FIC: Unexpected Meetings (G)

Jan 21, 2023 00:00

Title: Unexpected Meetings
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Three
Characters: Severus Snape, Lily Potter, Harry Potter
Author: goddess47
Rating: G
Summary: He almost didn't notice the woman but the red hair brought back memories. He looked again…

It had been a long day brewing Potions and Severus desperately needed a break. Between the work he was doing as part of an article he hoped to submit to Potions Monthly, the 'requests' from Voldemort, and what he needed to brew for the Hogwarts infirmary, it had been exhausting.

Voldemort had asked for a particularly fiddly rejuvenation potion that required several expensive - and barely legal - ingredients Severus did not have on hand. He had to go to Knockturn Alley to get them and, while he had gotten what was needed, it was not the best quality and over-priced. At least Albus didn't stint when it came to purchasing ingredients for Hogwarts but Voldemort - or his followers - were inconsistent in making payment. He often had to pay for ingredients himself, or 'borrow' them from what he had purchased for Hogwarts.

It was also a blistering hot July day and Severus had sweated through his clothes. He needed a shower, fresh clothes, some food, and somewhere cool to sit.

Severus apparated to the minuscule bed-sit he rented in the summer and, luckily, the shower room was free. The lukewarm water - it was always lukewarm - was perfect for sluicing off the sweat of the day. He changed into Muggle clothes and apparated to an apparition point in Muggle London. He desperately needed a change of pace today.

The fish and chips from the street side vendor was just what he needed and he took his dinner to a nearby park to sit an eat. It was slightly cooler under the trees and he savored the food and the fresh air.

Being July, the sun was still high in the sky after he finished eating and he decided a stroll would be good. He spent too much time in the lab and did not get enough exercise. Walking the streets of London would be good for him and some exercise might help tire him out so he would sleep properly.

He almost didn't notice the woman but the red hair brought back memories. He looked again…

"Lily?" Severus said aloud before he could stop himself.

The woman looked back at him. Obviously startled, she stopped walking and stared at Severus.

"Lily! What are you doing here?" Severus demanded as he drank the sight of her in. A little older, yes, but still beautiful. Her hair was pulled back by a black ribbon, but strands of hair curled about her face.

"Why do you care?" Lily Potter replied icily and turned back to the push-chair in front of her.

"Please," Severus begged. "Let me apologize…"

She whirled to face him. "I shouldn't be here, much less talking to anyone that knows me," she said.

"I am so sorry," Severus said. Pleaded for the smallest crumb of understanding.

For a moment, Lily's face softened. Then a noise from the chair caught her attention.

"We have to go," she said. "Do not follow us."

"Us?" Severus asked. "You have your child with you? Lily! That is dangerous."

"And if I had to spend five more minutes in that Merlin-forsaken house, I would be the one committing murder," Lily growled. "Leave us alone. Go away." She took a step away from him.

"What can I do?" Severus asked.

Lily whirled back. "Kill Voldemort."

Severus was surprised by the bitterness behind that declaration.

He shook his head. "I cannot. I regret that." Severus placed his hand on his arm. "I took his Mark and it prevents his followers from doing him harm." Severus winced. "Even thinking about harming Him, it gives pain."

"Then stop it!" Lily stamped a foot.

Severus snorted.

Lily smiled. For a heartbeat, they were friends again.

Another noise came from the push-chair. "Mama?"

"Oh." Lily sighed. Frustrated. "We have to go."

"Are you really safe?" Severus asked, serious.

Lily shrugged. "James thinks we are."

"Yet, here you are," Severus had to point out the obvious.

"It's a safe location, not a prison," Lily replied. "And I doubt that any of his followers would be in Muggle London."

"Yet, here I am," Severus admitted.

"You don't count!" Lily protested.

"I should," Severus replied.

Lily looked away.

"Let me escort you to the apparition point," Severus offered.

Lily sighed then gave a tight nod. "I just wanted life to be… normal. For just one night."

"What did you plan to do?"

"Dinner, some shopping," Lily admitted. "I'd love to go to a movie but Harry won't sit still long enough for that."

A nearby movie marquee advertised "For Your Eyes Only" - the newest James Bond movie. It had been something Severus had considered for the evening, since the theatre would be cool and the darkness would hide him from the world.

"We could walk," Severus offered. "It won't be the same…"

Lily shook her head. "No. I really should be getting back." She rubbed her forehead. "You may escort me to the apparition point."

They walked in silence, Severus at a loss over what to say to his former friend. They had both become very different people in the short years since they had left Hogwarts.

"Thank you," Lily said as she lifted Harry from the push-chair into her arms. She expertly shrunk the chair and put it in her pocket.

Harry Potter looked solemnly at Severus. Severus was startled by how green the boy's eyes were, just like Lily's. The wild hair was all James, however.

"It's his birthday next week," Lily said softly. "He'll be a year old. I wanted to get him a present."

"I suspect Harry will always receive an abundance of birthday presents," Severus said, thinking of Potter's friends. Black alone would buy out a toy store for this child.

"Too true," Lily nodded. "Thank you," she said softly. She disappeared in a whirl of apparition.

Alone again, Severus realized how lonely he was. He missed his old friend and hoped that she would be well through this war. He knew he would always regret telling Voldemort about the Prophesy he had overheard but at least Lily was safe.

He could only hope she would stay that way.

type: fic, author: goddess47, category: three

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