. He’s actually in heaven getting to go do what he wants without having to compromise with me,” Dean told her, actually laughing a little.

“Okay. I just hope he didn’t think I was rude or anything,” she said.

“Don’t worry about him. As you’ve seen, he’s a big boy. Let’s go get a table, I’m starved,” Dean said putting his empty bottle on the bar and taking her arm and heading to the hostess area.

They enjoyed a nice and relaxing dinner. Dean actually had very nice table manners. If his brother had been watching him eat, he’d have said something like, “Who are you and what did you do with my brother?”

Dean as the older brother had this habit of eating like a pig around Sam. He’d been doing it his whole life. It was a source of personal amusement to Dean to see how quickly he could make Sam pull one of those bitchy-Sam faces and say something about Dean being a pig or something to that effect.

But Dean had learned some table manners in his life and was polite and charming with Shannon the entire meal. They talked about her job and why she was so good with firearms. Those two things were completely unrelated. She had a job managing a large bank in the downtown district, but she learned to shoot from her dad as a kid.

Shannon’s father had been a gun dealer and had explained to her from a very early age that it wasn’t just the nice guys who had guns. He insisted she learn to fire a variety of weapons and she still made a habit of going to the range at least once a month to stay in practice. That was what she was doing at the range during her lunch hour from work.

While Shannon had given Dean some personal background on herself, he was a bit less forthcoming, other that to tell her that his job required a lot of travel and that he never stayed in one place very long and that he was currently on a road trip with his brother Sam. He told her they were on the way to meet a family friend early the following week.

After the waiter had come and cleared away their dessert dishes and they were finishing their coffee Shannon reached across the table and put her hand on top of Dean’s. He looked up at her and smiled.

Shannon smiled back and spoke earnestly before she could change her mind, “Dean, I have something to ask you that is really out of character for me. You know that I told you during dinner that I had broken up with my boyfriend six months ago and hadn’t dated since then?”

“Yeah, I remember.” Dean replied, not really sure where she was getting ready to go with this.

“I really like you and I think that you really like me, too, and in fact you’ve been nothing but gracious all night and I can tell that you think I’m a nice girl and you are doing such a sweet job of almost courting me. But I’ve given this some thought. I am a nice girl and as much as I’d like to be courted by you I know you are leaving in less than three days and then I’ll never see you again,” she rushed on.

Dean sat back in his chair. So this was it? The brush off, because he wasn’t going to be in town long, it just wasn’t going to happen for them. Damn, and he really liked her too.

“Okay. I get it. Maybe dinner was just a stupid idea. It’s just nice when you meet someone that you really connect to, but I understand. I’m leaving town and it isn’t worth your time or effort since that’s all it can be. I’m sorry that you feel that way because I like you a lot, but I get it. I totally understand. If it’s easier for you, I can stay and pay the check and then I can call a cab to take me back to the motel.” Dean finished giving her the option of getting up and walking out of his life, just like that.

“Oh, Dean. No. That’s not what I meant at all. What I was trying to say, and apparently badly, is that we don’t have time to court since you are leaving so soon. I like you a lot too. What I’m trying to say is that I don’t have to be anywhere until work on Monday morning and I’d like you to come home with me and spend the entire weekend together making love, or at least no strings attached sex, and when Monday rolls around we won’t have regretted wasting even one minute tap dancing around our attraction to each other,” Shannon finished looking Dean straight in the eye.

Dean looked her back in the eye and realized she wasn’t kidding. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, their little romance would never amount to anything serious because he had a job to do and when it was time to leave, he’d leave. As simple as that. Somehow she knew that and was okay with it.

“Not to be crass or anything, but let me just get this straight. I pay the bill, we swing by the motel so I can leave a note for Sam and pick up a few things and then we go to your house and have no strings attached, mind-blowing sex for the next two and a half days and then we go our separate ways. Is that what you are offering me?” he asked her incredulously.

“Yes. That’s exactly what I’m offering you,” she admitted to him refusing to look away or be embarrassed.

“Okay. What are we waiting for then? Where’d that waiter go?” Dean said looking around.

Some time later, after stopping by the motel so that Dean could get some of his things and leave a note for Sam telling where he’d be and to call him only in an emergency; Shannon had driven them to her house in a suburban neighborhood. It was a nice neighborhood and her house was well maintained and inviting.

They got out of the car and headed up the walk; Shannon opened the door and led Dean into the entryway. He dropped his bag at his feet, closed the door and reached for her all at once and said, “Come here. Now.” Pulling her toward his body and wrapping his arms around her and dipping his head to hers for their first real kiss.

She went willingly into his arms and wrapped hers around his neck and tilted her head back to make her mouth more accessible to his.

Dean set the pace and she let him. He was clearly doing something he loved. He started out gently just brushing their lips together and then angled his head just a little and traced her lower lip with his tongue, she responded by gasping lightly and opening her mouth to him. He took advantage of the invitation and after sucking on her lower lip, slid his tongue partway into her mouth, she responded by gently sucking on his tongue like he had sucked on her lip.

As their tongues tangled together, Dean took a step backwards, pulling her with him and leaned against the wall, spreading his legs slightly to put them at a more compatible height. She took that as an invitation and fitted her body right up against his and their entire torsos were touching each other. Shannon could feel Dean’s desire through the fabric of their clothes. It had been so long since she had been with a man she shivered with anticipation.

Dean felt her shiver and pulled his head back from hers and broke the kiss, “You couldn’t possibly be cold right now. You are so hot I feel like I’m going to melt.” He said smiling down at her.

“I’m not cold. That was a different kind of shiver and you know it. You just want me to tell you how hot and irresistible you are, like you don’t know, you egomaniac.”

“Guilty,” he said with one of the Dean Winchester patented ‘I’m gonna have you out of your panties in a few seconds’ smile. “You want to do this in the entryway, or show me where your bedroom is?”

“Entryway is good,” she said almost like she was thinking about it, laughed and said, “Bed is better. Grab your bag and come on.” She walked away knowing full well Dean was ready to follow her anywhere at the moment.

Dean opened his bag and took out some condoms and lube and put them on her nightstand. “Don’t mean to be presumptuous, but it is always good to be prepared.”

“Regular Boy Scout, aren’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said as he gave her what he thought was the Boy Scout salute, but being John Winchester’s son and spending his entire lifetime hunting and moving from town to town, he had absolutely no idea what the Boy Scout salute looked like.

“As a Boy Scout, I think I also know when we have on too many clothes for the weather conditions, and I think that I need to lose a few pretty quick, and I’m thinking the same for you,” said Dean as he sat on the end of her bed and started to take off his boots.

Shannon started to take off her clothes too.

“No. Just stand there and wait for me. I’ll take your clothes off. It’s just that it takes forever to get my boots off and if I don’t do that right now it could be a mood killer in a few minutes.” He told her seriously working his boots free of his feet, then his socks. She stood there watching him.

“You sure wear a lot of clothes, Dean. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a guy with, how many shirts do you, actually have on?” she laughed while she was looking at him.

“Are you making fun of me? I don’t have on that much stuff. I have on a t-shirt, and a long sleeve shirt, and a jacket. What? You’ve never heard of layering? Makes more sense than one thick layer or freezing your ass off if you get caught unawares in just a t-shirt,” Dean explained like it was just the natural order of things.

“Now I know you are a Boy Scout. What do you say I help you take off some of your clothes while you help me take off mine? We can take turns, but I have a feeling I’ll be naked before you. I’ll go first,” Shannon said stepping closer to Dean.


“Gimme this jacket, Dean.” She said as she slipped his jacket off his arms and leaned up on the tips of her toes and kissed his neck and nibbled his ear.

“My turn. Let’s start by having you take off this lacy sweater thing.” Dean walked behind her and as he slid it down her arms and off her body nuzzled her neck and sucked on that spot under her ear where her neck met her shoulder. “Your turn.”

“Let’s see,” she purred as she took off his long sleeved shirt and added that to the pile of clothing that was getting bigger as they each took a turn. She ran her fingers lightly up the bare skin on both of his forearms, ending with his hands. Rubbing them one at a time very lightly but wonderful skin on skin contact; that was just the beginning.

Dean walked around her body appraisingly and looking for all the world like deciding which would be the next piece of clothing he removed from her body was of paramount importance. He stopped in front of her and bent and took her mouth in a slow, wet kiss as he reached behind her and unbuttoned and unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. He knelt in front of her and urged her to lift first one foot then the other and put her skirt in the ever growing pile.

Dean saw that Shannon was standing in front of him now clad in high heeled sandals, a lacy thong and a top with a bra under it. While he was down on the floor before her he ran his hands up her gorgeous legs one at a time and leaned in and licked up one inner thigh and then the other. He got up higher on his knees and wrapped his arms around her, cupping her ass and pulling her lace covered crotch near his face, then rubbing his nose in the lace. She was so hot down there, and he could smell her arousal. He rubbed her with his fingers on the outside of her panties until he heard her gasp and moan out loud.

“Dean, come up here. It’s my turn,” she begged.

Dean stood up and said to her, “Baby, you are beautiful. I could have stayed on my knees in front of you all night doing all kinds of wonderful stuff to you. I love your lacy panties. So pretty, just like you.”

This time she took her time and appraised him and what he had left on. He had on a t-shirt, a pair of jeans and presumably some type of underwear. She stepped behind him and ran her hands up the inside of his t-shirt first touching the skin on his back and then bringing her hands around and touching his ribs, his flat abs and then lightly grazing his nipples, before sliding her hands back down and grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and lifting it up towards his head as high as she could reach. “Help me get this off of you, you are too tall for me to do it by myself.” And as he raised his hands above his head to take off his shirt she came around and leaned in and licked his chest and took one nipple in her mouth while she lightly pinched the other one. Dean squirmed under her touch, but let her have at him. She was lost in touching and licking his golden torso, beautifully muscled and strong with tight flat abs. She couldn’t stop touching him and licking him.

Dean finally raised his hands up to touch her shoulders and said, “Baby, I don’t want you to stop, but it’s my turn now. And I want that shirt off and you standing in front of me in heels and your bra and panties with your hair hanging down your back and nothing else.” Then he unbuttoned her shirt and added it to the pile. “You are so gorgeous it almost hurts to look at you. Come here,” as he grabbed her hand and took a few steps toward her mirror. He placed her in front of the mirror so she could see herself and he stood behind her. “Do you see how beautiful you are? In your panties and your bra with your hair hanging down like that?” He touched her then, he fisted her hair in one hand and pulled her head back and to the side and leaned down and kissed her neck and shoulder and reached up with his other hand and touched her nipples through her lacy bra. “Open your eyes and look at yourself, you look so hot and like you want it so bad. You look like you are so ready to get fucked, don’t you? Your lips are open and your eyes are almost black, and you are breathing these sweet little breaths. Oh, baby, I want to fuck you so bad. Tell me what you want.” Dean whispered in her ear with a fistful of her hair still in his hand.

“I want you to touch me all over. I want you to lick my pussy till I come all over your face. I want you to fuck me, I want to suck you hard again and then I want to do it all again, over and over until we pass out from exhaustion.” Shannon looked at Dean’s eyes in the mirror as he held onto that fistful of her hair and told Dean in no uncertain terms what she wanted from him that night. “If you have other plans, that’s okay too. Just want to come so bad just for you and I’ll do anything you tell me to. I am so wet right now just standing here thinking about fucking you, God are we still wearing clothes? I am so ready right now.”

Dean let go of her hair and said, “It’s your turn, but I’m done playing. Take the rest of my clothes off me. Now.”

Shannon unbuttoned the fly of Dean’s pants and slowly slid the zipper down, and then eased his pants and briefs down all together. She went down to her knees to help him get them off his feet like he did for her with her skirt, only to find herself at the exact right height to take his cock in her hand and lick the slit where the pre-cum was pooling in anticipation of what was coming. She stayed on her knees in her panties and bra and heels and held onto the base of his cock with one hand while she cradled his swollen balls in the other and then slid his cock into her mouth and licked and then slid back and sucked on just the head of it like a lollipop and milking his juices out of the tip and rolling it around on her tongue and then opening her throat and sliding his cock all the way down her throat.

Dean moaned low in his throat, and put one hand on either side of her head and with almost super human effort took a step back until his cock was completely out of her mouth.

“I can’t believe I just did that because that felt so good and you are a very good girl to go down on your knees for me, but I want you to come first. Okay? Come up here, baby and let’s get the rest of these clothes off you and climb on the bed, alright? Do you want me to make you come? I want to taste you so bad, I love pussy and yours smelled so sweet when I was down there with my nose in your panties. I could smell how wet and turned on you were.” Dean said all this as he helped her to her feet, took off her shoes, and her bra and finally her panties. He finally had a look at her completely naked and he was so impressed with how beautiful she was that it almost took his breath away.

“Come here,” said Dean as he pulled her to him and kissed her mouth and reached down with one hand and slid his fingers through her wet slit and opened her lips to his fingers getting them wet with her juices. “I think you are ready for me just the way you are, but I think we can do even better than that, don’t you? Get on the bed for me.”

Shannon turned from Dean and pulled the covers down and arranged the pillows then looked over her shoulder, “How do you want me? On my back, on my knees, or straddling your face and holding onto the headboard?”

“You’re a saucy little thing, aren’t you? What do you want?”

“Seriously, you gonna let me pick? ’Cause I want to straddle your face and grind my pussy on it while you eat me till I come all over you and then I want you to bend me over and fuck me till I come again. That’s what I want. Can I have that, please?”

“Oh, baby. You know what you want. Do you know how hot that is that you just came out and told me and didn’t make me guess? You can have anything you want. You just tell me and I’ll do my best, okay?”

“Okay. Then I guess it’s you that needs to get on the bed, huh?”

“I guess so,” said Dean as he brushed past her and got situated on her bed. “How’s this, can you reach if my head is here?”

“Perfect,” said Shannon as she climbed up on the bed and laid on Dean’s body, touching all the way from foot to mouth. She kind of did this thing where she was grinding herself on Dean and rubbing his cock between their stomachs as she licked his pouty lips and slid her tongue in his mouth. “Did you know that your mouth is so fucking sexy? Your lips are so pink and lush and I can’t wait till your mouth is on my cunt. Are you ready for me to slide up and ride your face? I am getting so wet. I can’t believe how wet I am and how much I want you to taste me.”

“Any time you’re ready. Come on up here,” said Dean as he helped her up so she could straddle his face with one knee on either side of his head and grip the head board. He leaned up and ran his tongue up the entire length of her, opening her lips with his tongue and then up to the top and under her hood and around her clit. Jesus, she was so wet and sweet, god he loved this. But what he really loved was that she wasn’t too shy to ask for what she wanted. And, as it turns out the lady had had herself a great idea. Dean loved eating pussy, but wasn’t sure sometimes how much pressure to put on a girl if it was someone new, sometimes he backed off a little because he didn’t want it to be too much, too soon, but with her on top and getting to determine how much pressure she could take, he’d gladly let her grind all over his face. In fact, he was fucking loving this and she had just started.

“Oh, Dean, oh, just like that. God, you are incredible. I knew that when I saw your mouth and your lips that you would be so good at this. Then when you kissed me, your tongue was so good and wet and soft and forceful all at the same time. I knew I wanted you eating my pussy, licking it all up. Oh, god, more, more. You are so fucking good at that.” She said as Dean slicked his tongue inside of her and fingered her clit, then licked her clit and slid one finger in her pussy while she was angling her hips left and right, forward and back, until she settled on a circular motion that let him get to every single part of her pussy and clit, sucking her shaved pussy and fingering her and moaning while he lapped up her juices.

Shannon let go of the iron headboard with one hand and sucked two of her fingers into her mouth and then reached down and tweaked her nipples while she was sliding all over Dean’s face and getting him drenched, and he never slowed down, never pulled her off of him, he took everything she had and gave her everything back. She had hold of her nipple, and he shoved three fingers in her cunt and then went to work on her clit and didn’t back off until she was shaking and squeezing her legs against his ears and her whole body started to shake and she was panting and moaning, “Dean, Dean, now! Oh my god, oh fuck, ooooooooooooooooooh god, I’m coming.” And trailing off into and unintelligible whimper as she slowly came down while he licked her pussy lips and her slit clean of as much of her girl-come as he could get to.

Jesus, he loved eating pussy and that was incredible. She was still astraddle his face, but she reached over and grabbed a condom and slid off of his face and down his body and started kissing him, licking his chin and all around his mouth so she could get to taste her own juices off his skin and his mouth.

“Mmmm. Tasty, huh?” said Dean as she climbed and squirmed all over him trying to get closer to him and taste more of herself. “Nasty girl, aren’t you? You ready for me to bend you over and fuck you silly? That was what you wanted, wasn’t it?”

“Can I suck your cock a little first, before we put the condom on and fuck? Your cock is so big and fat and I want to taste you more first. I’ll put the condom on in a minute, okay?”

“You think I’m gonna argue with that? Help yourself,” said Dean since his cock was about as hard as concrete after letting Shannon ride his face like that. At one point, Dean thought he might shoot his load without anyone even touching him, but he concentrated on waiting; he didn’t want to come until he was buried balls deep in her and fucking her doggie-style like she wanted. In fact, he wanted her begging for more while he was fucking her from behind. He figured she would, too; she was one nasty girl, and god was she nasty. She knew her way around the bedroom like she knew her way around her guns.

Shannon slid down Dean’s body, she still had the condom in her hand and set it on the bed and got to work licking Dean’s cock. “So good, baby. You are such a good cocksucker. I’m not gonna shoot my load down your throat this time ’cause you want it doggie-style, but I’m gonna fuck your mouth later and let you show me what a great cocksucker you are. I want you to deep throat me while I shoot my load. You like that, huh? Your mouth is incredible and I can hardly wait, but why don’t you slide that condom on me so I can fuck you? You ready for me to bend you over? ’Cause I am.”

Shannon opened the package the condom was in and slid it down Dean’s throbbing cock and then got on her knees with her ass in the air, legs spread apart with her wet pink pussy facing Dean. That was all the invitation he needed.

But he was gonna make her beg. He lined himself right up to her wet dripping cunt and just slid the tip of his cock along her slit and then leaned back breaking contact.

“Shannon, baby, tell me what you want.”

“Dean, come on. Please, don’t make me wait.”

“Don’t make you wait for what? Shannon, what don’t you want to wait for? Tell me exactly, ’cause I got all day. What do you want, baby?”

“Dean. I want you to fuck me. Slide your big fat cock in my dripping wet pussy and fuck me till I come all over you. Fuck me hard until you are so ready and then shoot your load. I want you to fill me up and make me squirm and keep fucking me. Please, now.”

Dean slid forward again and he was being a prick and he knew it, but she was loving this. “Like this, Shannon? You want this cock in your wet pussy? You ready to get fucked now, little girl?”

“God, yes. Dean, please.” And she reached back and grabbed his thigh and pulled him toward her as she slammed herself back impaling herself on his throbbing cock. “That’s what I want. Now stop teasing me and fuck me.”

“Not begging now are you, you pushy bitch? I fucking love that. You just know what you want and aren’t afraid to ask for it. Hold on.” And Dean gave her everything she wanted, everything she begged for, and stuff she hadn’t. He worked her pussy with his cock just like she had worked her pussy on his face. He started out just in and out, then side to side and forward and back, and then settled on holding her hips while he did a circular motion.

Shannon reached up and cupped his balls with her hand and squeezed them and rubbed them while he fucked her then she let go of his balls and started rubbing her swollen clit while he fucked her good.

He was so close, “Shannon, baby, you ready to come again? I am so close but I need you to come for me one more time all over me. You touching yourself? Your pussy is so wet and I can feel it sucking my cock in with every thrust. Come on baby, come on. Come for me.” And he pulled her hips back as he thrust forward with his cock and he felt her pussy contract on his cock at the same time he was coming and kept sliding his cock in and out of her until they both came down from their orgasms.

He slipped himself from her body and rolled her over while sliding the condom off and holding it to the side until he could dispose of it properly. He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the mouth.

“Good god, woman, you trying to kill me? Not that I’m complaining because this would be a hell of a way to go.”

“Not gonna kill you. If you are up for it, we have two more days, what do you say? You want to stick around or have me drop you off and you can spend the weekend with your brother?”

“Are you kidding? You aren’t getting rid of me that easy. I’m here till Monday morning unless you get sick of me first,” said Dean, then added, “Not to be gross, but where can I put this?”

“Bathroom is through there.” Shannon said pointing.

Dean got up and threw the used condom in the toilet and flushed and came back and lay on the bed with Shannon and pulled her to him.

She said, “I feel really selfish, that was all for me. Next time we can do what you want.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“No. You let me pick and you were so perfect. Everything was so perfect and I want to give that back to you. You tell me what you want and we’ll do it.”

“Shannon, if I tell you what I want, you’ll do it?”


“You may not believe me, but that was perfect. What I want is to spend the weekend making every fantasy you have come true. If I can help you live out all of your fantasies I couldn’t ask for anything more. That’s what I want. You turned me on so much by being honest and telling me what you wanted. I could spend the whole weekend doing just that and be the most satisfied guy in the world. Do you think that you maybe you have some things that you would like to do or try that you could ask me to do with you, to you, or for you?”

“Are you playing with me?”

“No. I’m dead serious. Is there any fantasy that you’ve had that we can do together? Something really nasty or kinky or sweet or whatever you can think of we can do? If you come up with something that I am opposed to I’ll tell you. Otherwise you tell me, or write it down and leave it for me to find and if I can figure out how to make that happen, I will. Deal?”

“Okay. But snuggle now, shower later, snack and go again?”

“Sounds good. You don’t have any pie, do you?” asked Dean.

“As a matter of fact I do.” She said wrapping his arm around her tighter and snuggling back into him.

“Pie. Perfect. I knew you were the girl of my dreams,” he said as he wrapped himself around her to snuggle.

Shot Through The Heart - Chapter Two

dean winchester, my fic, spn, nc-17, het

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