Shot Through The Heart; Ch 2/7; NC-17; Dean/OFC

May 26, 2008 12:26

Title: Shot Through the Heart ; Ch 2/7; NC-17; Dean/OFC
Author: softbluebuddy
Pairing: Dean/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6101

Summary: While at a firing range, Dean meets a woman who really knows her way around her weapons. His joke that she is the woman of his dreams leads to an invitation to spend a no strings attached weekend with her, knowing he is leaving in 3 days. Now he is sure that he has met the girl of his dreams. This is the story of that weekend and how fantasies can come true.

Warnings: Het, Food Play

Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters. Just having a bit of fun with them.

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Shot Through the Heart Chapter 2

Later Friday night after Dean and Shannon woke up from their post-coital nap, Shannon was trying to climb out of bed when Dean’s arm tightened across her waist. “Where are you going?”

“I was going to take a quick shower and then make us a snack while you shower,” Shannon told Dean.

“Wake me up when you get done and I’ll hop in and take a quick shower too,” Dean told her and rolled over onto his stomach and pulled the pillow over his head.

About ten minutes later Shannon stood over the bed, pulled back the covers and dripped water on Dean’s back. “Get up, sleepy head. I’ll have pie and coffee ready in the kitchen when you get out of the shower.”

As soon as she mentioned pie, he threw the covers back and hopped out of bed. “Awesome. I like pie. Do you have ice cream too? And whipped cream?” Dean asked her, completely awake now. It was amazing, it was like as soon as she mentioned the word ‘pie’ he went from more than half asleep to completely awake. Apparently Dean liked him some pie.

After his shower Dean walked through Shannon’s house toward where he thought her kitchen must be and slowly took a look around. Her house really looked like a home. There were pictures of family in frames on some shelves and also on the walls. The couch wasn’t overstuffed and feminine, though it did look very comfortable and had a throw across the back. The coffee table had a few magazines and the remote control for her television and entertainment system. On the end table there was a pair of reading glasses setting on top of a book with a bookmark sticking out between the pages at the top.

She also had lots of plants in her living room. There was a table in front of the picture window that had potted flowers on it. He looked closer and decided they must be violets from their soft-looking velvety leaves. She had several colors of the flowers on the table and they, and all the rest of her plants, were healthy and didn’t have any dead leaves on them.

The last thing that Dean noticed on his way to the kitchen was that she had quite a few books in a bookcase and the floor also had some nice plush rugs on it. This he noticed because he hadn’t bothered to put his boots back on after the shower.

Dean walked barefoot toward the kitchen with his jeans on with the top button undone and pulling a t-shirt on over his head. He stopped when he got to the door of the kitchen and took the opportunity to watch her without her noticing she was being watched.

Shannon was a gorgeous woman of above average height. She was about five feet seven inches tall and had a nice tan for someone with strawberry blond hair. If her long straight hair had been a little redder, he didn’t think she’d have been able to tolerate spending that much time in the sun to have such long beautiful tan legs.

After her shower she had put on a pair of plaid flannel shorts that looked like men’s boxers without the hole in the front. She was also wearing a white tank top that had thin straps and was tight in all of the right places and cut low enough to display her perfectly shaped, natural tits. Another nice thing about her shirt was that the white fabric was fairly thin and she must have put it on while she was still a little damp. It was clinging to her just so and her dark hard nipples were clearly visible beneath the fabric.

That was when she realized she was being watched, and noticed Dean staring at her tits. “Obvious, much?”

“Oops, busted,” he said with a smile as he walked up behind Shannon and nuzzled her neck and said, “Mmmm, you smell good.”

She turned her head, looking at him with wide blue eyes and smiled and leaned up to kiss him, “You smell good, too. You hungry?”

“I could eat. What do you have?”

“Do you just want pie and ice cream and coffee? Or do you want a sandwich too?” she asked him.

“Just pie and ice cream and coffee would be great. Do you want me to help?” he asked.

“Sure, can you get the coffee? The mugs are right above the coffee pot, there’s milk in the fridge and the sugar is already on the table.” She told him as she was taking a couple of plates out and ready to serve up the pie and ice cream.

Dean got the coffee poured and over to the table and then put the milk out too. There was something about this whole situation that was so damn domestic. Dean hadn’t spent a lot of time hanging around a woman’s house after sex. He was usually out the door so quick because Sam or John were always back at the motel waiting for him and work had to be done. He decided he actually kind of liked it. A lot.

“Anything else I can do?” he asked as he came up behind her and nuzzled her neck again.

“Yes, please. Do that some more,” she said as she turned and faced him and she was pinned between him and the counter. She raised her arms and pulled him toward her and kissed him. “More of that, too,” she said as she kissed him again and pressed her body to his.

Dean responded by lifting her up and moving a couple of feet over from where the pie was and put her up on the counter. “How about this? This work for you?”

She answered by sliding as close to the edge of the counter as possible and with her arms around his neck, leaned forward and licked his ear and sucked on the lobe then letting her tongue slide down to that spot on his neck right below his ear.

His arms tightened around her and he moved to stand as close to the counter as he could so he could rub the front of his pants on the flannel of her sleep shorts. He had his hands on each of her hips holding her to him, as though she would ever think of sliding away.

Shannon wrapped her legs around Dean and then pulled his face down to hers angling her lips onto Dean’s, sucking and licking his full lower lip.

He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, leaning into each other completely wrapped around each other and “necking” in her kitchen like a couple of teenagers.

After what must have been ten or more minutes exploring each other’s mouths, Shannon broke the kiss and laid her head on his chest and relaxed completely in the comfort of his arms. Dean rested his cheek on the top of her head and held her close.

Having Shannon in his arms like this while they kissed and then just holding each other made him realize what he had been missing all these years, constantly on the hunt with his father and his brother as he was.

Uh oh, what the hell was he doing? All of a sudden, Dean tensed and blinked and pulled back from Shannon, “Were we still going to have pie?” he asked her seemingly out of the blue.

The change in Dean’s body language was apparent. He seemed to slip behind a protective shell of some sort. She wondered what she had done. Everything seemed so perfect and then all of a sudden the only thing he was interested in was food, specifically pie.

“Sure. Here, let me get down and I’ll get the food. That coffee is probably cold. If you want to put it in the microwave for a minute or two and warm it back up, it’s over there,” she pointed to a stand just inside the kitchen doorway.

She didn’t need to tell Dean how to work her microwave. He had, at one time or another, probably used every make and model of microwave in an endless stream of mini-marts or gas station markets on every back-road in the country. Dean was quite acquainted with microwave ovens. In fact, as many meals as he had eaten directly from a microwave, he was very lucky he didn’t have a pacemaker. He had heard once that pacemakers and microwaves didn’t mix.

Sitting across the table from each other a short while later, her curiosity got the better of her. “You don’t have to tell me, Dean, but what just happened here?”

Dean sat at her kitchen table eating pie and drinking coffee and he knew damn well what had just happened. A few minutes ago he was standing in her kitchen after making out like a teenager with her wrapped in his arms leaning into him and he was enveloping her with his warmth and then it dawned on him. Dean Winchester was thinking ‘what if?’ And he knew that what if was the thing that could get him killed and he had to harden his heart a little and back away from these feelings that this woman was making him feel.

But how to tell her that he had no idea. In fact, he actually knew there was no way in hell that he would tell her that at all. He could never say, “Holding you in your kitchen after having great sex and getting ready to have pie and coffee and us in our comfy clothes and kissing and holding each other is so domestic and it feels so right, that I felt myself wondering what if this was real? What if it wasn’t just sex and it was something more?”

That was so not going to happen. It couldn’t happen. So he did what Dean Winchester had been doing all his life. He lied.

“Shannon, nothing happened. God, I loved kissing you and so far this is turning into the beginning of a great weekend. I was just standing there and all of a sudden I realized that we were in the middle of making something to eat and suddenly I was starved. I’m sorry, did you want to skip the snack and go back to bed and have pie later?” he asked her innocently with one of his lascivious smiles.

She looked at him smiling at her like that and she almost believed him but the smile didn’t completely reach his eyes. But she’d be damned if she was going to ruin the weekend by pushing, since all they had was the weekend and that was it. She didn’t want to chase him off by talking about feelings. One thing Shannon knew was that most guys did not want to talk about feelings.

“No, we decided snuggle, shower, snack, and then go again. It’s important to maintain order otherwise all we have is chaos,” she replied while smiling at him and when he chuckled and smiled back, this time it did reach his eyes.

“Wouldn’t want to have chaos,” he agreed.

They sat in companionable silence for a while, then Dean asked her something he had been wondering. “How is it that you are single? You keep a beautiful home, are great in the kitchen, the bedroom, and on the gun range. How come you aren’t beating the guys away with a stick? I don’t get it.”

She looked at him, then, just wondering how much of her crap to get into with a guy that was only going to be here till Monday morning, and decided it wasn’t worth going into it. So she did exactly what Dean had done a few minutes before: she lied. Or at least only told him as much as she wanted to.

“I guess I just haven’t found the right guy. I told you that I had broken up with my boyfriend about six months ago. I haven’t dated since then at all. We were together for a couple of years and had a lot in common, but toward the end we just realized that it wasn’t a forever kind of thing and I eventually wanted to get married and have kids and that just wasn’t his idea of a future. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t want to get married and have kids right away, but he let me know in no uncertain terms that he didn’t ever want to have kids. He liked to be the center of attention and didn’t want to have to share his wife with a bunch of rug rats.”

“Shit. Are you kidding me? The guy was nuts. He didn’t want this? He didn’t want you if he had to share you with your kids? The guy is an asshole,” Dean told her shaking his head and reaching across the table and taking her hand.

“I know. So I ended it with him. I wasn’t willing to settle. I think too much of myself. I know that I could never have changed him and I wasn’t going to let my dreams of having a family die so I could feed his ego.”

“Good girl. You were right to end it. Shannon, he wasn’t man enough for you. If it means anything, I think you did the right thing. I know I only met you today, but you seem like such a nice person with such a lot to offer. I think you are going to be a great mother when the time comes.”

“Thanks, Dean. That’s nice of you to say.”

“I’m not just saying it. You know that right? You know I’m not hanging around after a few days and you already offered me no-strings-attached sex, so I don’t have any reason to lie to you.”

“I know,” she admitted smiling at him shyly.

“Now that we have that out of the way, I wonder if you have given any thought to what kinds of fantasies that you have that we can play out? Maybe we should talk a little bit so I have an idea of where we are going this weekend and the things I can do to make you happy.”

“God, I’m glad I ran into you at the gun range today. You are serious aren’t you?”

“Baby, I told you I was. Do you know how hot it was before when you just came right out and said what got you off? Good god, what man wouldn’t want as much of that as he could get?”

“I know you liked that I was direct with you before, but now I’m a little embarrassed to admit something to you about that. I think it might be easier if I show you. Can you help me get a box out of my hall closet?” Shannon asked as she stood up and started into the other room.

Dean stood also and followed her to where she opened a closet and there was a good sized box in there addressed to her and still taped up, it looked like it had come in the mail but had never been opened.

He looked at her quizzically as he picked it up, “Where do you want it?”

She looked around and moved a couple of magazines. “Put it here on the coffee table.”

“Okay, Shannon, what’s in the box and what does it have to do with fantasies?”

“Have you ever heard of drunken dialing on the telephone, where basically you’ve had a few too many to drink and it isn’t a good idea to call people on the phone?”

“Yeah, but what does drunk dialing have to do with this box?” he asked, wanting to connect the dots here.

“My girlfriend Tracy and I were hanging out one night and had too many margaritas and we got on the computer and surfed the web and found an online sex store and we each opened shopping carts and were egging each other on and we each put a ton of stuff in there and since we were first time customers we saved twenty percent and we both ordered all kinds of stuff.”

“That’s what’s in the box? Why didn’t you open it?”

“Because it arrived right after I broke up with Bill. I just didn’t want to be reminded because when I bought it….”

“Yeah, you thought you’d be using it with him.”


“Shannon, I’m not Bill, but you don’t have to open this box for me.”

“Yes I do Dean. I don’t even remember all the stuff I bought, but since I was a little buzzed there could be just about anything in here. I want to see what’s in here and we can look through and pick an item or two or all of them. We don’t have to use them tonight unless you want to. We can wait till tomorrow.”

“Let’s see what you got on your drunken shopping spree. I’m actually quite curious now.”

“Dean, don’t tease me. I don’t know, but I’ll go on record right now and say everything in that box is there because in some way it must have appealed to me. Anything in that box is okay with me. There is nothing in there that I will say no to, so if you find something that you want to try, do it. If it means you are going to tie me up, or bind me, or have something to spank me with, yes, I want that.”

“Are you sure?”

“It wouldn’t be in that box if it wasn’t something I hadn’t thought about. I trust you. I want to play with you. Okay? Aren’t you ready to open the box? I’ll go get a knife or some scissors.”

Dean almost stopped her because he always had a knife, but in unbuttoned jeans and a t-shirt he was actually without a knife tonight sitting in her living room. “Okay, I’ll wait here.”

An hour later after completing an inventory of the box and talking about each of the items it contained and how that might come into play, they both sat back and smiled at each other.

“Shannon, now I have to go on record as saying you are amazing. I can’t believe how much stuff you bought. Are you sure you didn’t buy out the store? Did you leave anything for your friend to buy?”

“Oh, she got plenty of stuff. She’s married, so she has opened her box. She didn’t just leave it in the closet for six months like I did,” she confided in him.

“Ready to go back to bed?” he wanted to know.

“I didn’t have anything to eat while you were having your pie. I think I’m going to get a snack that I can eat in bed. Go on in the bedroom and I’ll be in there in a minute. Do you want anything else?” she asked him.

“No, I’m good.”

Dean had gone back into the bedroom and taken off his clothes and lain back on the bed with the sheet pulled up to his waist.

About five minutes later Shannon came back in the room with her arms full. She was carrying a tray balanced on top of several towels.

“What do you have there?” he inquired.

“Dessert. I didn’t have any, yet. I’m going to put the towels under you and then the dessert on top of you and have my little treat. You okay with that? Don’t worry if we get sticky, because I’m pretty sure we are going to be. We can take another shower, together,” she told him with a mischievous smile on her face.

“Well, hell. If I’d have known that was an option, I’d have waited, too. You want some help? Or do you just want me to get out of the way?”

“Go ahead and sit over there, and I’ll get it set up,” she directed him to a chair in the corner of her bedroom.

Shannon spread out several oversized towels onto her bed. She slid the tray onto the bed table and turned the light down low. As Dean watched her it looked like she was taking a little inventory of the tray.

She got up, walked to the bathroom and turned on that light and closed the door partway then turned off the overhead light. She crossed the room and stood in front of Dean and raised her hand to the side of his face and tilted it up to her. “Dean, you are beautiful. I want to spread you on that bed and decorate you with food and have a feast off of your gorgeous body until we are both all sticky and covered in food and sweat and come.  You have no idea how much thinking about that has made me hot and excited.”

“I think I have an idea, because thinking of doing that to you makes me pretty hot, too. I feel a little objectified here, though. This is the second time that you have directed me onto my back on your bed,” he said laughing. “Where exactly do you want me?”

“Same place as before, but let’s prop your head up a little if you want to watch me.”

Dean had followed John Winchester’s directions all his life so he was used to following instructions. But this was entirely different. Following Shannon’s instructions was going to end up with a sexually satisfied Dean Winchester. This was way different than following his dad’s orders when on a hunt, Dean thought, smiling to himself.

Shannon grabbed his hand and led him to the bed, stacked two pillows on top of each other and laid Dean in the middle of the bed on top of the towels.

“Are you comfortable?” she wanted to know.

“Don’t I look comfortable?” said Dean staring down the expanse of his body. His full cock was swollen and curved up to touch his stomach and there was pre-come oozing into a pool of wetness on his abdomen.

Shannon stood over Dean and appreciated the full expanse of the naked man on her bed, from his strong and muscular thighs with his cock springing from the curls where his thighs met and resting on his flat abs, narrow waist, and muscular chest and arms.

Shannon was wondering when she had ever thought of a man as beautiful before and realized that until Dean Winchester she had never seen a beautiful man before. His face was beautiful but in no way was it feminine, with the strong jaw and green eyes with eyelashes most women would kill for.

“Baby, what are you waiting for? I’m ready and willing, sweetheart. What did you bring? Believe it or not, I’ve never done this before. I hope I can stay still.”

“Dean, you have to stay still; that’s part of the rules. You have to stay still unless I tell you that you can move. Okay? I’ll try not to tickle you,” she confided as she moved to the tray. She had pulled her hair up into a ponytail presumably to keep it from becoming a sticky mess.

“Okay. I’ll do my best.”

“Put your arms behind your head,” she told him as first she pulled her shorts and then her shirt off and then she grabbed the first food item off of the tray.

She climbed onto the bed and kneeled next to Dean and leaned in and kissed him, and while she was kissing him started shaking a can of whipped cream topping. She broke the kiss and sprayed some of the topping on each of his nipples. She set the can down and climbed up to straddle Dean’s hips and leaning forward, licked the topping off of first the left then the right nipple. She blew on his wet nipples and alternated licking and nibbling as Dean fought against moving.

Her pussy, wet with slick, was sliding on Dean’s cock as she moved over him. She was concentrating on his upper body, knowing that the teasing was having the desired effect on him. Basically that was part of her plan, getting him a bit more riled up before she was ready to work on him down there.

She grabbed the can of topping and shook it some more and sprayed it on his chest and up his neck and jaw and up under both of his ears. Leaning forward, she followed the trail up from his chest. She licked up a large strip of whipped cream and then leaned down to tease Dean’s mouth open with her tongue full of topping. She worked the topping into his mouth, almost snowballing it, making him taste it before he passed it back into her mouth. She couldn’t stand it, she pressed her mouth completely onto his, filling his mouth with her tongue, and started licking all over the inside of his mouth. He opened his mouth further and sucked every bit of the cream off of her tongue, moaning while he did it.

She broke the kiss and continued laving the cream from his neck. Lick and nibble, all up his neck to just below his ear, then worked her way back down to his mouth and over to the other side. Coming back to kiss and tease Dean over and over again, she licked his mouth inside and out and sucked on his chin and his jaw before pressing herself to his chest and slipping around a little in the remnants of the whipped cream.

Dean was laying there with his arms above his head, completely at her mercy. The things this girl could do with her tongue were amazing. One of the best things was that she seemed to love kissing. So did he. He could feel her sliding on him and through some of the stickiness that was still on his chest. Why the hell he’d never done this before he didn’t know, but this was definitely a fine idea.

She reluctantly sat up with glazed eyes; she was clearly enjoying herself. “Wait. Stay there, I have something else here,” she said as she climbed off him and reached over and grabbed a bowl of ice cream. Some of the ice cream was still frozen but there was lots of very melty goo in the bowl also. Shannon decided she didn’t care one god damn bit how big of a mess she made, and spooned the big frozen pieces of the ice cream right on top of Dean’s throbbing cock making him jump.

“Stay still. I know it’s cold. Don’t worry, I’ll warm you back up.” And with that she proceeded to pour the rest of the melted goo all over his thighs and back up over his balls and cock and chest.

“Holy shit, Shannon! Are you going to be able to eat all that up?” Dean asked, seriously questioning the amount of dairy products she had just poured all over him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll do my best. Even if I can’t, I think I wouldn’t mind sliding all over you with that between us and getting all sticky and wet. Ooh, I almost forgot….. Chocolate sauce. Can’t have ice cream without chocolate sauce,” she said as she grabbed the bottle of Hershey’s syrup and squirted a liberal amount along the same path as the ice cream, all over his thighs, his balls, his cock, his stomach and his chest.

“Fuck! Shannon, that shit’s colder than the ice cream was.”

“Stop whining, you baby. I keep it in the fridge. You’ll get used to it.” As she grabbed the can of whipped topping and shook it up again and just about covered him in the stuff.

Finally she put all of the cans and bowls and bottles back on the tray and took a good look at her handiwork.

“Something is missing,” with her finger tapping her upper lip. “Oh, I know,” smiling and reaching over and grabbing a couple of cherries off the tray. She placed one right in the whipped cream on the top of his cock and one in her mouth and climbed up and transferred it to his before sliding down and taking his ice cream-chocolate sauce-whip cream-covered cock by its base in her hand and then beginning to methodically clean him up.

“Mmmmm,” moaning out loud as she slid the head of his cock into her mouth and tasting the combination of the salty and sweet. His pre-cum mixed with the ice cream sundae stuff. So tasty - she loved it. She slid her hand down to cup Dean’s balls as she continued to suck his cock clean and lick it all up and down using her tongue while her hand slid beneath his balls and pressed on that spot above his hole.

Now it was Dean’s turn. He had been such a good boy with his hands and arms above his head letting her cover him in frozen and unfrozen goo, lick him and tease him while he was supposed to just stay still. Dean started moaning out loud making a valiant effort at maintaining the position she had put him in, but he was fighting a losing battle.

He started to raise his hips off the bed. He wanted it so much. More was what he wanted. He wanted her to take more of his cock in her mouth, take it down her throat and he wanted her to keep doing whatever the hell she was doing with her hand. She was teasing him down there and now she was taking the melted goo and dragging it to his tight pink pucker.

“Oh, fuck! Shannon, fuck yes. Oh my god, keep sucking my cock like that. Oh, baby, take it all. Please, I want to fuck your mouth so bad.” Dean was practically begging now.

Perfect; she had him right where she wanted him. She pulled off. She knew she was teasing her boy, but she just couldn’t help it. Took his cock right out of her mouth, but kept moving her finger at the entrance of his hole.

“You like that Dean? You like me playing with your ass while I suck your cock?”

“Fuck yes. Shannon, you are fucking killing me. Don’t stop, please, don’t stop.”

And she did stop. But just long enough to take the hand that she had at his hole and drag it across his stomach and chest and fill it up with slippery sundae stuff and go right back down to his ass.

“Might need this, Dean. I don’t want to hurt you and your pucker feels pretty tight. You sure you want me to play with your ass while I finish sucking you off and letting you fuck my mouth? While I deep throat you I can play with your ass and see if we can find your sweet spot. Is that what you want baby?” She teased his opening with her finger, while she teased him with the words she all but purred at him.

“Shannon, fuck! Yes. What are you waiting for? Come on.” Dean was getting desperate now. She could hear it in his voice.

“I’m waiting for you to tell me exactly what you want.”

“Suck my cock, deep throat that fucker till you are gonna choke on it while you stick your fingers up my ass until I’m riding down on them because you are hitting my fucking spot with every move inside of my ass. That specific enough for you?” he said that very last bit using his really authoritative voice that not too many people heard. But, if you heard it even once, it was something you never forgot.

It was almost comical to her, though, that he had whipped out the voice that probably didn’t get much argument, but he did it without moving his hands from above his head. She didn’t dare laugh or even smile though, because he was still playing her game.

“I thought you’d never ask,” as she took his cock to the base all in one stroke while at the same time sliding one finger into his ass.

“Oh, fuck. Yes. Exactly. Just like that. Oh my god, you are a good cocksucker. Fuck me but that’s hot.”

He watched as her head kept bobbing up and down the whole length of his cock and she replaced the one finger with two, she wiggled them to get them in as far as she could, and slid them in exactly to the right spot. And damn if she didn’t know exactly when she found it.

Dean was not any quieter when she found his spot than she had been when he had found hers. Fuck that was hot. Having this beautiful man moving under her at her mercy while she sucked his cock down her throat while she was fingering his sweet spot over and over, was about the hottest thing she’d ever done. Fuck, but this was good.

She wanted to talk dirty to him and make him come but that would mean taking his big, fat, wet cock out of her mouth and she didn’t want to chance missing any of his load. God, he was rocking his hips from side to side, he’d put his feet on the bed so he could brace himself for her onslaught, opening his legs wide and lifting his hips off the bed.

“Oh, god, Shannon. Just like that, baby. Fuck yes, you are incredible, that’s right, just like that, take it all. Baby, the way you are playing with my ass while you suck me off is so fucking hot. Keep on doing that. Oh, yeah. Come on. I want it. Come on, yeah, I want it so bad; you are so good at that. Keep it up, baby, I’m about ready to come.  You want it, you want my load?” he said it all giving her a chance to back off.

But, hell no. Not this girl. When he started squirming under her and his ass started tightening around her fingers she slid him even further down her throat and let him shoot his load. She slid off some so that she wouldn’t gag and so that she wouldn’t spill a drop of his come.

She slid him out of her mouth, but she didn’t swallow. She slid her fingers out of his ass and stroked his cock and petted him till he came down and then she slid up his body in all of the mess from the ice cream and this time when she kissed him, she slid his come into his mouth and let him taste himself with all of the other flavors and as she took it back and swallowed it she kissed him and slid all over him in that wet, sweet, sticky stuff.

Her tits were covered in cream and he slid her further up his body and sucked the cream off of them. He’d finally moved his arms as he pulled her up then slid her back down. He took her mouth in another kiss and slid his hands down her ass and held her to him.

“Baby that was great, but I think we made one hell of a mess,” laughing into her face.

“Yeah, we kinda did, huh? You know what? I don’t care how much laundry I have to do tomorrow, that was so worth it,” she admitted to him.  “I’d do that again in a heartbeat. I love ice cream sundaes.”

“Me too, but I think this was almost a banana split,” he said as he kissed her again.

This girl was amazing and damn this was turning into one fine weekend.

Shot Through The Heart - Chapter One

Shot Through The Heart - Chapter 3

dean winchester, my fic, nc-17, het, ofc

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