Meme thing

Aug 07, 2009 23:56

Since I had nothing better to do (save sleep), I decided to answer this guy.

1) What side of the heart do you draw first?
Left (I’d never noticed it hah)

2) Can you swim without plugging your nose?
Sure I can. In fact, I don’t think I plug my nose except sometimes when I dive.

3) What kind of cell phone do you own?
Sony Ericsson. No idea what model thing, but it’s black and looks like a pebble xD

4) What is your blood-type?
A+, if I remember correctly OTL;;

5) Where would you go to live for the rest of your life if you could?
I’d love to live in Somerset, England. Especially Wells or Bath D: I really do hope I’ll be able to go there soon. Haha;;

6) How do you feel about carrots?
They’re all right, the little orange things. They’re too hard, though, and sometimes you get one that tastes funny and that’s not the least bit amusing. Still, they’re good veggies :D

7) How many chairs are at the dining room table?
Uh… four, I guess? Unless it’s one of those booth ones, in which case, there are two.

8) What color are your socks?
They’re dark blue with red edges, and there’s a red whale with some white & red fish around it near the top. They’re new, actually :B

9) What are your favorite colours?
I’d say my favourite colour is cream (shade of white, y’know…), but I also love blue and green and red. Mostly, I find light tones pleasing to the eye.

10) How many windows are in your room?
Well, there’s only one, but it occupies around 2/3 of the wall it’s on and can be opened on either end, so… yeah, there’s one window lol

11) Do you have aim, yahoo, msn, etc?
Only MSN but you won’t really find me there a lot (I have my status as ‘disconnected’/’off-line’ (or whatever) most of the time, so I’m invisible or something haha)

12) Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?
Sure thing, but I don’t know the lyrics by heart

13) Do you have any pets?
Yep, a two year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi by the name of Luca. Little rascal…

14) Do you like flowers?
Yes, they’re lovely, but some have a very strong smell and I don’t like that. My favourite flowers are purple iris ´v´

15) What did you do today?
Wake up around 1pm because I had barely slept the day before. Then I had a nice meal with mum and my sister, read a bit of “The Amber Spyglass”, went to the convenience store to buy coffee and a cookie, watched Watchmen, went for a walk with my dog, and then I had dinner. Mostly, that was it.

16) What's your sign?
Cancer and Monkey (a crab and a monkey wtf…)

17) Do you wear a lot of black?
I do, I guess, but it’s mostly sweaters and coats and boots. I tend to wear jeans (which are blue, not black ;; ).

18) Are you close to your family?
Mum, dad, sister and grandmothers, mostly. Sometimes I get to see some of my aunts and uncles and my cousins. The rest of the family I get to see on Christmas and New Year’s, but I cannot actually remember who they are (memory fail)

19) Describe your hair?
Short (as in barely covers my nape) and dark brown with light brown undertones. That’s mostly it, I guess?

20) Ever been arrested?
Nop, and I’d like to keep it that way haha

21) Have you ever had a dream that you were killed in?
Not as far as I can remember.

22) Have you ever cried and started laughing out of nowhere?
Oh yes, but mostly I start tearing up when I laugh a lot. It’s still weird though

23) Do you have a tan?
Nah, particularly pale, actually.

23) When was the last time you went to the mall?
Yesterday. Went to the bookstore and got “The Book Thief”. I was also going to buy “Armageddon in Retrospect”, but being the git I am, I forgot to grab it when I saw it and didn’t remember until I was almost out of the parking lot. Needless to say, mum refused to let me go back.

24) Are you wearing any jewelry?
I am always wearing jewelry. I currently have two necklaces (one with a yin-yang and one with a triquetra), a ring on my left hand with two sort of blue leaves, three round bracelets, two plastic orange bracelets (one on each hand; one was my sister’s and the other one is actually mine), a gold bracelet, a piee of string that was once pink and is about to fall off, two uh… cloth strap things (no idea how to call them, sorry xD) and one says KEANE Perfect Symmetry and has the date of the 2009 Keane Concert here in  Mexico City, and the other one says FullMetal Alchemist. I also have yet another bracelet with several colourful beads and my watch, if you wish to count it too. The only things I take off when I sleep are my watch and ring lol

25) Are you a sugar freak?
I love sweet things, so yeah. But I hate chocolate.

26) Do you like orange juice?
Yeah, but I barely drink any. I also like apple juice and orange juice combined with carrot juice :9

27) What do you want to be when you grow up?
Well, I want to study Industrial Design. Haven’t really decided what then. But I do want to take some courses on World War II and massaging. xD

28) Can you count to ten in more than one language and what language?
Sure thing. I can count to whatever number in Spanish and (maybe) French and I can count up to ten in Japanese. I also know some numbers in Finnish, German and Italian.

29) Do you miss someone?
My grandfathers, I guess, but it’s best not to live in the past, right? (:

30) Are you single?
Yep C:

31) What are your plans for this week?

Well, the week is almost over, but over the weekend I plan to relax and read a lot. Enjoy the time left from the holidays.

jay, random entries, meme

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