Riku is almost at 1k so I might as well, right. BUT WE DOIN' THIS TWO* WAYS:
option 1: Tell me what one of yours thinks of one of mine and I'll reverse.
option 2: Tell me a relationship we don't have but would be ~awesome~ and I will hypothetically reply with hypotheticals.
option 3: Ask me any sort of essay topic and I will answer it/essay
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Comments 43
1. What do you think of the style you used for Riku's? And is it just free coloring rather than any sort of set pattern you follow for every icon?
2. What's a character type do you feel like you're missing right now? Alternatively, what type have you not played a lot of or cannot play?
. . . . . I'll think up more during errands.
( ... )
Apollo on the newnew Doctor! WAS IT AS BAD AS HE THOUGHT IT WOULD BE
Unrelated but also trollgod: Apollo and Ganymede take a HOLIDAY. Where do they go. Does it end in tears and the death of townspeople.
But mostly STUPID DOCTOR LEFT ME BECAUSE HE'S STUPID. Because. Well. Apollo.
Depends on what Apollo is feeling when they leave! If he's feeling dopey they go somewhere nice and it is more of terrorizing people and probably something like BUT I'M GOD YOU HAVE TO BE NICE TO US /thwapped. If they're in SPN world they probably go like. IDK. VISIT SOME RANDOM PLACE IN THE MIDWEST and try to do "normal" things which ends in hilarity.
If Apollo is still pissy then he'll take Ganymede somewhere superrrrrrrnice and then be a complete bastard the entire time and maybe order room service and then smite them.
I mean, you live your life for like 10ish years plotting to KILL EVERYTHING and then the world gets turned over and now you're spending your energy towards other things!? Mukuro's world is so topsyturvy. He dislikes it, in a way. He likes it, in a way.
But the way Mukuro approaches life has changed, and with it, all of his relations. And with that! His relationship with Lancia. Mukuro has always viewed Lancia as "his" thing. Because he can take what he wants from Lancia, because Lancia gave/gives. Because he knows Lancia loves him and that's something he has to twist. He's not really . . . emotionally stable/mature enough to be able to just take whatever Lancia gives him without being a bastard about it ( ... )
also will you play with Riku and Hakuren more y/n :(
that counts right!
YES FOREVERRRRRRRRR. Riku needs to meet more 07G people. He liked Hakuren /o/ Also everyone Riku meets needs to meet Fourth because ololol :'D
Itachi dislikes Dietrich but continues to enjoy being a buzz kill for him.
I should try playing with more of your line up. :x
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