Break the Ice for the 50 First Dates

Jan 05, 2011 05:50

Who: Mostly guys, but girls are welcome too
What: Open Office Log that is really an Open Date Log
When: Jan 5th-Feb 10th
Warnings: M for Mostly men. And probably usage of the nose-blood icon. Also protective brothers, collect the entire set!

Sasha had never really dated. Being a 18 year old girl who hadn't really ( Read more... )

kerosene/charizard (pokemon), ninten (mother), jake (advance wars), goose (pilotwings), poo (mother), knuckles (sonic the hedgehog), !open log, little mac (punch out), eva (metal gear), isaac (fire emblem), sasha/charizard (pokemon), lyra (pokemon), max (advance wars), alex/zapdos (pokemon)

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Comments 350

Jan 10th. LOL. This is so...aksjdg;akd silentpsynergy January 5 2011, 20:52:05 UTC
Isaac wasn't quite sure what to think of the coupon that had been slipped beneath his and Kirby's door. He eyed it, wondering if it was a mistake, if it was for Kirby, but there was no name attached to the piece of paper and he only guessed that it was an open invitation.

He remembered a while back...he had a blind date once...with a boy. Would this be as strange? Well, this time the date was a bad could it be? And then he thought about what would happen if he had ignored it. What if the letter was actually meant for him and this mystery 'date' was expecting him to arrive. His mind started running through possibilities...

And then, two days later, he found himself in front of her door, knocking softly as his eyes wandered from the tips of his toes to her door. His free hand fidgeted with the end of his scarf while the other clutched at the handle of the picnic basket he had prepared a couple days earlier.

He waited for this mysterious message sender to arrive.


traehyhrayj omg yes punchvolcanoes January 6 2011, 00:12:11 UTC
It didn't take too long. The door creaked open maybe she should get it greased and Sasha stepped out, once again in a simple red shirt and black pants combo. She had no idea who this guy was! B-but that scarf! It reminded her of someone else she knew.

That was a good thing. Sasha loved scarves.

And a picnic basket! In the middle of winter but that was okay, there were many places where they could have picnics (probably, she had no idea. She always considered eating with Red team in the mountains as an overly elongated picnic so...). This was off to a good start.

"Hello!" Now to find out his name.


LOL silentpsynergy January 6 2011, 01:38:47 UTC
"Hello," he replied with a sweet smile. "My name is Isaac. I got your letter...sort of. And I'm here to take you out. May I know your name?" Good, he was at least speaking words. Not as bad as he was when he first got to the Academy. "But, it might be a little cold for where we'll be going. Would you like to bring a jacket?"

He thought about how ridiculous me must have looked. He had no way of taking her anywhere too far from campus because, well, he couldn't drive: his entire life had been spent on his feet and so walking wasn't such a big problem, but he had to take into consideration his company.

"Do you mind going for a walk with me?" A deliberately vague response, but he had to know if she was okay with it.

(OOC: Also forgive my lameness, but I forgot to add the time. ^^; it's around sunsetish.)


punchvolcanoes January 6 2011, 14:21:36 UTC
He had set up the entire thing and didn't know her name granted she had signed her signature and it looked...really terrible. A few scribbles that could be Ceshe than Sasha to be honest. No wonder no one remembered it.

"Sasha," she answered, holding out her hand for a handshake. "And I don't mind walks at all. I just uh...have a tenancy to tumble sometimes." The truth was always important. "I fall once in a while. Still unused to the human feet." Hell, still unused to her Charizard feet.


Jan. 8, afternoon notsilvertongue January 6 2011, 00:48:42 UTC
Lyra had come to the conclusion that she must have been under some kind of gypsy curse. That was the only possible explanation for her ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE luck in the dating world. Her first date? One of her Rocket archenemies. Her second? Apparently... a Charizard?

She was quite sure that coupon had shown up under her door as a mistake. Sasha had probably confused the boy dorms with the girl dorms somehow. With the coupon in hand and Janus waddling along behind her, she headed down to Sasha's dorm, determined to sort this out. She knocked at the door, calling out. "Sasha, are you here?"


Re: Jan. 8, afternoon punchvolcanoes January 6 2011, 14:30:08 UTC
Maybe fate as just setting you up for your lucky third Lyra. Or maybe you'd end up just dating Giovanni.

Dates during the afternoon were different and not something she had been expected. Tossing the book she had been reading for things to say to men, what to expect (apparently a lot of undressing and walking without shirts...she could respect that) and dating tips. The centerfold wasn't too bad either.

The voice sounded like someone she knew but she couldn't make it out, unlocking the door and peeking only to see Lyra standing there. She hadn't talked to her since the hospital visits and so her gaze quickly moved away for a few seconds in panic before she was able to look at her again.

"Lyra...uh...need something?"


Re: Jan. 8, afternoon notsilvertongue January 6 2011, 22:23:55 UTC
"Um... I think maybe there's been some kind of mix-up." Lyra held the coupon out toward Sasha. "I'm here because you asked me out on a date."

Which sounded pretty silly when it was said out loud, didn't it? It seemed like Pokemon dating people was a perfectly ordinary thing in FDC, but Lyra was still trying to shift her lifelong beliefs around -- she didn't want to seem close-minded or anything, but somewhere in the back of her head, there was still the lingering idea that it was kind of like somebody asking their neighbour's African Grey to join them for a candlelit dinner and drinks.

Well, that, and Sasha was an 18 year old woman.

One who probably didn't like Lyra that much anymore, considering how upset she'd been over... the... the thing that had happened. Lyra certainly hadn't forgot about it, either. Even if Sasha had been a cute boy, Lyra would have had some reservations about agreeing to any romantic excursions. Judging by Sasha's uncomfortable initial reaction to Lyra showing up, she probably wasn't exactly swooning,


Re: Jan. 8, afternoon punchvolcanoes January 8 2011, 07:45:29 UTC
"O-oh you got one too?" Wait no she should have said that out loud, that was really impolite, she could almost feel Kojiro glancing down harshly on her. Second faux-pas of the day. She quickly sighed and held out a hand. "I-I'm sorry I just don't remember giving you o-" Wait does that mean someone had been passing out notes with her name on it. Oh no. Oh no that was just cruel and not nice and aergathryj suddenly she turned bright red.

"Uh...well Koko's always told me that it would be impolite not to honor contracts so if you want...we could go somewhere?" Like a reversal date maybe... "I don't know much about the place yet, but I got a few pointers since the past few days."


Also Jan. 8, early evening blazinglizard January 7 2011, 04:03:03 UTC
Smash Academy had been enjoying a refreshing break from Char's rampant douchebaggery; he'd been pretty quiet as of late.

Of course, that was far too good to last long. Char was sitting in the dorm common room, one of those coupons in his hand, laughing his idiot ass off. Naturally, as soon as he spotted Sasha who was clearly on her way back from having hot makeouts with Janus, there was simply no way he could ignore the chance to be a raging dick.

"Hey, Charitard. C'mere."


Re: Also Jan. 8, early evening punchvolcanoes January 8 2011, 09:10:09 UTC
Hottest makeouts.

After Lyra's uh...well she wasn't sure how to describe it, Sasha really didn't feel like getting into a spat with Char. which meant by murphey's law standards he'd be there right now, holding one of her coupons. Great.

Maybe Kojiro could forgive her this time. Char wasn't exactly polite and nice company and even if he didn't look half too bad to be honest...wait what was she saying he was a rival and impolite and a lot of things. Maybe they'd gotten somewhat along for a while, but she figured one day or another they'd get back to their hating grounds. Why had she even bothered to send him a present. She knew if she just walked off he'd rub THAT into her face. She didn't want to just back down. Instinctively, her wings opened up and she gave a low growl before talking.



Re: Also Jan. 8, early evening blazinglizard January 8 2011, 21:52:06 UTC
He recognized what that posture meant, of course, but that just made him even smugger. If she was already on the defensive, then surely she must have been aware on some level just how stupid the idea of a Charizard giving out free dates was. He leaned back, waving the coupon around.

"Real coldhearted of you, Charitard. Maybe I'm lookin' to cash this thing in." Okay, he couldn't even say that without starting to laugh again. What a diiiick. "Seriously, you gotta explain this shit. The hell are you even thinkin', handin' these out?"


punchvolcanoes January 9 2011, 13:27:41 UTC
"I doubt it," she growled back, crossing her arms and not budging from her position. What an ass, did he really have to laugh at her? "Get to know the cit--I just want to know which guys are--NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" A small flame erupted from her mouth, but she did her best to keep her temper, remember all too well what had happened the last time.

And Char was very good at tossing gasoline over and open flame. Remembering her 'dates' with the other women, she also quickly added, "Besides, it doesn't say romantic date right? Just a date. But I'm not taking you on a date, that's for sure." What a terrible comeback and explanation.


January 7th, late AMs punchedaliens January 7 2011, 09:50:29 UTC
This certainly wasn't what Ninten was expecting when he came to school. The first thing he finds at his new dorm room was a coupon for a date. A date?? He never went on a date with Ana before, and there was this random person he didn't even know requesting one. A request was a request, so Ninten couldn't help but accept it. He was a man who couldn't say no to a girl's request, you see.

Did people in the future request dates through handing out coupons? Ninten was so, so confused as he waited for this certain 'Sasha' person to appear.


Re: January 7th, late AMs punchvolcanoes January 8 2011, 11:07:50 UTC
Meanwhile, Sasha was in her dorm room wondering if this new Ninten guy was going to show up. Girls usually waited for the guys, right?


Re: January 7th, late AMs punchedaliens January 12 2011, 07:47:50 UTC
Ninten didn't know what he was supposed to do. Beating aliens, yeah he knew exactly what to do, but dating girls? Nope. Ana was usually the one planning all the things out.

After a while, Ninten finally headed over to Sasha's room and gave the door a knock.


punchvolcanoes January 12 2011, 09:20:02 UTC
And out peers a girl dressed in casual clothing. She grinned at Ness.



Jan. 10?? Different time than Issac's date, obviously yellow_binesi January 7 2011, 10:00:11 UTC
What was he doing. He had absolutely no interest in that stupid firebutt fangirl. So why was he waiting for her in the common room with this stupid coupon? Whatever, he was just going to throw the piece of paper at her face and walk off. That was all he was going to do.

So he sat around in the common rooms, waiting for who knows when the female Charizard would show up.


Re: Jan. 10?? Different time than Issac's date, obviously punchvolcanoes January 8 2011, 13:10:30 UTC
Sasha idea that Zapdos was waiting for her in the common room, after coming back from her previous date she was pretty much spent. But hey, you know after a hard's day work (what) maybe playing a few notes on Rock Band might make her relax more.

So it was a uniform-dressed Sasha that greeted Zapdos (well with a tiny wave) as she sat down a couch away from him and prepared to open up the game.


His hair's been short the entire time ok yellow_binesi January 9 2011, 13:55:45 UTC
Well, this got a lot more awkward. Zapdos stayed quiet as he watched the other start up the game.... GAAH Okay, here goes nothing. He drew a small sigh, running his hand through his short hair as he took out the coupon.

"'Ey, what's up with this thing?" He asked with a brow raised, waving the piece of paper in the air by his fingers. "You better tell me it's some kind of stupid joke."


OF COURSE. punchvolcanoes January 10 2011, 07:29:03 UTC
She looked at him, her eyes widening as large as dinner plates.

"...U-uh no they aren't."


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