
Mar 19, 2011 22:43

I don't suppose anyone has an idea why a cat would suddenly take an interest in tea when he never has before? Honestly, I though he was over this juvenile kitten behavior...


Edgeworth, I'm very sorry, but there's been a minor tragedy at home.

not amused, someone call pest control, cats what are they good for, teacup tragedy, family affairs, exasperation much, charming domesticity

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Comments 78

Action pimpcoatbankai March 20 2011, 04:05:16 UTC
[Grumbling as he sweeps up the tea into a dustpan]


Forever snowburned March 20 2011, 05:56:50 UTC
[Raising an eyebrow as she watches him do it from her comfortable seat at the table.]


pimpcoatbankai March 20 2011, 06:06:06 UTC
So... why am I cleaning up when your cat made the mess?


snowburned March 20 2011, 06:58:20 UTC
He's your cat sometimes.


sting_to_death March 20 2011, 12:20:40 UTC
What kind of tea?


snowburned March 20 2011, 22:51:15 UTC
All the kinds.


sting_to_death March 20 2011, 23:13:27 UTC
Does he want to drink it or just play with it?


snowburned March 21 2011, 02:23:50 UTC
I doubt that he's even aware that we drink it. He was probably trying to play.


extantlaw March 20 2011, 18:53:47 UTC
[Lucky this is a written journal as he's mildly horrified, but since you're a woman, Kazahana, he'll be moderating his response.]

A... tragedy?

[Yes, there literally are dots there, where he tapped his pen a LITTLE TOO HARD.]


snowburned March 20 2011, 22:52:15 UTC
[Like she can't translate Restrained Edgeworth to Average Person by now.]

I'm afraid KC took quite an interest in your tea stock.


extantlaw March 20 2011, 23:13:17 UTC
[Dot. Another dot, a bit deeper into the page this time. And a slight ink splodge.]

All of it?


snowburned March 21 2011, 02:22:33 UTC
Not all. But quite a bit. I'm very sorry.


proudambassador March 20 2011, 21:11:47 UTC
A tragedy, hm? Tea and a cat? This, it sounds like a story.


snowburned March 20 2011, 22:53:12 UTC
Not much of one. My cat decided to destroy my roommate's loose tea. Perhaps he was looking for catnip.


proudambassador March 20 2011, 23:08:37 UTC
Is catnip a normal part of tea? It is no wonder I was no fan of it.


snowburned March 21 2011, 02:21:11 UTC
I doubt that very much. He was probably just bored.


pompous_today March 21 2011, 17:11:20 UTC
The loss of a good tea supply is quite troublesome.


snowburned March 21 2011, 23:25:33 UTC
It may yet be salvaged--at least partially.


pompous_today March 25 2011, 03:50:21 UTC
I wish you luck, then, jiejie. I still have quite a healthy stock if you want some of mine.

[[jiejie = older sister]]


snowburned March 30 2011, 01:51:55 UTC
Thank you, Simon.


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