Another one for the coffee chronicles

Aug 17, 2009 22:05

It seems every time I go out to get coffee from the convenience store, something happens... Perhaps I just need to get out more though.

Anyway, I digress. Today, after a nice dinner, I decided to go get some coffee ( you may recall what happened last time I did this). As I was walking down my street (which leads down to the main street, where the convenience store is), I passed by a house with a front garden which houses two dogs. One of them, a German Shepard whom my dog used to go sniff and lick on the snout (don't ask) until the German Shepard tried to bite him, was looking at a (probably stray) dog who was sniffing him and licking his snout (and I have to ask myself: why the hell do all dogs seem to do this with this particular German Shepard?). Then the stray turned around, looked at me, and approached me. It sniffed my trousers (which probably smell just like my dog lol) and I let it smell my hand, after which I proceeded to pat him behind the ears (it seemed like a good idea at the time and it looked friendly enough IDK). So it leaned against my leg on two paws (the front two resting on my leg), and it let me pat his head for a while, a whistful expression on its face (which really made me like the stray ´v´ ). So finally I decided it was time to go, else it would start raining and I'd be outside (and mum would worry if I was gone for too long), so I continued walking towards the convenience store. This is when I noticed the stray started following me. I stopped and scratched it behind the ears again, since it had leaned against me again, and then continued. The dog continued to walk beside me, so I let it come with me. He walked by my side the entire way over to the convenience store, even crossing the street before I did. Then I went inside to buy some things (I was almost sure the dog would follow me inside, but it didn't; it kept walking), and when I went back outside, it wasn't there anymore. I looked for it as I walked back home, but I didn't see it again. I admit I was tempted to bring it home with me (though my dog wouldn't have liked it one bit...). I rather wonder where it is now...
Thanks for the walk, doggie, wherever you are.

jay, random entries, happenings, rompope flavoured cappuccino, stray dog

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