Skippy Fic Masterpost, J-P

Oct 03, 2014 15:53

Just Another by
tagalongcookies - Mike doesn't like being Kevin's dirty little secret. JONAS AU.

Kangaroos are Delicious by
frankie_ann - TAI are Australians. Kevin is not.

Keeping the Stars Apart by quintenttsy - “I miss her so much,” Kevin whispers, and Mike swallows hard past the lump in his throat and doesn’t say it’s okay that you still love her too, you know. | Fifty mostly connected sentences about Mike and Kevin finding their way, together.

Kevin Jonas and the Chamber of Secrets by
appending_fic - Kevin struggles with being frowned upon by the Bible, being just another wizard among a school of people much better than him, and a string of attacks on students by persons unknown.
+ Kevin Jonas and the Prisoner of Azkaban - An escaped convict haunt's Mike's third year at Hogwarts, while Kevin struggles with his own terrors.

Kevin Jonas, the Unlikeliest Sentinel by
neqs - Kevin Jonas might not be the guy most likely to be a Sentinel, and he might not have the coolest job ever, but he’s pretty happy with his life. Now if he could just find his Guide, he’d be ecstatic.

Kevin Sometimes by starflowers - A story about death, but mostly the things that happen after.

Kiss Me by sullen_hearts - Kevin stood back, confused. The key card to his dorm wasn’t working. He looked up at the number, checking that this was his block. They all looked the same. But no, this one said Block 4. Kevin holds the card up to the reader again. Nothing.

Laundry Day by chalcopyrite - Oh, those were those socks.

Leading the Revolution (in my bedroom) by xaritomene and xrysomou - It's Finals Night. Everyone's wary of Finals Night. A Bandom College AU.

The Least Subtle Witch in the History of Ever and the Grumpiest Whitelighter to Ever Have Lived by
lovelyhera - Charmed AU.

Left Me A Love Worth Keeping by quintenttsy - Kevin is a lot of things: a college dropout, the guitarist for a semi-popular band, semi-estranged from his parents. But one thing he is not is dating Mike Carden. [fake bands AU]

Legally Jonas by
bergann - Zac Efron is the perfect match for Kevin Jonas, it's just fact, which is why it is so surprising when Zac breaks it off their senior year. Kevin refuses to believe it's over just like that though, and decides to win him back - even if it means law school. (Legally Blonde AU)

Lemon Tarts by xsnarkasaurus - Kevin came in here so often that Mike more than knew his face.

Let's Get it On; or Five Places Beyond Their Bed That Mike and Kevin Had Sex (and one place they didn't) by
akire_yta - Just what it says on the tin. Lots of sex in semi-public places :)

Like Coffee Loves Cream by
allyndra - Kevin's going to ask Mike out. Really, any day now. Coffee shop AU.

Like Tumbled in the Mad River by amkave - Between working at the Hard Luck Cafe, and shelving books at Elsewhere, Kevin has to remember one thing. Anything could happen in Bordertown.

Little Lost Jonas by
appending_fic - Kevin's been separated from his family for a long time. Luckily, someone takes an interest.

Little Red Rockstar by
trippypeas - He wakes up to wide calloused hands shaking his shoulders and a rough voice muttering, "Tiny idiots running around town in designer jackets...Like they want to get mugged." Kevin shakes his head and opens his eyes, his vision blurry and rubs at his face.

The Lost Boys by
akire_yta - Huddling for warmth.

(Lover) Be Strong by gliese581 - Mike's leaving and all Kevin can do is wait for him.
+ Like a Row of Captured Ghosts - Mike finally comes home to a waiting Kevin.

Make A Terrible Boy by
akire_yta - He knew he should just tell Mike about this; they were married now, and it wasn't a big thing as such, really, just different.

Make Beautiful Music by chalcopyrite - Once upon a time, in a town which was memorable for nothing at all, there lived a young guitar maker. This is the story of how he got famous, got in over his head, and got a little help from some unusual friends. Or, "The Elves and the Shoemaker" from a somewhat different perspective.

Making Other Plans by
skoosiepants - Kevin quits showbiz, gets a divorce, goes to college, starts a band, and gets adopted by crazy people.

Meet Me On the Tracks by scratches_i_am - Kevin Jonas feels forgotten. Through the six degrees of separation, he meets Gabe, a curse caster, who cannot help him improve his life. This is Kevin's journey as he meets Mike, a spell caster, finds unusual friendship in Snoop Dogg, Martha Stewart, and Lady Gaga. They help him heal and Kevin starts to see the world in a different light and eventually helps cursed Marina. This may or may not be utter crack fic.

Meetings by sparrowsverse - Mike Carden and Kevin Jonas, kept bumping into each other at various events.

Merry Christmas, I Could Care Less by
hector_rashbaum - The only thing Kevin wants this holiday season is for his family to accept him again. Unfortunately, that's the only thing Mike can't give him.

Mike Is A Hitman, OMG by not_really_dead - The Academy Is... guys are hitmen, the Jonas Brothers own a cafe-bookstore, secret pasts, epic gun fights and awkward and probably inappropriate crushing ensues

The Music by mistressteacup - In which Kevin meets My Chemical Romance, makes some new friends and begins to understand himself and how he exists outside of the Jonas Brothers. And then he meets someone, and it becomes more than just figuring out who he is, but letting everyone else know. And he's never been good at telling people what he really thinks or feels, so it's a good thing he's met some good people who can help him with that.

Naughty Nights For Niceness by
mayqueen517 - Tentacles.

Never Needed It Now So Much by
skoosiepants - “Um.” Kevin twists his fingers together and tries to think of a non-pathetic way to beg Carden not to kill and eat him. He’d totally be gamey and, like, like-juicy and tender, oh sweet baby Jesus, who the heck is he kidding? Kevin would be delicious, he’s all solid and active and healthy and stuff, it’s like his mom’s been feeding him up for years and years for this exact moment. Have another apple, son, someday a scary-intense, super hot guy is going to eat you alive.

A New Kind of Family by exmptfromsanity - Mike has this problem where he can’t say no to Kevin, and Kevin really wants kids. Basically, a set of scenes in which Mike and Kevin figure out the dynamics of their relationship and how that changes with the challenge of raising their children.

skoosiepants - We are your losers, your loud weirdoes, your science stars, your shy, retiring band geeks, Kevin thinks, and sets off for the stage.

Nipping At Your Nose by sparrowsverse - Kevin needs some time away from their family after Sunnydale fell into a crater; she knows that it was the First Evil and tempers flaring that made her family kick her out, but she just needs some 'her' time.

She ends up in Chicago for awhile, battling demons and vampires when she meets a hunter, and he tells her he has been looking for her. He needs help killing Jack Frost.

No Capes by sparrowsverse - Mike Carden has been shanghaied into government service. Outed as being a person with powers, he’s sent to The Mountain to learn how to control them. Stuck there for three years, Mike plans to keep his head down and get through his ‘tour’. Too bad his plans are disrupted by the people he meets in The Mountain, especially one Kevin Jonas.

No One Mourns The Wicked by lovelyhera - Mike's green, Bill's a diva and Kevin just wants to make Music. Wicked AU/Fusion (book + musical)

No Sense In Dying (Til You're Ready To Live) by ipreferaviators - "For his part, Kevin just tries to keep himself from going to the garage more than is appropriate. Kevin knows he needs to let the mechanics work, but he's a little overprotective of his van. William tells them at breakfast the second day that Mike and Michael (the other mechanic) have the most talented fingers and that the van will be in tip-top shape when they're done, but that it might take several days for any parts that are needed."

Nothing Different by Ruth Sadelle Alderson (
rsadelle) - It is actually a new scarf, one Mike brought him last night, shoved at him with a grin. It has a repeating pattern of koalas inside a eucalyptus branch border. Mike had been in Australia again.

nothing in the past or future by
mywholecry - Mike was apparently the only person in the world who didn't realize that most popular tween idols are cyborgs. Bill just has a disturbing fascination with Disney, and Butcher and Siska have elaborate conspiracy theories, but apparently Mike has developed really impressive powers of not listening. He makes a face when Kevin looks over at him, after Bill's moved closer to inspect him for robotic parts, and Kevin widens his eyes and scoots towards Mike. "I'm pretty sure," Siska says, "that he thinks you're his mother."

Not Looking For A Miracle (Just A Reason To Believe) by
saekokato - Wherein our heroes are arrested by the FBI, Kevin is hot when he's infuriated, Bill is still crazy, and Mike and Nick play nice. Sort of.

The Not-So-Tragical History of Kevin Jonas by
scratches_i_am - William never claimed that he and Gabe were the best angel and devil team in the world, but he thought they did a pretty damn good job.

NUIM I Love You by
kalimai - Kevin leaves to study in Ireland for a year. Mike is not best pleased.

The Object Lesson by sheeplikeme - Mike is in a rut and has been since TAI broke up, but there's an open bar at this party and that usually makes things better.

Oh Make Me Over by
hector_rashbaum - Kevin looks more tired every time Mike sees him

Oil and Water by sullen_hearts - They're oil and water. They don't mix and they shouldn't fit together.

On Contract by
akire_yta - “Jonas and Sons wasn't the kind of firm to list in the Yellow Pages.” Otherwise known as the Hitman AU.

The One At the Hospital by
snailkeeper - Mike is in the hospital recovering from an appendectomy. Kevin's volunteering there!

One Boy Headstrong by chalcopyrite - When Kevin Jonas and his brothers on the Lovebug encounter a mechanical problem, they aren’t expecting an injured stowaway to be responsible. The last few years have been tough on Card, and he wasn’t expecting to find anyone who’d take a chance for a scarred nobody who won’t even tell them his real name. Escaping was only one step, though, and Card can’t keep running forever. Eventually he’s going to have to stop and face his issues and his past. He can only hope he’ll have someone to stand with him.
+Knotted Up

One Of Those Rowdy Boys by
wordscomekinda - high school AU. Switch the roles so that Kevin is the cool asshole-ish guy and Mike is the total faily dork.

Other People Are Too Sentimental by skoosiepants - What would be *nice*, what would be fucking *fantastic*, is if Kevin would stop mistaking Mike for his girlfriend.

Our Time Is Here by
dannys_baby69 [WIP?]
 + chapter two: what did I do to your heart
 + chapter three: pour yourself a drink
 + chapter four: pushing me away
 + chapter five: attention
 + chapter six: make it right
 + chapter seven: sputter
 + chapter seven: got me going crazy

Out Of Left Field by sparrowsverse - Life had a way of throwing unexpected curveballs; Kevin Jonas was about to experience one.

A Paradise Built In Hell by
crashingxxhigh - Inception AU

Paranoid by Ruth Sadelle Alderson (
rsadelle) - "He's a Jonas brother. Jonas Brothers. Disney." Mike sighs heavily. His band is useless. "I knocked up one of Disney's biggest moneymakers."

People Get Really Drunk In Las Vegas by sparrowsverse - Mike ‘do not call me Michaela’ Carden wakes up in a strange hotel room that she doesn’t recognize and a ring on her finger. One: She is never drinking in Vegas again and Two: What the hell happened last night?

Perhaps You Should Stay Undercover by
forevernew - When Kevin Jonas got married, he thought it was as happy as it was possible to be. At least, until he met Mike Carden. Still in love with his wife but confronted with forbidden feelings, how will he reconcile himself to himself? And what are his brothers keeping from him?

Pete Wentz is the Only Reason We're Dating by
allyndra - When Pete Wentz throws a Halloween party, he doesn’t just set out some pumpkins and peeled grapes. After due consideration and some time with the other guests (for values of ‘other guests’ that mean ‘Mike Carden’), Kevin is glad.

The Point's To Never Disappoint by starflowers and akire_yta - Mike Carden, captain of the space freighter Santi, wins a trained slave in a poker game completely by accident. That slave is Kevin. You can guess the rest.

Potbrownies by
smithdidit - Kevin is sitting alone at a party and gets offered a delicious chocolaty treat, he naively accepts.

Probably Not Mermaids by reena_jenkins - A not!fic of swimming and community college, growing up and failing to communicate, paparazzi and Awards Ceremony Dinners.

If a fic is missing or has an error, just drop a comment in the relevant post.


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