When We Were Awesome

Feb 19, 2008 16:43

These never seem to work for me; maybe it's my timing. But let's try it. I'm rolling my eyes over the arguments about how we should feel about various SGA storylines and how we should be reacting, what reasons we have for watching SGA, etc. etc ( Read more... )

sga, when we were awesome

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Comments 69

ladycat777 February 19 2008, 22:28:29 UTC
I know this is odd, but bear with me -- I love Carter in Reunion because she's so bad and so awkward, especially with Ronon. She is a total fish out of water who doesn't know anything but what's on paper, which is never, never enough, and she blunders around making things worse before she finally figures out how to make things better.

The reason I love that is because I get so thoroughly sick of perfect!barbie!Carter and that wasn't -- that was a real, human woman who was dumped into a situation she had no idea how to read. She made mistakes, and then got better, and it felt entirely natural.

Also, I've Jeanie. I love every god damned thing about Jeanie, from her wanting to be a wife -- and being a good one -- and wanting to be a mother -- and being a good one -- and wanting to be a good sister and, hi, succeeding. Even when Gero fucks it up and makes her too shrill.


smittywing February 20 2008, 00:08:40 UTC
No, I totally understand! I like Keller and her suspension bridge and Cameron from House and so many other characters who do stupid things and screw up and aren't perfect. a) Because that makes her more like someone I'd hang out with, and b) because half the greatness is watching them persevere and succeed.

JEANIE. I'll repeat my Jeanie love from earlier posts - I think it's totally telling that she is infinitely more happy than Rodney. And that she's actually in a better position to untangle tricky problems because she's not stressing about it 24-7. Seriously, I love her so much.


omglawdork February 19 2008, 22:29:04 UTC
1) Elizabeth sacrificing herself on the nanite homeworld so the rest of the team could get away; and

2) Keller shutting down Rodney more effectively after three minutes than Carson could after three years (not that I didn't love Carson).

I will post more as they come to me...


smittywing February 20 2008, 02:30:43 UTC
Dude, #1! That was actually a send-off I didn't hate. And Keller is hella funny. And Rodney is just so alarmed about the whole thing!


tielan February 19 2008, 22:34:26 UTC
Teyla fighting against the Wraith Queen to save her team-mates in "Spoils of War".

Teyla saving Rodney, Shep, Ronon, Carson, and a couple of marines whom I don't remember by taking one glance at Rodney's work and knowing exactly what has to be done in "Phantoms".

This isn't exactly Elizabeth but...Phoebus taking the entire damn city hostage while in Elizabeth's body. (Okay, so she was evil, but you gotta admire the panache of such a female character.)

Teyla hunting John down and taking him out when Ronon couldn't in "The Long Goodbye".

Teyla kicking Ronon's ass in "Echoes".

Teyla kicking Ronon's ass blindfolded in "Reunion".

(Okay, so I'm fixated on Teyla...do you have to ask why? :D)

Oh, we've also got a thread running over at teylafen specifically for Teyla-love. It would be lovely if you would encourage people to come around and post! :)


smittywing February 20 2008, 02:34:50 UTC
Ha! You do not see me asking why. ;) (And if that were not enough, the picspams in other comments would be very persuasive!)

I actually kind of love Phoebus. I'm pretty sure she was completely cracked, but she was completely on fire. Also, Teyla giving John the stunner in the same episode was so smart. Seriously, worlds of love.

I added the link to the Teyla Love thread to the main post!


tielan February 20 2008, 02:44:27 UTC
Thank'ee kindly, good mistress! ;)


shetiger February 19 2008, 22:39:02 UTC

... )


smittywing February 20 2008, 02:39:50 UTC
*HUGS* Editorialize all you want. Anything that draws my eyes to special spots can only be counted as a good thing. :D

Dude, I totally agree with all of these. My favorite though, is the one about Suspicion because it puts into words something I always saw and never really defined from the bulk of the episode, but worlds of yes.

I hope your head feels better!


eleveninches February 19 2008, 22:47:01 UTC
I come with fic recs ( ... )


smittywing February 20 2008, 03:56:54 UTC
HAI THAR FIC RECS! I know what I'm doing for the rest of tonight!

Thank you!


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