Title: Let's Play Pretend Genre: Romance, fluff, slight angst Pairing: YunJae Summary: Jung Yunho finds himself stuck in a fake relationship with another man when he is very much straight and is secretly dating a very famous actress.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeee finally back together!!!!! :D I really like that you didn't rush it. Theres was quite an internal struggle with jaejoong and I'm glad you played that out even though I thought he was being stubborn at first loleven when they did get back together tbere were still uncertainties. it made it all feel more real :) omg and everything yun says is just sooo freakin loving and swet :33
Wow this was emotionally draining for me too~ >< I kept tearing up/crying T__T The insecurities and the fluff and the fear and the panic and the reassurance and the love and just alkjldamsjdlf ;___; It's all too much for my fragile heart. u< I really love this fic ;u;
After the "It's all too much for my fragile heart" I think I said stuff like, I'm happy they're finally back together. They both, especially Jaejoong, had to go through a lot of things before they got here. And he really deserves to be happy, to be loved, to be contented and secure in Yunho's arms. ;u;
I've also been feeling down lately so these updates just brightened up my day. :')
Eep, I'm not sure if I was able to comment since the very first chapter or only from a certain chapter onwards... but I do hope I can also get a copy of the pdf. *crosses fingers* I really love this fic.
Comments 43
i almost cried when yunho confronted jae, almost xD
Really looking forward to the make up smexy^^
Ah tugging at my heartstrings <3
So happy for them :'D
Loved it! Thanks bb!
Can't wait for the makeup shmex~ hihi
After the "It's all too much for my fragile heart" I think I said stuff like, I'm happy they're finally back together. They both, especially Jaejoong, had to go through a lot of things before they got here. And he really deserves to be happy, to be loved, to be contented and secure in Yunho's arms. ;u;
I've also been feeling down lately so these updates just brightened up my day. :')
Eep, I'm not sure if I was able to comment since the very first chapter or only from a certain chapter onwards... but I do hope I can also get a copy of the pdf. *crosses fingers* I really love this fic.
Yay okay I hope this comment doesn't disappear...
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