Title: Let's Play Pretend Genre: Romance, fluff, slight angst Pairing: YunJae Summary: Jung Yunho finds himself stuck in a fake relationship with another man when he is very much straight and is secretly dating a very famous actress.
daaaww i am so glad they're back together <333 all they really needed was talk to each other about how they really feel, especially jae (: i caught myself smiling a few times while reading this chapter i love all the yunjae fluff <333
Omg an update!!! Woohoo !! Can't believe it they're back!!! So cute!! Hopefully all the angst is gone!! Just fluffy love and smut! Hehehe! Thanks for the update!
FINALLY A new chapter Thank you for your hard work and effort. it was good it made me squeal like a flailing little child. Thank you for your time and creativity in writing this for us. I really adore this fic so much. I keep reading and re-reading it. *O*O*O* Thank you. Keep up the good work. Fighting! :D
Awwwww, so glad that YunJae are back together! I am glad they talked about their insecurities and deal with it like adults. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Comments 43
Looking forward to the sexy time.
all they really needed was talk to each other about how they really feel, especially jae (:
i caught myself smiling a few times while reading this chapter
i love all the yunjae fluff <333
Awwwww, so glad that YunJae are back together! I am glad they talked about their insecurities and deal with it like adults. Looking forward to the next chapter.
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