AU - May we die in the forest

Mar 08, 2011 01:23

Who: A wild Ivysaur and everyone who crosses his path
What: Your nature walk just got more interesting
Where: FDC woods
When: He'll be here all week until he's murdered
Warnings: Fighting, swearing, violence towards flora, Death

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morty (pokemon), little mac (punch out), vinnie/venusaur (pokemon), mallow (mario), lyra (pokemon), max (advance wars), green (pokemon), lash (advance wars), waddle dee (kirby), blacky/misdreavus (pokemon), skull kid (zelda), samus aran (metroid), *event - au

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Comments 141

THURSDAY AFTERNOON boxingmidget March 8 2011, 20:33:38 UTC
Mac had been trying to get over the weirdness of the past few days. So what's better than a nice calming nature walk. Kipper the Breloom particularly loved nature walks. And after all the training for the day in the stadium, the other Pokemon were tired. Mac would hit the gym later, for now just relaxing. Mac was in the woods for a while and eventually went to sit on a flower bed. Breloom was rolling around on the grass and flowers around him, enjoying all the glorious nature.


THURSDAY AFTERNOON AFTER MAXTASTROPHE punchtheleaves March 9 2011, 03:58:09 UTC

... )


;-; boxingmidget March 9 2011, 04:03:41 UTC
The sudden groan alerted both Kipper and Mac. Kipper was jolted from him rolling and started to examine the Ivysaur. Was he hurt? Mac got closer to the scene. "Hey...Kipper, did you hit somethin'?" He looked down to see what it was...and there was that poor guy. "An Ivysaur?" He was really shocked to see one. You don't see too many in the wild. But this little guy looked hurt. What happened to him? Animal? Other Pokemon? A person?

"...Hey, are you gonna be okay, guy?"


>:'( punchtheleaves March 9 2011, 06:45:30 UTC
The Ivysaur hissed in reply, doing its best to back away in a defensive stance but really, just managing to limp. There was utter loathing in his eyes as he glared back at Mac, teeth bared, ears folded back. His hate was too great to accept your pity.

This was a trainer, and trainers caught wild Pokemon. The Ivysaur was definitely hurt, and hurt bad - but there was no way he was going to go quietly. It was obvious he'd rather die than be captured.

"Vysssaur." Fuck off...


watchforho_oh March 8 2011, 22:01:33 UTC
The Ninetales had had enough of the school buildings. They were starting to feel uncomfortable. Claustrophobic. Dirty. Nothing like home. So, the forest was much more inviting. It didn't matter who was in there with him - he was going in the forest and staying there. Morty padded along, with no particular path or direction, and his tails bouncing behind him. He was looking for a place to lay down - a place to sleep when night fell, even.


punchtheleaves March 9 2011, 04:25:48 UTC

... )


BEHOLD: the latest tag watchforho_oh March 12 2011, 23:40:18 UTC
It was pretty obvious he was being followed, yes. Morty wasn't quite sure what to make of this Ivysaur either... maybe it would be best not to play hide-and-seek with this one. He slowed down, looking over his shoulder and past his tails.

What are you doing?


friday morning greenisaloser March 9 2011, 04:12:03 UTC
It was Friday. Green had nothing to do. He didn't want to bother his Pokemon or his few friends, so he decided to take a walk on his own. Sure, the forest was a little spooky, but he had actually been hearing rumors of some Pokemon fumbling around. If they crossed paths, that would be interesting.

Green eventually found a nice big tree to sit under. He leaned against the bark and sighed, looking up at the foliage.


Re: friday morning punchtheleaves March 9 2011, 06:08:20 UTC

... )


Re: friday morning greenisaloser March 11 2011, 01:36:48 UTC
Green was slow, but as a Pokemon trainer, he could recognize a sleep powder. He gasped before holding his breath, holding his sleeve over his nose and mouth, and scooting away from the offending grass.



Re: friday morning punchtheleaves March 11 2011, 04:45:50 UTC
Well, it was refreshing to see a human appropriately alarmed. This one had to know a thing or two if he recognized Sleep Powder - hopefully it'd only take a bit more intimidation to get him to scram.

Poison Powder was added to the mix - and if he recognized those clouds of purple spores, then he'd also recognize exactly how bad it'd be for him if he didn't run. Waiting too long to leave could mean he was never going to leave at all. It was a long way back to the city, human.

Two red eyes gleamed in the dark, filled with as much menace as the Ivysaur could muster. "Ssssaur." Get out.


drawin_on_trees March 9 2011, 05:58:58 UTC
Skull Kid was right at home in the woods, and he skipped up and down the nature trails playing loudly (and obnoxiously) on his flute. When he wasn't doing that, he was hiding in a tree and pelting unfortunate passersby with acorns.

Sure, he had heard there was some kinda thing in the woods breaking everybody's cars, but he wasn't scared!


punchtheleaves March 9 2011, 06:14:12 UTC

... )


drawin_on_trees March 11 2011, 06:56:59 UTC
Skull Kid leaned over and stared down at the big talking flower. Or, at least he thought it was talking, if hissing were supposed to be talking.

He threw an acorn at it.


punchtheflowers March 14 2011, 00:42:55 UTC

... )


A day of convenience n_objections March 9 2011, 07:19:14 UTC
Samus had to find a new parking spot.

It wasn't like she was trying to copy Colonel jerkbutt and his stupid space dick of ship or anything, but the fact remained that her ship was no small vessel either... and took up a lot of parking spaces. Samus didn't particularly care about that either until she got a little pink notice (somehow taped to her windshield. How'd they get it way up there?) to move it.


She wasn't thrilled with the idea of her ship being inside the school's hangar where it could potentially get scratched by someone else's careless parking job, so she was walking it beyond the parking lot, towards the field that bordered the woods not far away. Plenty of parking here.

Just a little blonde lady walking towards the woods with a bright, orange spaceship floating behind her, commanded to follow as if it were her pet.

This looks like a good spot...


Re: A day of convenience punchtheleaves March 9 2011, 07:41:15 UTC

... )


A morning of rage n_objections March 9 2011, 08:26:49 UTC
Yes. Yes it was a very shiny wax job she had. One she put a lot of work into. And by morning Samus discovered it was all FOR NAUGHT.

Even without a single vehicle parked beside her ship, it was completely ruined. No surface area was without a scratch; the under side, the top side, the hatches, the windows, even the GUN TURRETS. It was as if someone took an industrial sized steel wool sponge and went to town.

In horror and shock, she dropped to her knees and emitted a silent scream.

Her beautiful ship looked so sad and abused, hardly glistening in the morning light as it did yesterday. Her beautiful ship that she moved out here ironically to avoid scratches was now completely covered in them.

Hell hath no fury like... well, you get the idea. She entered the ship and barked an order at the computer inside.


"Yes, Samus Aran?" The ship responded in a female digital voice.

"Retrieve all surveillance footage from the past twenty-four hours from the perimeter of the ship. Immediately."

"Processing..."She expected a bunk ( ... )


a night of productivity punchtheleaves March 9 2011, 10:09:03 UTC
For a brief moment before the camera lens was cracked, the footage captured a glimpse of the guilty party. It was... much smaller than she might've expected. In fact, a quadruped with something proportionally quite large sprouting from its back. Too dark to see what it could be, but its silhouette edges looked rather fern-like. All the damage seemed to be done by long tendrils that it controlled, used to grip its tools of wanton vehicular destruction.

It was wailing at the ship with these tentacle limbs, animosity poured into every motion. This wasn't ordinary vandalism - this was a vendetta. Even long after the camera had been scratched on, the sound recording lasted hours.

No human voice or words were recorded. What little there was were in the form of grunts and growls - though eventually, something was picked up.

"Saurrr... ivysaur." Pretty distinct.


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