When We Were Awesome

Feb 19, 2008 16:43

These never seem to work for me; maybe it's my timing. But let's try it. I'm rolling my eyes over the arguments about how we should feel about various SGA storylines and how we should be reacting, what reasons we have for watching SGA, etc. etc ( Read more... )

sga, when we were awesome

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Comments 69

carrole February 19 2008, 22:05:55 UTC
Don't forget when Sam bitched the commander of the Apollo out after he was a jerk to Rodney. I'm not sure which episode that was, but she flat out told him to knock it off or not come back to Atlantis.


smittywing February 19 2008, 22:11:11 UTC
That's right! That was one of the ones right after the break, wasn't it? I love that it was Sam sticking up for him, too, because she hasn't always been his biggest fan. ;) That's totally taking care of your peeps.


carrole February 19 2008, 22:32:22 UTC
There's also Keller doing the whole Mythbusters thing in "Quarantine" and sawing through the oxygen tank so they can get out of the infirmary. That was hella brave, too.


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smittywing February 19 2008, 22:18:27 UTC
OMG, I am floored by the gorgeous! Teyla's eyeroll was the best timed expression ever. And Keller's adorable little nose! Also, the hi-res pic of Teyla is utterly beautiful.


altorogue February 20 2008, 05:12:52 UTC
Oh, I miss Heightmeyer.


miscellanny February 19 2008, 22:13:57 UTC
Jeannie kicking Rodney's ass with fingerpaints. XD


smittywing February 19 2008, 22:19:42 UTC
OMG, how could I have skipped over that? Not just that she kicks his ass that one time, but he continues to EMAIL HER FOR HELP when he's stuck!


lilac_way February 19 2008, 22:20:23 UTC
How about -- Jeannie deciding she wants to have a baby and stay home with it simply because that's what she WANTS TO DO! And then she STILL has time to correct Rodney's inter-galactic math while making dinner with her family.

And on a shallow level, Jeannie's curls are fabulous. She is my curly hair idol.


smittywing February 19 2008, 22:23:23 UTC
I am totally for that. I love that she made the choice that was right for her and her priorities, and oh hey! Look how much happier she is than Rodney! And it makes her no less smart or capable.

I second the curl envy. I had a hot water shortage this morning and my curls are um. Not idol-worthy.


omglawdork February 19 2008, 22:30:12 UTC
Big, huge, gigantic DITTO to both of these points. Amen!


miscellanny February 19 2008, 22:26:31 UTC
smittywing February 20 2008, 00:04:48 UTC
Dude, I have never seen this before! I'm leaving the post open so I can comment on it when I get home. Thanks for pointing me to this!


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