FIC: First Day of School (PG)

Jan 22, 2023 00:00

Title: First Day of School
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Four
Characters: Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall
Author: goddess47
Rating: PG
Summary: While he had been doing the work and interacting with the faculty for the past few weeks, this was the first time that Severus actually felt like he was the Headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards.

While he had been doing the work and interacting with the faculty for the past few weeks, this was the first time that Severus actually felt like he was the Headmaster of Hogwarts School for Witches and Wizards.

The Head House Elf, Wynde, had come to the office this morning to have Severus look over the extensive menu for the opening feast.

"Must we have all this food?" Severus asked as he looked at the parchment that ran longer than an essay from Hermione Granger.

"Is tradition," Wynde had nodded nervously.

"It is a lot of food," Severus frowned. Between Voldemort and the Ministry both watching like hawks, the school budget was precarious at best.

"We preserve left overs," Wynde replied. "Use for next meals."

Severus sighed, knowing this was a benign thing. Something he did not need to change. Something he did not need to do anything about.

"It will do, then." Severus handed the parchment back to Wynde. "Thank you for your hard work."

Wynde bobbed in a cross between a nod and a bow, then popped away.

Minerva looked at him daily with haunted eyes. Severus knew she had seen Albus' withered hand and seemed to accept the story he had told her, that Albus had been living under a curse. She had pressed her lips together when Severus explained that Albus had only lived as long as he did due to Severus' potions.

But understanding was not forgiveness. Severus had to accept that limitation. The fact that Albus' death took away one of the few supporters he might have had in Hogwarts was something he was still adjusting to.

Minerva would have his back, but he doubted she was his friend any longer.

Even Slughorn was holding himself back from Severus. Horace could be counted on to wait to see what the final winning side was. There was an element of honesty in Horace - Horace Slughorn was first, last, and always for Horace Slughorn.

Except for the Carrows, the other professors were professional but distant. The others were polite to his face and Severus did not think about what they might say among themselves.

The Carrows were going to be a horror, no matter what Severus did. They were there to spy on him and report back to Voldemort. Whether they would report truthfully was always a question. Alecto was going to be harder to deal with that Amycus. The woman was rabid in her hatred of Muggles and Muggle-Born wixen. She barely tolerated Half-Bloods, which fueled her attitude toward Severus.

The only good thing was that Alecto was smart enough to have a grudging respect for Minerva. Alecto knew Minerva was a more powerful witch and could probably best her in a duel. Severus only hoped it wouldn't come to that. Although a thin line of dark humor had him wondering if Minerva would start a duel as her way to deal with Alecto.

One could only hope.

Breakfast that morning had been horrid. All of the professors had made an appearance, although everyone but the Carrows had pleaded some form of 'last minute work' and had inhaled their food, leaving without discussion. The Carrows had lounged about, whispering between themselves and cackling. Eventually, Severus had to plead his own need to complete last minute tasks to leave the table with his dignity intact.

Severus sat in the center seat at the professor's table, waiting for the arrival of the students. The House Elf watching the station had informed him that the train had arrived a few minutes ago, and the carriages were making their way toward the castle.

Not sure if he was glad to see the boy or not, Draco was the first student in the Hall, followed by Crabbe and Goyle. They defiantly sat at the front of the Slytherin table.

Severus knew Draco would return to Hogwarts. Narcissa used school as an excuse to get Draco away from Voldemort - and Nagini - and into Severus' dubious safe-keeping. Severus suspected that Lucius had a thought about sending Draco to Durmstrang but dare not defy his wife when dealing with their son's safety.

More students trickled into the Hall, silently. In pairs or small groups of three or more. No one walked alone. Not even the Slytherins. Good. Someone was thinking smart.

The lack of noise was unnerving. Students should be happy to see their friends, looking forward to a new school year. The silence highlighted the whispering between the Carrows. Severus shuddered, not wanting to know what they were talking about now.

The students sat silently at their house tables, waiting on the Sorting.

Minerva brought in the small group of First Year students. Only twenty students had accepted the offer to attend Hogwarts, most of those from families of Death Eater families. The four that were not were likely looking to be invited to the Death Eater ranks at some point.

The Sorting Hat sang a convoluted song of family and bravery before trailing off into its own silence.

Minerva called names and students scurried to sit on the stool. Three students went to each of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, the rest to Slytherin. Minerva looked disconcerted when she realized there were no new Lions this year. She gently placed the Hat back on its stool and took her place at the head table.

Severus stood.

"Welcome back to a new year at Hogwarts," he said. "Please, enjoy your meal."

The food appeared on the table and students started eating. Quiet conversations blossomed at the tables as the meal helped students relax into something more familiar.

Trying not to be obvious, Severus swept his eyes over the students sitting at the tables. Neville Longbottom had returned, as had Ginevra Weasley. Luna Lovegood sat among the Ravenclaw students.

Severus was not at all surprised that Potter, Granger, and Weasley had not returned. With Potter being hunted as "Undesirable Number One" by the Ministry, it would have been dangerous for them to be around other students.

At the end of the meal, Severus again stood.

"Again, welcome back to a new school year," he said. "We welcome Professor Alecto Carrow, who will be teaching Muggle Studies." Alecto wiggled her fingers at the students in a small wave. "Professor Amycus Carrow will be Deputy Headmaster, alongside Professor McGonagall, and he will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts." Amycus gave an informal salute. It was the most normal thing he had seen them do.


"Prefects, please escort your students to their Common Rooms," Severus said. "Your Heads of House will be there shortly to explain some changes in school rules. This meeting is required for all members of all houses."

A small murmur swept through the room.

"Everyone should get a good night's sleep," Severus went on. "Classes begin first thing tomorrow morning."

That night, Severus took a mild Sleeping Potion. He would need his wits about him tomorrow.

type: fic, author: goddess47, category: four

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