Oh look, another Victorian/fin de siecle Timey pic:P. And gen, believe it or not (although Mister Master's expression and the general 19th century photogeekery are pornographic enough, methinks). I haven't been experimenting with Victorian-style photographs much, so I just spent two days slapping all sorts of interesting crap on a Mister Master posing like a tart. I might even make a wallpaper out of this... maybe. I need to practice this collage business more, first.
But, er, v. happy with the way the this turned out. Dandyism, hauteur and predatory sensuality FTW. Studio Lagopède, 1888:
I know, I know. The dodgy scan effect is deliberate. I couldn't be arsed to save it as a PNG to get real rounded edges, though.
Jack The Ripper-y version for
Yes, I know it probably needs to be less messy. But I sort of like it...