I'm heading to massachusetts friday. sorry i havent been able to call. my mom kind of freaked out when i asked if i could go up or if you could come down. so shes not letting me call you. talk to you next time im on aim. therese
pal foot foot (12:44:59 AM): maybe. i could probably talk about this good now. but id be pretty drawn out. and think things out far too much
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have you ever thought of how you are just sitting there. bones and just body. have you ever paid attention to how each part of your body actualy works. how your lungs actually feel when you breath? how your joints all shift when you move. its easy to think about everything but,exactly where you are at any given moment
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there was a moment when i was at the climax that everything i saw was a reflection. as if there was a mirror dividing my reality. my eyes joined the images making my world feel contained. if you could see contained reflected with what ever is around you. thats what i see
another night of acid. my much awaited plans were.......(type, delete,reverse)...to start over, i supose im comin' down off of acid. wonderful feelin'..poeticallybored (12:09:42 AM): how was your day
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i met a girl the other day that i hated and loved at the same time. someone i enjoyed being friends with. i feel awkward writing about it
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your born with more energy than you’ll ever have again, you say more than you’ll ever say through out your age, and it will go away without warning
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