I felt like I was playing 'spot the Sam' while watching this episode - there's a Sam, there's a Sam, there's a ... oh wait that didn't look like Sam! Sam why are you not rushing to your brother and helping him?!
The suspense with Sam's character is killing me, we see glimpses of him in this episode, we see his normal 'all business and no play' when he's at the bar scoping out vampires and when he's in the room hacking the girl's laptop. We even get a little bit of that brother banter, but then it slowly turns into the ambiguous Sam that we've been getting glimpses of since episode one. We've seen Sam show no emotion or empathy towards the victims he talks to. We've seen him somewhat shut off and distant and we've seen him show true hardness when it comes to killing the monsters. But in this episode we are glomped on the head with it, Sam's smirk as he watches Dean being fed vampire blood, his open curiosity at wanting to know how Dean felt while being a vampire. These signs are showing us that Sam is different. But is he really?
# Is Sam different or is he just Sam who isn't hiding from who he truly is?
I think it's both. Sam has always tried to hide who he truly was, he hid it from Jessica and subsequently he hid it from himself. He tried so hard to not be who he was 'destined' to be, he struggled to keep his true emotions from manifesting and his temptations from taking over. Slowly but surly he began to crack and with the help of supernatural forces he is now who he always was. Sam still tried his best to ignore it, or rather repress it and not think of it, or fool himself into thinking there's nothing wrong with him. Now, he seems to know something is wrong with him, he seems to wonder about himself more and more, but he also seems to be accepting it and working with it as opposed to fighting it. The problem with accepting those traits in the supernatural world, is that you eventually fall victim to those evil forces, and what used to be a trait that only humans possessed (passion, compassion, morality, empathy etc.) they get lost and the person begins to morph into something else.
I believe Sam is who he truly is supposed to be, but at the same time I do believe that he's different. He is different because of what he is embracing - himself or the things in him that is making him stronger, remains to be seen.
# But if Sam is embracing who he truly is, then won't that mean he's not different? Which in this case he's just being a real jackass?
Well, he is different, but he isn't. I really can't jot down Sam's behavior as 'oh, he went to hell and he's just acting out because he's been through hell'. There's more to it than that and I think we're gonna find out what that is real soon. I'm hoping it's because of something he did down there and something he promised to continue to do when he got out. Thus, making him somewhat different from what we're used to seeing in Sam.
# So, what's your theory?
I've already written so many already, from Sam being the king of the pit to Sam just shutting down because of what he endured in the pit. However, with this week's episode and what we've seen of Sam's new behavior I believe that we are seeing a multi-personality disorder in Sam. Or maybe he's suffering from schizophrenia. In the beginning Sam seems like his normal self, delivering the info on the case and even seeming interested in Dean's mood after Dean hangs up with Lisa. There's the usual brother banter when Sam is on the laptop and Dean being Dean. But then he seems to become different, like another personality has taken over during the alley way scene. He runs, finds Dean getting beat up and then stops and watches in curiosity while the vampire bites at his wrist, then Sam smirks as he sees the vampire feeding Dean his blood. When Dean falls to the ground, Sam lifts the machete high and with a methodical 'No!' he runs towards the vampire and doesn't break a sweat as the vampire gets away. Then he just stares down at Dean with no real signs of concern or distress. Traits we're so used to seeing in Sam when it comes to Dean being hurt.
Then, there's the scene when he's talking to Samuel and Samuel tells him that they talked about the cure to vampirism months ago and Sam denied ever having that talk. He said: "it must have been with Christian or something." Now, I could be wrong, but isn't the word 'something' used when speaking of a thing and not a human? Wouldn't Sam have said, 'or someone'? And, he did seem to genuinely not remember that conversation. There's just a big fat clue right there as to what Sam and the Campbells could be, I just haven't quite figured it out yet.
So, I'm thinking what if during that time with Samuel it wasn't Sam who was with him, but Lucifer or something else that's inside Sam that was in that room when they were talking. What if it's the same with the alley way and the the motel room when Castiel was torturing the child. I mentioned before in my first episode review that Sam didn't seem all there when Bobby and Dean were exchanging words about Sam being back and Dean not being told. If you look at Sam during that scene he doesn't seem to be emotionally there, in fact if anything he seems like his mind is somewhere else entirely. If it were Sam he would have reacted, huffing and rolling his eyes and going: "come on Dean," to try and reason with him. But, he looked more disinterested in the various emotions flying around the room. And I couldn't help but think, perhaps that's Lucifer coming out and Sam being pushed in. Lucifer would have no desire in human emotions, we've seen so in 'The End' when Dean was crying as Samifer was talking to him and we've seen it in 'Swan Song' when Lucifer was taunting Sam.
Sam could very well be suffering from multiple personality disorder of the supernatural kind. When Sam comes out to play we see it in the way he responds to Dean - "were you ... were you just racing me?" But when Lucifer comes out to play we see it in his methodical mannerisms in responding to Dean, he squints as if thinking 'what would Sam say at this moment' then he responds - "yeh, yeh of course." Perhaps, there's a little bit of Michael in there too! Which could be seen when Sam is just being efficient, but not evil - tackle the case head on with no in between drama.
# But Sam was supposed to be Lucifer's vessel, not Michael's o_O.
True. But apparently it seems like it doesn't really matter, I mean Adam ended up being the vessel of Michael in the end. So, I wouldn't be surprised if Sam could have been as well. The only thing that I would say prevented Michael from possessing Sam is because Sam was full of demon blood at the time. But, who knows maybe in hell things are different and if so perhaps Michael and Lucifer found a way to add their essence inside Sam, giving Sam some extra power and quick instincts (i.e. killing the vamp with such ease and hearing the vamp just before jumping on the roof of the van). Sam said he was in the pit, then he woke up in the empty field alone and it was raining, so Sam could have returned and not have known about what was done to him and during the year he was top side, started gathering some intel. Or he could be completely oblivious to it and is just going with the flow because he doesn't want to dwell on it. He's back, he's fighting along side Dean and family, he's breathing fresh air and he feels like a better hunter than he used to be. Why would he dwell on it or question it?
# What's up with Dean?
I was wondering that myself. How come he's hiding his phone calls to Lisa from Sam? I can't see why he would, even if he feels Sam doesn't seem to be happy about Dean still being in contact with Lisa. I mean Dean is a big boy, the older brother. He could easily tell Sam to mind his own business if Sam tried to give him the speech about how it's best to stay away from them, and not have any contact. Is Dean feeling the way Sam is feeling, disconnected and somewhat out of place as well? He seems to be trying to connect with Sam, "how long has it been since we had a beer together?" He seems to really care for Sam, constantly calling Bobby and asking and trying to get info on Sam during that year he was back. But there seems to be this underlying feeling like Dean doesn't quite want Sam in his 'normal' life just yet. It's like, it's okay if Sam is with him during the hunts, he wants that and he's happy about it, but when it comes to Lisa and Ben he doesn't seem to want to share them.
I can understand that he doesn't want to share them, at least not now seeing as how things seem to be unsure with Sam. There's something off and Dean feels it and right now I think Dean is keeping his family away from Sam and his 'normal' life away from Sam for the time being, just in case. I'm just hoping that when they do figure out what's up with Sam and they can help to mend it that they slowly do become a family with Dean, Lisa, Ben and Sam. No more secrets and hiding.
# What about Samuel? Good or bad?
I really think there's more to it than simple good and bad. He does seem to care about his grandsons which makes him good in my eyes. But then there's the shady work of collecting monsters and using innocent people as bait to catch them, which makes him seem like a bad guy. But because we don't know much about it, it's just not that simple. I will say that he seems to be genuinely concerned about Sam when he confronted Sam about his knowledge of the vampire cure. He did seem to question whether Sam was okay or not. I truly believe that we are being set up to think that everything is evil and Dean is the only right thing right now, only to then be revealed that Sam isn't evil and Samuel and Christian are not either. But because Sam has always been connected to the supernatural and Dean to humanity, it seems to be that's how it's looking. But I have a feeling we're going to be baffled when they reveal the true essence of this mystery.
# Best parts of the episode?
Dean experiencing everything in overdrive as he was slowly turning into a vampire. I loved that scene in 'Fresh Blood' when Gordon was experiencing it and I loved that they did it for this episode with Dean. Also, when Sam's heart was beating and Dean doesn't get why Sam isn't freaking out. I was kind of like - well he wasn't freaking out when Gordon was after him, his heartbeat was steady there too. So, is it because Sam wasn't worried during those scenes or is it because Sam really doesn't feel that emotion anymore - 'fear'.
Dean killing the vampires and the angle shot of him sitting on the table with the machete and the head of his sire under his boot. Gosh that was hot!
Sam and Dean in the girl's room. Sam trying to figure out the password as Dean reads from the National best selling novel. LOL!
The stab at Twilight was fun, but the scene that really had me bursting out laughing was the alley way scene. Usually in vampire movies the vampire takes the girl back to his lavish mansion, and lays her upon the silk covered bed spread. But not in Supernatural, you'll be taken to an alley way that "smells like pee". ROFL!! OMG the poor girl. It was horrible when she got attacked, but that scene was funny.
Sam's slow methodical walk as he tracks the vampire, he walks into a back room and the vampire comes out from behind him. You just know Sam is going to get knocked out or attacked and strangled before he gets to off the vamp. But no, he turns around and without even breaking a sweat lops off the vamps head, like knife through butter.
The vision Dean had of the alpha vamp. What I love about Sera taking over the show is that there seems to be no boundaries when it comes to the creepy and the gore, there also seems to be more diverse looking characters as well, all the colors of the rainbow ;) The scene with the twin girls and the alpha vamp was creepy and soooo interesting, I felt like I was playing one of my horror video games! Why is it that the creepy girls are always twins: The Shining, AYTGIMDW, and now LFOTH.
Dean transforming into a vamp and his vision of everything that happened including Sam's evil smirk at the end. That pause and the look in Dean's eyes was just haunting and it had my heart pounding like mad!
Sam's smile and his enthusiastic pat to Dean's chest when Dean finally sat up. It really did look like Sam in that scene and it did look like he was genuinely happy to see Dean okay. But it was bitter sweet because of Dean's reaction, the way Dean leaned away from Sam and that look of fear and uncertainty in his eyes. Gosh these boys are gonna be the death of me!
# Worst parts of the episode?
Sam watching Dean in the alley way. I was like - What are you doing Sam?! Then, I was like - Oh SHIT! Sam wake up while snapping my fingers in front of the screen! I love that Sera isn't afraid of making Sam seem evil after returning from hell, she's throwing it in our faces and not sugar coating it at all. But that scene was just so wrong and I hated that Dean looked so messy and helpless.
Though the Twilight dig was fun, it kind of dragged out a bit for me. I was like okay, can we move on to the part where he attacks her already! ...
Dean's line at the end, after hanging up on Lisa's voice message: "yeh, well at least you've got my back. No, matter what I know I can count on you Sammy. Right?" I couldn't help but go, um Dean you did put Lisa and Ben in danger by going to their place to say goodbye, you didn't give her an explanation as to what was happening to you and you did hurt her son. So, yeh I think she's gonna not answer your calls for awhile. Also, would you just come out and say it - I saw you Sam you just watched me get turned, what the hell was that about?! ... I don't know after five years of the boys not being upfront with what they really want to say and express, I'm kind of getting impatient with the run around. Be straight forward and come out with it already!
My rating for this episode: 9 out 10
Poll Sam's Intentions