Victorian/Jack the Ripper Master/Doctor chat pr0n

Jul 30, 2007 04:57

...continuing on with the sick shit ripped from chats with sam42... THE DISCLAIMERS APPLY. Squick potential, doesn't approve of illegal shit, et cetera.

[ETA: OMFG! 45eugenia illustrated it! Fucking awesome. NGH!]

[ETA2: I illustrated it, too. BECAUSE.]

[ETA3: Bloody hell. We have a *third* illustration. From thelistkeeper, here.]

[ETA 4: EVEN MORE ILLUSTRATIONS. Sadly, by me, but... a Master here and a Doctor/Master wallpaper here.]

Jack the Ripper thing:
[20:16] snowgrouse: ;iowhglkash'gdskl
[20:16] snowgrouse: I GIVE UP
[20:16] snowgrouse: I HAVE AN IDEA
[20:17] snowgrouse: The story ideas keep coming
[20:17] beatle_fool: HAI
[20:17] snowgrouse: sldkghasldgkh
[20:18] snowgrouse: I HAVE AN IDEA I HAVE AN IDEA
[20:18] snowgrouse: SAM SAM I HAVE AN IDEA
[20:18] snowgrouse: *flail*
[20:18] snowgrouse: It's, uh, Master and Doctor, inna TARDIS, Master is the Doctor's kept man, that old thing
[20:18] snowgrouse: and the Doctor needs them to go out and do something in Victorian London
[20:19] snowgrouse: he's probably off to fanboy Sherlock Holmes or something (to which the Master replies he wants a date with Moriarty instead)
[20:19] beatle_fool: LOL
[20:19] snowgrouse: <3
[20:19] snowgrouse: BUTBUTBUT
[20:19] snowgrouse: they're in the wardrobe room
[20:19] snowgrouse: putting on VICTORIAN SUITS
[20:19] snowgrouse: Ten puts on something green and velvety
[20:19] beatle_fool: fuckkkk
[20:19] snowgrouse: mucn like Eight
[20:20] snowgrouse: adjusts his silk cravat
[20:20] snowgrouse: The Master is in all black
[20:20] snowgrouse: and oh
[20:20] snowgrouse: the thing that gave me an idea in the first place
[20:20] snowgrouse: he tucks in a bright red hibiscus as his buttonhole
[20:21] snowgrouse: red as fucking sin
[20:21] snowgrouse: the only splash of colour
[20:21] snowgrouse: and the Doctor goes WTF, where did you get that?
[20:21] beatle_fool: guh
[20:21] snowgrouse: "...the Conservatory Room. Really, it's a jungle out there. You should assign servo robots to trim the place once in a while, not to mention check up on the climate control."
[20:22] snowgrouse: "But I like it as a jungle! I don't want to stunt its growth!"
[20:22] beatle_fool: hee
[20:23] snowgrouse: The Master harrumphs. "Really, Doctor. I swear I saw something moving in the bushes. Whatever life forms have evolved in that mess will develop faster-than-light travel before you know it."

[20:24] snowgrouse: The Master leans forward, jutting his chin out, tugs on his lapels.
[20:24] snowgrouse: preens in front of the mirror,
[20:24] snowgrouse: smoothes a gloved hand over his hair.
[20:24] snowgrouse: his haircut is a bit brusque for the era, but it can't be helped.
[20:25] snowgrouse: Maybe if he plays his cards right he can hook up with Wilde and spend the evening thinking up pleasant ways to insult the Doctor.
[20:26] snowgrouse: Now that is a nice image.
[20:27] snowgrouse: sitting in a restaurant after closing time, sipping sherry (god, he hates sherry), sparkling wit
[20:27] snowgrouse: and the Doctor quietly seething with rage.
[20:28] snowgrouse: He twirls his cane, strikes a pose, tips his hat. "Shall we?"
[20:30] snowgrouse: The Doctor offers him his arm and grins. That's interesting, the Master thinks. The Doctor is always enthusiastic, yes, but he seems to enjoy the idea of an outing with... him, specifically.
[20:31] snowgrouse: (and I still blame the DWM for the arm in arm idea)
[20:33] snowgrouse: Now, yes. The Doctor is definitely bouncing, back straight, spring in his step, grinning
[20:33] snowgrouse: Enjoying the sounds and scents of 1889 London

[20:37] snowgrouse: The Master isn't all that impressed by the smells--plumbing still in its infancy, smog as thick as pea soup, so he holds a frilly handkerchief (black as well) in front of his nose, disgusted.

[20:38] beatle_fool: back and omfg Master/Wilde
[20:38] snowgrouse: "I know it's not Holmes you want to find. What are you after, Doctor? Some pesky alien going about killing lowlife scum?"
[20:38] snowgrouse: YES
[20:38] snowgrouse: EXACTLY
[20:38] beatle_fool: and why the fuck am I thinking that the Master was Jack the Ripper?
[20:38] snowgrouse: The Doctor whistles
[20:38] snowgrouse: WHAT
[20:38] snowgrouse: THE
[20:38] snowgrouse: FUCK
[20:39] beatle_fool: fkadsjldsgajdfgkj
[20:39] beatle_fool: JACK THE RIPPER MAKES ME WET
[20:39] beatle_fool: hahahaa
[20:39] snowgrouse: THE FUCKING HELL
[20:39] snowgrouse: THIS IS EVEN BETTER
[20:39] snowgrouse: FUCK
[20:39] snowgrouse: HE SO IS
[20:39] snowgrouse: FUCK
[20:40] snowgrouse: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhahaha
[20:40] snowgrouse: the Doctor gives him A Look
[20:41] snowgrouse: "Yeeesss. An alien going about killing lowlife scu--" the Doctor spins around, grabs the Master's arms, nearly butting the Master's top hat off with his own.
[20:41] snowgrouse: "YOU DID NOT."
[20:41] beatle_fool: ILU
[20:41] snowgrouse: The Master shrugs "they were only prostitutes."
[20:42] snowgrouse: The Doctor leans against a wall and looks like he's about to vomit. "It's not funny."
[20:42] snowgrouse: "I don't know, the kidneys tasted nice with a bit of Chianti... *slurpslurpslurp*"
[20:43] snowgrouse: (sorry!)
[20:44] beatle_fool: AHAHAHAHAHAHA
[20:45] snowgrouse: (thanks a LOT, now I'm looking up JTR stuff)
[20:48] snowgrouse: ugh
[20:48] snowgrouse: JTR killed one woman by inserting some blunt object into her vagina, rupturing her perineum, she later fell into a coma and died from the injuries o_O
[20:48] snowgrouse: that's sick enough for the Master all right...
[20:49] snowgrouse: The Master smiles, walks over to the Doctor
[20:49] snowgrouse: catches the bit of skin showing between the Doctor's gloved hand and his sleeve where he's leaning against the wall
[20:49] snowgrouse: takes his wrist and gives it a bite.

[21:14] beatle_fool: and now I am imagining the Master in Victorian clothes brutally murdering and disfiguring prozzies
[21:14] snowgrouse: IT IS GOOD
[21:14] beatle_fool: and I should not be turned on by that
[21:14] snowgrouse: I know.
[21:14] snowgrouse: and biting the Doctor's wrist.
[21:14] snowgrouse: A bit harder than he should.
[21:15] beatle_fool: nnngh
[21:16] snowgrouse: ILU
[21:17] snowgrouse: SO MUCH
[21:17] snowgrouse: for making him JTR
[21:17] snowgrouse: I was going to just fuckin' reference him or have the Master admire him or some such shit
[21:17] beatle_fool: <3333333333333333333333
[21:17] snowgrouse: but you went HARDCORE
[21:17] snowgrouse: oh man
[21:17] snowgrouse: <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
[21:17] snowgrouse: but, fuck
[21:17] snowgrouse: what are we going to do about that?
[21:18] snowgrouse: god
[21:18] snowgrouse: oh
[21:18] snowgrouse: shit
[21:18] snowgrouse: I think I know
[21:18] snowgrouse: The Doctor's fucking devastated
[21:18] snowgrouse: he was just thinking of taking the Master to see Wilde
[21:18] snowgrouse: and his bumboys
[21:18] snowgrouse: but ngh
[21:19] snowgrouse: The Master is glad for the thick fog
[21:19] beatle_fool: I fucking love this song nngh
[21:19] beatle_fool: hahaha
[21:19] snowgrouse: he pins the Doctor's arms against the wall
[21:19] beatle_fool: Jack the Ripper by Morrissey
[21:19] beatle_fool: SO HOT.
[21:19] snowgrouse: OH FUCK
[21:19] beatle_fool: Oh, you look so tired
Mouth slack and wide
Ill-housed and ill-advised
Your face is as mean
As your life has been
[21:20] beatle_fool: mouth slack and wide
[21:20] beatle_fool: best lyric ever
[21:20] snowgrouse: yes
[21:20] snowgrouse: he's pinned the Doctor to the wall
[21:20] snowgrouse: all in one smooth movement
[21:20] snowgrouse: then takes his cane
[21:20] snowgrouse: with both hands, presses it across the Doctor's throat
[21:20] beatle_fool: FUCK
[21:20] snowgrouse: pinning him again
[21:20] snowgrouse: YES
[21:21] snowgrouse: Terribly gently, laughter in his voice: "Oh, *Doctor*." (FUCKING PHONESEX VOICE)
[21:21] snowgrouse: <3
[21:21] beatle_fool: nnnngh
[21:22] snowgrouse: Holds the Doctor at an arm's length
[21:22] snowgrouse: watches him squirm
[21:22] snowgrouse: eyes nearly closed, teeth showing, smiling
[21:23] snowgrouse: and he's... cruel. Mock-regret, because real regret couldn't be further from his mind. "You will forgive me, won't you?"
[21:31] snowgrouse: and the Doctor is nearly crying
[21:31] snowgrouse: He doesn't need this shit, again
[21:32] snowgrouse: every time he's happy and joking and thinks he has his friend back, he keeps reminding him of how sick he is
[21:32] snowgrouse: it really fucking hurts him
[21:32] snowgrouse: He is everything the Doctor despises
[21:32] snowgrouse: ...and he is his greatest love.
[21:32] beatle_fool: <33333333333333333333
[21:32] snowgrouse: mind so similar to his own,
[21:32] snowgrouse: they can finish each other's sentences
[21:32] snowgrouse: but every time he thinks the Master is... happier, normal, more like *him*
[21:33] snowgrouse: every time, the Master grins at him with a bloodied mouth and a knife in his hand
[21:33] beatle_fool: nnngh
[21:33] snowgrouse: <3
[21:34] snowgrouse: the Master moves back, lowers the cane, leans on it
[21:34] snowgrouse: twisting it a bit in his hands
[21:34] snowgrouse: The Doctor is shaking
[21:35] snowgrouse: takes his hat off, runs his hand through his hair, careful not to mess it--he's gelled it very smartly
[21:35] beatle_fool: LOL
[21:35] snowgrouse: <3
[21:35] snowgrouse: "I need a stiff drink."
[21:35] beatle_fool: you need a stiff cock
[21:35] snowgrouse: I know
[21:35] snowgrouse: but the Master has other ideas
[21:35] snowgrouse: "I can think of something better than that." He offers his arm, grins like a demented evil clown
[21:36] snowgrouse: The Doctor looks at him warily
[21:36] snowgrouse: doesn't take his arm
[21:36] snowgrouse: just puts his hands in his pockets
[21:36] snowgrouse: he doesn't have a cane to play with, baaah
[21:36] snowgrouse: the Master keeps twirling his
[21:36] snowgrouse: whistling
[21:36] beatle_fool: hot
[21:36] snowgrouse: y
[21:36] snowgrouse: and he leads the Doctor to a dark alley, near the docks
[21:37] snowgrouse: special knock on the door
[21:37] beatle_fool: BROTHEL
[21:37] snowgrouse: SORTA
[21:37] snowgrouse: OPIUM DEN
[21:37] snowgrouse: WITH BOYS
[21:37] snowgrouse: AND SAILORS
[21:37] snowgrouse: and a few female hos
[21:37] beatle_fool: CLEVELAND STREET OMG
[21:37] snowgrouse: AAAHHAHA
[21:37] beatle_fool: DUDE
[21:37] beatle_fool: that was 1889!
[21:37] snowgrouse: :D:D:D:D
[21:37] beatle_fool: hahahahhaa
[21:38] snowgrouse: <3
[21:38] snowgrouse: FUCKING WIN
[21:38] snowgrouse: I HAD FORGOTTEN ABOUT THAT ONE
[21:38] snowgrouse: and no they're not going to fuck Prince Albert
[21:38] snowgrouse: SHIT
[21:38] snowgrouse: SHIT
[21:38] snowgrouse: I AM JUST READING THE WIKI
[21:38] beatle_fool: ahahahahhaaa
[21:39] snowgrouse: o_O
[21:39] snowgrouse: salkhg'laskhg'adfsklgha]#'k
[21:39] beatle_fool: ROFL
[21:39] snowgrouse: SHIT
[21:39] beatle_fool: ILU
[21:42] snowgrouse: the place is run by Chinese mafia
[21:42] snowgrouse: exotic silks on the walls, the place looks opulent
[21:43] snowgrouse: which is weird because the house itself is skanky
[21:43] beatle_fool: mmmm
[21:43] beatle_fool: opium in the air
[21:43] snowgrouse: lots of smoke
[21:43] snowgrouse: lots of soft rugs and pillows to sprawl on, curtains here and there for a tiny bit of privacy, not that anyone gives a fuck
[21:44] beatle_fool: near naked boys lounging about?
[21:44] snowgrouse: of course
[21:45] snowgrouse: with eyeliner and lipstick
[21:45] snowgrouse: wearing little else
[21:45] beatle_fool: really young ones as well
[21:45] beatle_fool: 14, 15
[21:45] snowgrouse: I WAS GOING TO SAY THAT
[21:45] beatle_fool: need the money
[21:45] beatle_fool: <333333333333333333333333
[21:45] snowgrouse: of every colour
[21:45] beatle_fool: mmmm
[21:45] snowgrouse: some look frightened
[21:45] snowgrouse: n00bs
[21:45] snowgrouse: older kids are more jaded
[21:45] snowgrouse: senses dulled by opium and depression
[21:46] beatle_fool: poor dears
[21:46] snowgrouse: that makes the Master smile
[21:46] snowgrouse: so many broken people
[21:47] snowgrouse: now this is what he likes to inhale
[21:47] snowgrouse: opium and despair
[21:47] snowgrouse: mmm
[21:47] snowgrouse: god
[21:47] snowgrouse: HIS SMILE
[21:47] snowgrouse: I can't stop thinking about Simm's teef
[21:48] snowgrouse: like in those shots where he nicks the Tardis
[21:48] snowgrouse: grins like a nutter
[21:48] beatle_fool: nnngh
[21:49] snowgrouse: and he closes his eyes
[21:49] snowgrouse: "Ahhh." Spreads his arms.
[21:49] snowgrouse: "This is more like it."
[21:49] snowgrouse: theatrical ponce
[21:50] beatle_fool: ILU
[21:50] snowgrouse: MNGH
[21:50] snowgrouse:
[21:50] snowgrouse: proper kit
[21:50] beatle_fool: oh that's gorgeous
[21:50] snowgrouse: it is
[21:50] snowgrouse: mmm
[21:50] snowgrouse: I WANT THAT KIT
[21:50] snowgrouse: opium or not, ngh
[21:51] snowgrouse: ah, it vapourises the opium instead of burning it, max effect
[21:51] snowgrouse: The Doctor is still moping when they get a private room at the back

[21:53] snowgrouse: red red room
[21:53] snowgrouse: red velvet cushions
[21:53] snowgrouse: huge fuckoff ones
[21:53] snowgrouse: embroidered red silks
[21:53] beatle_fool: with gold accents
[21:54] beatle_fool: jet black floor
[21:54] snowgrouse: their coats are off, hats, gloves, all set aside
[21:54] snowgrouse: YES
[21:54] snowgrouse: in their fucking shirtsleeves
[21:54] snowgrouse: vests
[21:54] beatle_fool: some more gold inlay
[21:54] snowgrouse: NNNNNGH
[21:54] beatle_fool: nngh
[21:54] snowgrouse: OH GOD
[21:54] snowgrouse: BECAUSE IT'S HOT WHEN SIMM DOES IT
[21:54] beatle_fool: porcelain and jade and why am I splooging on the scenery
[21:54] beatle_fool: nnngh
[21:54] snowgrouse: nnngh
[21:55] snowgrouse: a medium-sized dragon statuette growling at them
[21:55] snowgrouse: gold-plated
[21:55] snowgrouse: incense coming out of its mouth
[21:55] beatle_fool: gas lamps turned down low
[21:55] snowgrouse: yesss
[21:55] beatle_fool: accent candles
[21:55] snowgrouse: ngh
[21:55] snowgrouse: or lanterns
[21:55] snowgrouse: paper ones
[21:55] beatle_fool: expensive brandy
[21:55] beatle_fool: yesss
[21:55] snowgrouse: YES
[21:56] snowgrouse: <3
[21:56] snowgrouse: the Doctor doesn't want a hit but the Master's already sprawling
[21:56] snowgrouse: puffing on a pipe
[21:56] snowgrouse: blowing smoke rings
[21:56] beatle_fool: this would be a gorgeous drawing
[21:56] snowgrouse: I KNOW
[21:57] snowgrouse: the Master kicks his shoes off, twiddles his toes, leans back and relaxes
[21:57] snowgrouse: the lazy buzz of the drug starting to sing in his veins
[21:57] beatle_fool: boys waiting on them hand and foot
[21:57] beatle_fool: mrrr
[21:57] snowgrouse: The Doctor is grumpy and tells them to leave them in private
[21:58] snowgrouse: The Master makes a face "Why? The blond one looked awfully pretty."
[21:58] snowgrouse: Doctor: "He can't have been more than thirteen!"
[21:58] snowgrouse: "Education is best when started young..."
[21:58] snowgrouse: The Doctor groans
[21:59] snowgrouse: puts the back of his hand over his eyes
[21:59] beatle_fool: nnngh
[21:59] snowgrouse: it's a bit difficult to stay in one position because he's fidgety
[21:59] snowgrouse: restless
[21:59] snowgrouse: limbs stiff
[21:59] snowgrouse: so he ends up sprawling too
[21:59] snowgrouse: opposite the Master
[21:59] snowgrouse: the opium set between them
[21:59] snowgrouse: the Master strokes the Doctor's ankle with his toes.
[22:00] snowgrouse: "You should try some."
[22:00] beatle_fool: OMG SO PRETTY
[22:00] snowgrouse: OOOH
[22:00] snowgrouse: nngh
[22:01] snowgrouse: oh god
[22:01] snowgrouse: I like the pics section in the Opium in the West
[22:02] snowgrouse: the guy with the cat is giving me an idea:D:D:D:D
[22:02] snowgrouse: aaahhahahaha
[22:03] beatle_fool: hehee
[22:03] snowgrouse: exactly
[22:03] snowgrouse: fucking christ
[22:03] snowgrouse: the Master making sucky faces on pipe, eehhehe
[22:03] beatle_fool: the smoke is making the Doctor woozy
[22:03] snowgrouse: he'd do it sensually
[22:03] snowgrouse: oh fuck
[22:04] snowgrouse: smoke drifting out from between his lips and the pipe
[22:04] beatle_fool: nngh
[22:04] snowgrouse: as he takes it into his mouth
[22:04] snowgrouse: caressing it like a fucking cock
[22:04] beatle_fool: blowing in the Doctor's face
[22:04] beatle_fool: nnnngh
[22:04] snowgrouse: YES
[22:04] snowgrouse: just
[22:04] snowgrouse: fuck
[22:04] beatle_fool: OH
[22:04] snowgrouse: oh
[22:04] snowgrouse: god
[22:04] beatle_fool: OH GOD
[22:04] snowgrouse: yes?
[22:04] beatle_fool: OH FUCK
[22:04] beatle_fool: blowing smoke into the Doctor's mouth
[22:04] snowgrouse: I was thinking of something hawts just now
[22:04] snowgrouse: NO
[22:04] snowgrouse: FUCKING
[22:04] snowgrouse: WAY
[22:04] beatle_fool: YES
[22:04] snowgrouse: I WAS THINKING OF THAT
[22:04] snowgrouse: YOU
[22:04] snowgrouse: FUCKING
[22:04] beatle_fool: NOOOO
[22:04] snowgrouse: NUTTER
[22:04] beatle_fool: OMG
[22:05] beatle_fool: jasklajdsklfdsjlfkdsjf
[22:05] snowgrouse: I was going to say "smoke kisses"
[22:05] beatle_fool: yessssssssssssssssss
[22:05] snowgrouse: SRSLY
[22:05] beatle_fool: oh man
[22:05] snowgrouse: YOU FREAK ME OUT WOMAN
[22:05] snowgrouse: OH FUCK
[22:05] beatle_fool: <333333333333333333333333333
[22:05] snowgrouse: 'sdlkh'sladkgh#dgs'lk
[22:05] snowgrouse: he so does that.
[22:05] snowgrouse: like,
[22:05] snowgrouse: NOW.
[22:05] snowgrouse: sod the fidgety Doctor
[22:05] snowgrouse: the Master fucking *crawls* over like a beast
[22:05] snowgrouse: crawls on top of him
[22:06] snowgrouse: lips pursed
[22:06] snowgrouse: lungs full of opium
[22:06] beatle_fool: nnnnnnnnnnnnnngh
[22:06] snowgrouse: just blows that into the Doctor's lungs
[22:06] snowgrouse: fuck
[22:06] beatle_fool: the Doctor is too woozy to protest
[22:06] beatle_fool: oh god
[22:06] beatle_fool: yes
[22:06] snowgrouse: curls of smoke twirling out from between their lips
[22:06] beatle_fool: his eyes glaze over
[22:07] beatle_fool: hands go into the Master's hair
[22:07] snowgrouse: fuck
[22:07] beatle_fool: smiles against his lips
[22:07] beatle_fool: relaxes
[22:07] beatle_fool: nngh
[22:07] snowgrouse: god
[22:07] snowgrouse: and the Master is a cruel bastard
[22:07] snowgrouse: "Now. Shall I tell you about how I managed to cheat Abberline?"
[22:07] snowgrouse: Just rubbing it in
[22:08] snowgrouse: "How I made those whores come? Made them scream for more, then strangled them when they orgasmed?"
[22:08] beatle_fool: fuck
[22:08] snowgrouse: he undoes his silk cravat,
[22:08] snowgrouse: holds it in both hands
[22:08] snowgrouse: pulls on the ends hard so it snaps
[22:08] beatle_fool: guh
[22:08] snowgrouse: makes that snapping sound right in the Doctor's face
[22:09] snowgrouse: and he loops it around the Doctor's throat
[22:09] snowgrouse: licks his mouth
[22:09] snowgrouse: fuck
[22:09] snowgrouse: The Doctor is dizzy and far too fucking turned on
[22:09] snowgrouse: a voice screaming inside his head, to stop
[22:10] snowgrouse: and he pulls the Master's face back,
[22:10] snowgrouse: "Why?"
[22:10] snowgrouse: "Was it a part of some secret plan? Did the royals pay you off?"
[22:10] snowgrouse: The Master shakes his head, pupils dilated from opium and lust, laughs.
[22:10] snowgrouse: "No."
[22:11] snowgrouse: "Just because I could."
[22:11] snowgrouse: He pulls back a bit
[22:11] snowgrouse: runs his hand flat down the Doctor's chest
[22:11] snowgrouse: down his vest
[22:11] snowgrouse: comes to rest on the Doctor's crotch
[22:12] snowgrouse: he takes the Doctor's pipe, smokes, for a few silent moments
[22:12] snowgrouse: not moving his hand
[22:12] beatle_fool: nngh
[22:13] snowgrouse: and this is the best kind of power
[22:14] snowgrouse: reminding the Doctor of how he's not going to change, how evil is his good
[22:14] snowgrouse: Forcing him to see how much the Master *is* cruelty, how he revels in tears and blood
[22:15] beatle_fool: poor Doctor
[22:15] snowgrouse: and the Doctor still forgiving him
[22:15] snowgrouse: not being able to bring himself to kill the Master
[22:15] snowgrouse: reminding him of his weakness
[22:15] beatle_fool: I'd forgive him too if his hand was on my bits
[22:15] snowgrouse: his stupid mindless love
[22:15] snowgrouse: :D
[22:15] beatle_fool: mmm
[22:15] snowgrouse: WHO WOULDN'T
[22:16] snowgrouse: and how it will be the Doctor's downfall.
[22:16] beatle_fool: hehe
[22:16] snowgrouse: how he has, and always will be the one dragging the Doctor down.
[22:16] snowgrouse: and how they both fucking love it.
[22:16] snowgrouse: He squeezes, a little bit
[22:16] beatle_fool: nngh
[22:17] snowgrouse: The Doctor balancing on his elbows
[22:17] snowgrouse: staring at the Master
[22:17] beatle_fool: lips parted slightly
[22:17] snowgrouse: yes
[22:17] snowgrouse: teeth showing
[22:17] beatle_fool: nngh
[22:17] snowgrouse: upper lip pulled back a bit
[22:17] snowgrouse: angry "ah!"
[22:17] snowgrouse: teeth snapping
[22:18] beatle_fool: drugged out and angry and turned on a bit
[22:18] beatle_fool: mmm
[22:18] snowgrouse: A BIT?
[22:18] snowgrouse: AAAHHAHA
[22:18] beatle_fool: hahaha
[22:18] snowgrouse: ok, not totally hard yet
[22:18] snowgrouse: but getting there
[22:18] snowgrouse: mind turned on like fuck though
[22:18] beatle_fool: thinking about this is making me all relaxed
[22:18] snowgrouse: mmm
[22:18] snowgrouse: gooood
[22:19] snowgrouse: luxurious poooorn
[22:19] beatle_fool: mmmmm
[22:19] snowgrouse: The Master gets on his knees, stretches
[22:19] beatle_fool: like a catttt
[22:19] snowgrouse: undoes his waistcoat
[22:19] snowgrouse: yesss
[22:19] beatle_fool: mmm
[22:19] snowgrouse: silk of course
[22:19] beatle_fool: of course
[22:19] snowgrouse: undoes his shirt
[22:19] snowgrouse: plays with the pale v of skin at the open neck
[22:19] beatle_fool: still tucked in
[22:19] snowgrouse: yup
[22:19] beatle_fool: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[22:20] snowgrouse: chest stroking porn.
[22:20] beatle_fool: fuck
[22:20] snowgrouse: The Master mumbles
[22:21] snowgrouse: "Why am *I* doing this? You should be doing all the work."
[22:21] beatle_fool: hee
[22:21] snowgrouse: so he crawls on top of the Doctor
[22:21] snowgrouse: the Doctor doesn't move
[22:21] snowgrouse: until the Master takes his hands
[22:21] snowgrouse: places them on his buttocks
[22:21] beatle_fool: guh
[22:21] snowgrouse: ngh
[22:21] snowgrouse: the Doctor licks his lips, eyes moving fast
[22:22] beatle_fool: "Doctor."
[22:22] snowgrouse: nnnnghghghg
[22:22] beatle_fool: *flail*
[22:22] snowgrouse: PHONESEX VOICE?
[22:22] beatle_fool: DUH
[22:22] snowgrouse: as if vulnerable
[22:22] snowgrouse: as if orgasming
[22:22] beatle_fool: yesssss
[22:22] snowgrouse: nnngh
[22:22] snowgrouse: he nuzzles the Doctor's cheek
[22:22] beatle_fool: the Doctor shivers
[22:23] snowgrouse: kisses his sideburns, the hair on his temple
[22:23] snowgrouse: lips brushing his ear
[22:23] beatle_fool: mmm nuzzley
[22:23] snowgrouse: nngh
[22:23] snowgrouse: yes
[22:23] beatle_fool: fuck
[22:23] beatle_fool: the Doctor still doesn't move
[22:23] beatle_fool: but his breathing quickens
[22:24] snowgrouse: "...when *was* the last time you had sex, Doctor? A good... satisfying..." *grinds his hips against the Doctor's*... "fuck?"
[22:24] beatle_fool: GUH
[22:24] snowgrouse: "Eighteenth century."
[22:24] snowgrouse: (SORRY)
[22:25] snowgrouse: "I see. And did it involve... this?"
[22:25] snowgrouse: He puts his fingers on the Doctor's temples
[22:25] snowgrouse: and mentally, KICKS
[22:25] beatle_fool: ow
[22:26] snowgrouse: kicks the doors of the Doctor's perception in
[22:26] snowgrouse: and it's oh-so-easy
[22:26] snowgrouse: thoughts blurry and hazy like shot through a greased filter lens
[22:26] beatle_fool: nnngh
[22:26] snowgrouse: colours and contrasts slightly exaggerated
[22:26] snowgrouse: and there, in his mind, a bed
[22:27] beatle_fool: washed out like the hilltop
[22:27] snowgrouse: NNNNNGH
[22:27] snowgrouse: YES
[22:27] snowgrouse: the Master can be the one with the colourful thoughts
[22:27] snowgrouse: and those are a beautiful contrast
[22:27] beatle_fool: yayyy
[22:27] snowgrouse: like splashes of red on b/w
[22:27] beatle_fool: GUH
[22:27] beatle_fool: like blood
[22:27] snowgrouse: and he sees an opulent bed
[22:27] snowgrouse: YES EXACTLY
[22:27] snowgrouse: sees a blond woman with cornflower blue eyes
[22:28] snowgrouse: breasts in the Doctor's hands
[22:28] snowgrouse: hairpins and pearls and pieces of jewelry scattered over the pillows and the sheets
[22:28] beatle_fool: mmm
[22:28] snowgrouse: having come off during their lovemaking
[22:28] beatle_fool: Reinette
[22:28] snowgrouse: and the Doctor
[22:28] snowgrouse: yup
[22:28] snowgrouse: full of passion
[22:28] snowgrouse: honestly in love
[22:28] snowgrouse: but she's just a human
[22:29] snowgrouse: and he's trapped
[22:29] snowgrouse: and he's crying inside as he comes inside her.
[22:29] beatle_fool: awwwwwwwwwwwwww
[22:29] snowgrouse: ebil
[22:30] snowgrouse: oh FUCK
[22:30] beatle_fool: he's crying in the present now
[22:30] beatle_fool: what?
[22:30] snowgrouse: he will cry even more when he sees what the Master does.
[22:30] snowgrouse: when the Doctor--wrapped up in the memory--stroking Reinette's face and she smiles at him, so full of love
[22:30] snowgrouse: she opens her eyes and they are cold and dead
[22:30] snowgrouse: her neck snapped
[22:30] beatle_fool: oh god
[22:30] snowgrouse: her guts ripped out
[22:30] snowgrouse: bleeding on the bed
[22:30] beatle_fool: oh god
[22:30] snowgrouse: cold
[22:31] snowgrouse: yup
[22:31] beatle_fool: the Doctor covered in it
[22:31] snowgrouse: the Master fucking laughing behind him
[22:31] snowgrouse: just laughing
[22:31] beatle_fool: oh man
[22:31] snowgrouse: the Doctor can't see it
[22:31] snowgrouse: just hears the laughter
[22:31] snowgrouse: ahh, a lovely little souvenir From Hell.
[22:35] snowgrouse: the Master licks the tears off the Doctor's face
[22:35] snowgrouse: soft, like those moths that feed on tears
[22:36] beatle_fool: mmm

[22:38] snowgrouse: I am so glad we are writing a psycho<3
[22:38] snowgrouse: with other Masters Jack the Ripper would be slightly OTT perhaps but with this one it works
[22:38] snowgrouse: he's exchanged a lot of his stylishness for utter fuckin' batshit insanity
[22:39] beatle_fool: and yet he is style stylish
[22:39] beatle_fool: mrr
[22:40] snowgrouse: mmmngh
[22:40] snowgrouse: gooooodddd
[22:40] snowgrouse: "Now undress me."
[22:41] snowgrouse: Of course, the best thing about it is that the Doctor's utterly fucking broken, so he can push him even more with menial shit like that
[22:41] snowgrouse: just petty showing off
[22:41] snowgrouse: The Doctor's angry.
[22:41] snowgrouse: Teeth clenched
[22:41] snowgrouse: just about spittle-flying angry as he pulls the Master's shirt off
[22:41] snowgrouse: doesn't care if it tears
[22:42] snowgrouse: unbuttons his trousers quickly--god, of course no pants
[22:42] beatle_fool: guh
[22:42] snowgrouse: the Master takes his own socks off
[22:42] snowgrouse: stands up
[22:42] snowgrouse: then strokes the Doctor's crotch with his bare foot
[22:42] snowgrouse: gripping with toes
[22:42] snowgrouse: "Now you."
[22:43] snowgrouse: The Doctor still has the Master's cravat around his neck, he realises, and he shivers as he pulls it off, undoes his own
[22:43] snowgrouse: when he's fully undressed, the Master is on top of him again, this time holding the hibiscus in his hand.
[22:43] snowgrouse: stroking the Doctor's lips with it.
[22:44] snowgrouse: the scent not too strong but still there.
[22:47] snowgrouse: the Master strokes the Doctor's chest with the flower
[22:47] snowgrouse: down his belly
[22:47] snowgrouse: down his cock--the Doctor isn't hard yet
[22:50] snowgrouse: mgh
[22:50] snowgrouse: then he lays the flower on the hollow of the Doctor's throat
[22:50] beatle_fool: guh
[22:50] snowgrouse: crosses his arms, pillows them on the Doctor's chest
[22:50] snowgrouse: looks up at him
[22:50] snowgrouse: hair getting mussed now
[22:51] beatle_fool: nnnnnnngh
[22:51] snowgrouse: The Doctor closes his eyes, doesn't want to look at him
[22:51] beatle_fool: smiling
[22:51] snowgrouse: the Master blows on the flower, making the petals flutter against the Doctor's throat
[22:51] snowgrouse: ngh
[22:51] snowgrouse: <3
[22:51] beatle_fool: fuck
[22:52] snowgrouse: "You know, Doctor..."
[22:52] snowgrouse: he plays with the hair on the Doctor's chest
[22:52] snowgrouse: whimsical
[22:52] snowgrouse: "I don't actually care whether you enjoy it or not."
[22:52] snowgrouse: "In fact, I suspect..."
[22:52] snowgrouse: *humps cock against the Doctor's thigh*
[22:53] snowgrouse: "...seeing you in pain will make me like it even more."
[22:53] beatle_fool: nnnngh
[22:53] snowgrouse: he lifts his hands, palms up--"your choice."
[22:53] snowgrouse: and he kisses down the Doctor's chest.
[22:54] snowgrouse: the Doctor is stiff and in all the wrong places
[22:54] snowgrouse: the Master shouts something in Chinese
[22:54] snowgrouse: one of the boys brings over a jar of ointment
[22:54] beatle_fool: hee
[22:54] snowgrouse: the Master ruffles his hair and smiles at him hungrily
[22:55] snowgrouse: "*good* boy."
[22:55] beatle_fool: guh
[22:55] snowgrouse: "Would you like to watch?"
[22:55] snowgrouse: The boy is freaked out
[22:55] snowgrouse: The Master smiles evilly
[22:55] snowgrouse: the Doctor is even more freaked out
[22:55] snowgrouse: "No."
[22:56] snowgrouse: "I'll do whatever you say, just... just keep it between the two of us."
[22:56] snowgrouse: The Master shrugs, shoos the boy away
[22:56] beatle_fool: hee
[22:56] snowgrouse: "Whatever I say? Well, well, well."
[22:56] snowgrouse: He clasps the Doctor's soft cock in his hand
[22:57] snowgrouse: starts stroking it
[22:57] snowgrouse: looks at the Doctor
[22:57] snowgrouse: mmmgnh
[22:57] snowgrouse: traces a fingertip over the Doctor's lips
[22:57] snowgrouse: "I don't ask for much. Just... "
[22:58] snowgrouse: "I want you to genuinely enjoy it. And *prove* it."
[22:58] snowgrouse: (fear me love me do as I say and I will be your slave gnnh)
[22:59] beatle_fool: sadfjskldfkfl;dsfl'
[22:59] snowgrouse: sorry, that was a bit clunky
[22:59] snowgrouse: just "enjoy it--and prove it" would probably suffice
[22:59] snowgrouse: squeezes on the Doctor's cock.
[22:59] snowgrouse: Bends down to kiss him
[22:59] snowgrouse: whispers in his mouth.
[23:00] snowgrouse: "I want you to beg."
[23:00] snowgrouse: "I want you to pull my hands to your temples when I'm inside you."
[23:00] beatle_fool: nnngh
[23:01] snowgrouse: "Until I'm inside you, mind and body, until you're completely mine. I want you to scream."
[23:02] snowgrouse: "...I want to tear you apart and hear you screaming my name."
[23:02] snowgrouse: a soft laugh. "That is all."

[23:03] snowgrouse: a'klsdhg'aklsg
[23:05] snowgrouse: sorry this is rubbish
[23:05] snowgrouse: don't know what's wrong with me today
[23:05] snowgrouse: was going well until I tried bleedin' dialogue
[23:05] beatle_fool: hahahhaa no
[23:05] beatle_fool: I'm just...nngh
[23:05] snowgrouse: but
[23:05] snowgrouse: yes
[23:06] snowgrouse: the Master brushes just the tip of his index finger against the Doctor's left temple
[23:06] snowgrouse: like an electric shock
[23:06] snowgrouse: making the Doctor gasp
[23:06] snowgrouse: and he stares at the Master in terror
[23:06] snowgrouse: "No."
[23:06] beatle_fool: nooooo
[23:06] snowgrouse: The Master tilts his head. "Pleasure centres?"
[23:06] snowgrouse: Another zap.
[23:07] snowgrouse: the Doctor's back arches off the cushions
[23:07] snowgrouse: the Master laughs when the Doctor's cock grows firmer in his hand
[23:07] snowgrouse: "You'll have to do the rest yourself."
[23:08] snowgrouse: "After all... I might want to get fucked."

[23:11] snowgrouse: yes
[23:11] snowgrouse: oh
[23:11] snowgrouse: opium is good for relaxing muscles for anal
[23:11] snowgrouse: fuck YES
[23:11] snowgrouse: the Master offers the Doctor the pipe
[23:11] snowgrouse: "'ll hurt less."
[23:12] snowgrouse: the Doctor refuses it.
[23:12] beatle_fool: nnngh
[23:12] snowgrouse: "for my sake? You're so kind and considerate."
[23:12] snowgrouse: says the Master
[23:12] snowgrouse: aahhaha
[23:12] snowgrouse: he's like YAY PAIN
[23:13] snowgrouse: mmm
[23:13] snowgrouse: so there's time to take it slow, the opium making time sluggish
[23:13] snowgrouse: his memories are a bit hazy from that part
[23:13] snowgrouse: it could be that him and the Doctor were sucking each other's cocks on the pillows
[23:14] snowgrouse: and the Doctor...
[23:14] snowgrouse: oh, he didn't imagine it could be like this.
[23:14] snowgrouse: Just what he sees when the Doctor is broken and empty and needs something to fill that emptiness
[23:14] beatle_fool: mmmmmmmmmmm
[23:14] snowgrouse: and because the Doctor knows this is the closest they'll ever get to love
[23:15] snowgrouse: so he grows hard in the Doctor's mouth
[23:15] snowgrouse: as the Doctor does in his
[23:15] snowgrouse: suck, swallow, echoing each other
[23:15] snowgrouse: suck, swallow, suck, swallow, lick, a buck of the hips
[23:15] snowgrouse: lazy and wet
[23:15] snowgrouse: they stay like that for a long while
[23:16] snowgrouse: just hanging there, not in a hurry to come
[23:16] snowgrouse: the smoke swirling around them.
[23:16] snowgrouse: licking their naked skin
[23:16] snowgrouse: limbs brushing limbs in the muted lamplight.
[23:17] snowgrouse: and when the Master turns around,
[23:17] snowgrouse: looks at the Doctor's face again
[23:17] snowgrouse: he sees heartbreak, and it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen. Worlds burning, the scream of dying galaxies... nothing compared to this.
[23:18] beatle_fool: x_x
[23:19] snowgrouse: and he's wiped out billions
[23:19] snowgrouse: plunged one third of the universe into endless darkness
[23:20] snowgrouse: but that darkness is just a soft twilight compared to the yawning abyss in the Doctor's eyes.
[23:22] snowgrouse: the Master and the Doctor move as if in slow motion
[23:22] snowgrouse: kisses, now
[23:23] snowgrouse: the ointment sticky and sweet like honey as the Master dips his hand into the pot
[23:23] snowgrouse: and there,
[23:23] snowgrouse: he is spooning the Doctor
[23:23] snowgrouse: penetrating him
[23:23] snowgrouse: wet hand clamped over the Doctor's mouth
[23:23] beatle_fool: nnnngh
[23:24] snowgrouse: rolling his hips
[23:25] snowgrouse: and the Doctor is showing how he likes it
[23:25] snowgrouse: involuntarily
[23:25] snowgrouse: doesn't even need to be told
[23:26] snowgrouse: if the Master takes his hand off his mouth, he fucking screams
[23:26] snowgrouse: sobs
[23:26] snowgrouse: when he pushes into his mind, he has to silence the Doctor again
[23:26] snowgrouse: the sobbing grows silent
[23:26] snowgrouse: just his lungs going
[23:26] snowgrouse: body shaking
[23:27] snowgrouse: and the Master sees everything is still washed out
[23:27] snowgrouse: it hasn't always been like this
[23:27] snowgrouse: everything's grey
[23:27] snowgrouse: just rain
[23:27] snowgrouse: rain and loneliness, endless empty corridors like in the TARDIS
[23:27] snowgrouse: echoing footsteps, the Doctor running away from himself
[23:28] snowgrouse: because he's the worst monster of them all.
[23:28] beatle_fool: ;_________________;
[23:30] snowgrouse: in fact, the Doctor's mind is very much like the conservatory room
[23:30] snowgrouse: so many beautiful things, yellowing, rotting
[23:30] snowgrouse: nobody to take care of them
[23:30] snowgrouse: brittle leaves ground to dust underfoot.
[23:31] snowgrouse: And that?
[23:31] snowgrouse: Makes the Master laugh, laugh and laugh
[23:31] snowgrouse: quicken his pace
[23:31] snowgrouse: showing the Doctor the bright colours in his mind
[23:32] beatle_fool: the Master is so evil ILU
[23:32] snowgrouse: how the burn of hate makes everything brighter
[23:34] snowgrouse: The Master shows what he can do to the Doctor
[23:34] snowgrouse: makes the reds in his mind stand out
[23:35] beatle_fool: reds! like blood
[23:35] beatle_fool: and GRASS
[23:35] snowgrouse: YES
[23:35] beatle_fool: ;__;
[23:35] snowgrouse: red of blood and passion and fury and hatred,
[23:35] snowgrouse: finding those corners where the Doctor's anger hides
[23:35] snowgrouse: teasing it out
[23:36] snowgrouse: fucking him hard, trying to cause pain
[23:36] snowgrouse: until the Doctor roars and tries to wrestle him off
[23:38] snowgrouse: the Master pushes him down
[23:39] snowgrouse: oh oh oh
[23:39] snowgrouse: THAT POSITION again
[23:39] beatle_fool: hmm?
[23:39] snowgrouse: THAT
[23:39] snowgrouse: ngh
[23:39] snowgrouse: face down
[23:39] snowgrouse: arse in air
[23:39] beatle_fool: OH
[23:39] beatle_fool: fuck
[23:39] snowgrouse: wrenches Doctor's arm behind his back
[23:40] snowgrouse: the tingles of pain feeding back into his mind
[23:40] snowgrouse: better than the opium
[23:40] snowgrouse: he laughs, this is almost too easy
[23:40] snowgrouse: and decides, what the hell
[23:40] snowgrouse: lets go and pounds so hard into Ten's arse that it might just tear but he doesn't care
[23:40] snowgrouse: just takes him
[23:40] beatle_fool: guh
[23:40] snowgrouse: comes and comes and comes
[23:41] snowgrouse: so much the Doctor's arse is dripping
[23:41] snowgrouse: and he pushes every drop back in
[23:41] snowgrouse: smacks the Doctor's arse.
[23:42] snowgrouse: Oh, poor Doctor
[23:42] snowgrouse: used and abused, hasn't come

[23:42] beatle_fool: poor poor Doctor
[23:43] snowgrouse: what does the Master do?
[23:44] beatle_fool: I have an idea but I dunno
[23:45] snowgrouse: idea plz
[23:45] beatle_fool: it's just an image
[23:45] snowgrouse: GIMME
[23:45] beatle_fool: the Master sitting behind the Doctor. The Doctor sitting between his legs, head resting on the Master's shoulder
[23:45] beatle_fool: the Master is holding him in place
[23:45] beatle_fool: but he's not fighting much
[23:45] beatle_fool: the Master has called over one of the boys
[23:45] beatle_fool: and he's having him suck off the Doctor
[23:45] snowgrouse: oh
[23:45] snowgrouse: god
[23:46] snowgrouse: YOU SICK FUCK
[23:46] snowgrouse: <3
[23:46] beatle_fool: while he says dirty things in the Doctor's ear

[23:46] snowgrouse: OH God.
[23:46] snowgrouse: please let the boy be a dark-haired Scot or a skinny ginger
[23:46] snowgrouse: PLEASE
[23:46] beatle_fool: haha wot?
[23:47] beatle_fool: oh
[23:47] beatle_fool: if you want
[23:47] snowgrouse: oh
[23:47] snowgrouse: would be Turlough
[23:47] snowgrouse: Master hasn't met Jamie I don't think
[23:47] snowgrouse: even if Jamie/Doctor is even more OTP
[23:47] snowgrouse: but fuck
[23:47] snowgrouse: he could taunt him through that
[23:47] snowgrouse: ILU
[23:47] beatle_fool: yay!
[23:47] beatle_fool: make the Doctor feel guilty about his arousal
[23:47] beatle_fool: mmm.
[23:48] beatle_fool: ALTHOUGH
[23:48] beatle_fool: the Doctor could surprise him
[23:48] snowgrouse: OH
[23:48] beatle_fool: right after he comes, sobbing
[23:49] beatle_fool: turns his head and kisses the Master
[23:49] beatle_fool: who isn't expecting it
[23:49] beatle_fool: a desperate kiss
[23:49] beatle_fool: mmmm
[23:49] snowgrouse: oh fuck
[23:49] snowgrouse: YES
[23:50] beatle_fool: the Master would be so surprised he'd kiss back
[23:50] snowgrouse: yes!
[23:50] beatle_fool: without thinking
[23:50] snowgrouse: boy sneaks off
[23:50] beatle_fool: the Master breaks the kiss when he feels his chest constrict
[23:50] beatle_fool: and it like WHAT THE FUCK NO
[23:50] snowgrouse: oh!
[23:50] snowgrouse: IT IS WUB
[23:50] beatle_fool: because after ALL OF THAT
[23:50] snowgrouse: yes
[23:50] beatle_fool: the Doctor is forgiving him
[23:50] beatle_fool: AGAIN
[23:51] snowgrouse: BASTARD
[23:51] beatle_fool: COMPLETELY
[23:51] snowgrouse: TOTAL
[23:51] snowgrouse: UTTER
[23:51] snowgrouse: WANKER
[23:51] snowgrouse: and the Master is in pieces
[23:51] snowgrouse: 'aslkdgh'slkgh'gkl
[23:51] snowgrouse: ILU
[23:51] snowgrouse: SO
[23:51] snowgrouse: HARD
[23:51] beatle_fool: <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
[23:51] snowgrouse: <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
[23:51] snowgrouse: that's way better than my, uh, empty head of no thoughts at all on how to end it
[23:51] beatle_fool: BWAHAHA
[23:51] snowgrouse: nnnnnmghg
[23:51] snowgrouse: ILU
[23:51] beatle_fool: oh man
[23:51] snowgrouse: oh man
[23:52] snowgrouse: ....
[23:52] beatle_fool: I have another image
[23:52] beatle_fool: LOL
[23:52] snowgrouse: YES
[23:52] snowgrouse: GO ON MY SON
[23:52] beatle_fool: the Doctor is recovering
[23:52] beatle_fool: lounging on the pillows, nude
[23:52] beatle_fool: still nnngh from his orgasm
[23:52] snowgrouse: nnnnnnnnh'oihk'[o'
[23:52] beatle_fool: dried tears on his face
[23:52] beatle_fool: the Master is on the other side of the room
[23:52] snowgrouse: nnnnnngh
[23:52] beatle_fool: looking very pissed off
[23:52] snowgrouse: god
[23:52] snowgrouse: arms crossed?
[23:53] beatle_fool: forgetting he's nude as well
[23:53] snowgrouse: leaning against the wall?
[23:53] beatle_fool: yes
[23:53] snowgrouse: ILU
[23:53] beatle_fool: almost sulking
[23:53] snowgrouse: POUT
[23:53] beatle_fool: yes
[23:53] snowgrouse: and fuck
[23:53] snowgrouse: he wonders what it'd be like to strangle the Doctor and rip one of his hearts out
[23:53] beatle_fool: the Doctor mumbles "Did you enjoy that, then?"
[23:53] beatle_fool: and manages a small smile
[23:53] snowgrouse: sneaky fuck
[23:53] beatle_fool: heee
[23:54] snowgrouse: <3
[23:54] beatle_fool: the Master storms over
[23:54] beatle_fool: sticks his finger in the Doctor's face
[23:54] beatle_fool: sputters
[23:54] beatle_fool: realises he has no idea what to say and stomps off
[23:54] beatle_fool: gathering his clothing
[23:54] beatle_fool: chiiiild
[23:55] snowgrouse: eeehhehe
[23:55] snowgrouse: <3
[23:55] beatle_fool: but he waits for the Doctor to dress
[23:55] snowgrouse: doesn't look at him
[23:55] snowgrouse: doesn't talk to him
[23:55] beatle_fool: stares at the decor
[23:55] beatle_fool: yep
[23:55] snowgrouse: taps his cane impatiently
[23:55] snowgrouse: on the floor
[23:55] beatle_fool: mmm
[23:55] snowgrouse: nnnghcane
[23:56] snowgrouse: checks his top hat is on ok
[23:56] beatle_fool: OH
[23:56] snowgrouse: preens in front of a mirror ngh
[23:56] snowgrouse: yes?
[23:56] beatle_fool: he moves to the doorway when the Doctor is nearly dressed
[23:56] snowgrouse: (he's so pissed off his buttonhole flower has been squashed!)
[23:56] snowgrouse: NGH
[23:56] beatle_fool: the Doctor walks by, to lead the way out
[23:56] snowgrouse: stop him with the cane plz
[23:56] beatle_fool: and murmurs "Master." the way he did on the phone
[23:56] snowgrouse: OH GOD
[23:56] beatle_fool: because he knows what it does
[23:57] snowgrouse: FUCK
[23:57] beatle_fool: the Master wants to scream
[23:57] snowgrouse: timespoooge in braiiiin
[23:57] beatle_fool: mmmm
[23:57] beatle_fool: I bet he makes a rude gesture behind the Doctor's back before following him
[23:57] beatle_fool: hee
[23:57] beatle_fool: oh we need a bit of canesex
[23:57] beatle_fool: on the way out
[23:58] beatle_fool: the Master gets distracted
[23:58] snowgrouse: TOLD YOU
[23:58] snowgrouse: canesex ftw
[23:58] beatle_fool: by a boy on some pillows
[23:58] snowgrouse: fuck
[23:58] snowgrouse: me
[23:58] beatle_fool: the boy is looking up and grinning
[23:58] beatle_fool: like a slut
[23:58] snowgrouse: total jailbait
[23:58] beatle_fool: so as the Master walks by, he runs the cane up the centre of his chest
[23:58] beatle_fool: <3
[23:58] beatle_fool: the tip I mean
[23:59] beatle_fool: he'd jab it through the boy's throat if he could get away with it
[23:59] beatle_fool: to diffuse his anger
[23:59] beatle_fool: but he can't kill today
[23:59] beatle_fool: <3
[23:59] snowgrouse: bet it's a swordstick cane
[23:59] beatle_fool: oh fuck
[23:59] snowgrouse: NGH
[23:59] snowgrouse: EXACTLY
[00:00] snowgrouse: just fuck
[00:00] snowgrouse: the look when he pulls it out?
[00:00] snowgrouse: In front of his face, sideways
[00:00] snowgrouse: ngh
[00:00] beatle_fool: the Master finds things in the Doctor's wardrobe that he swears weren't there before. the TARDIS must be supplying them.
[00:00] beatle_fool: mmmmmmmmmm
[00:00] snowgrouse: well, yes
[00:01] snowgrouse: the cricket sweaters still smell nice so he wanks all over them
[00:01] beatle_fool: ahaahahhaa
[00:01] snowgrouse: See, all of this talk about gay agenda makes me lolz because hello, I HAVE SEEN THE FIVE ERA
[00:01] snowgrouse: Who just doesn't get gayer than that
[00:01] beatle_fool: I wonder if he asks the Doctor to wear them sometimes...

In other news, am zombified from going back on the anti-deps again. Awake and asleep at the same time. Gah. Will see about continuing the commentpr0n and stuff a bit later.

jacktheripper!master, doctor who, fic, chatpr0n, timecock, my flist fucking rules, doctor/master

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