freaks get out

Dec 15, 2010 19:47

Who: Blacky, Vianca, Pit, Claus, Amp, Uxie, and you
What: Shit just got serious.
Where: on the campus grounds
When: Morning of Thursday, December 16
Warnings: VIOLENCE AND DISCRIMINATION. Six not-quite-humans, bloodied, bruised, and left out on display.

(Large image under cut) )

mesprit (pokemon), duster (mother), amp/pikachu (pokemon), lucas (mother), uxie (pokemon), blacky/umbreon (pokemon), little mac (punch out), kazuhira miller (metal gear), ulki (fire emblem), snake (metal gear), vianca/red and white pikmin (pikmin), pikachu (pokemon), bowser (mario), flint (mother), lip (panel de pon), claus (mother), gideon/dusknoir (pokemon), leon powalski (starfox), zelda (zelda), !open log, wendy o. koopa(mario), pit (kid icarus), samus aran (metroid)

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REACTIONS betterthanawiki December 16 2010, 02:01:18 UTC
betterthanawiki December 16 2010, 03:07:54 UTC
Almost as if in response to that question, the bloody mangled fairy Pokemon in Samus' arms began to stir, tails twitching feebly.

It was almost as if he had forgotten human language entirely: at first, the best he could produce was a weak, strained sort of cooing sound.


maaaaaaaaassive December 16 2010, 03:19:34 UTC
The strange sound caught his attention. He looked over from the rest of the victims to the tiny, little...Pokemon, he assumed, being cradled in Samus' arms.

"Is...he trying to tell us something?"

Just because he couldn't understand didn't mean Samus possibly wouldn't either. He could only hope Uxie could lead them to the culprit.


icequeen_aran December 16 2010, 03:26:24 UTC
Samus recorded the melody of Uxie on her Sound S--wait no

"I have no idea who would do this..." That was a lie--plenty of names came to mind but it was too early and there was too little evidence to point fingers at anyone. But perhaps the Pokemon stirring in her arms could answer that. She could not understand poogle speak, and knew if there was any hope of hearing Uxie say something other than the strained cry he made he should be brought to either the infirmary or... probably the Pokemon Center downtown.

She tried nudging the Pokemon gently in her arms to see if it would waken any further.


pedaltothemetal December 16 2010, 03:30:38 UTC
Falcon's expression didn't betray much about his feelings for the situation. Then again, unless he was flipping all the shits, his usual neutral countenance didn't betray much of anything. Everything looked more or less taken care of, and he had no particular emotional attachment to the little Pokemon in Samus' arms, so he continued to watch.

He did, however, say one thing. "This school is completely idiotic."


betterthanawiki December 16 2010, 03:42:19 UTC
His eyelids fluttered on the very verge of opening before he seemed to realize he wasn't alone. Disoriented and confused, the first thing his mind leapt to was Lake Acuity -- Jupiter and her Skuntank, smirking and triumphant. Veilstone HQ. The agony screaming through him as the Red Chain components were torn away. The heavy impending sense of doom.

He needed to escape.

He was too weak to teleport. Too weak to even levitate. That didn't stop him from trying; his cooing turned into an alarmed trill as he squirmed wildly, trying to break free of Samus' arms.


icequeen_aran December 16 2010, 04:05:48 UTC
"..." Samus agreed with Falcon to an extent but this was going too far. Children and innocents [until proven otherwise] were being involved now and she couldn't stand that.

"...hey!" Samus looked into Uxie's eyes and forget who she was forever. The sudden squirming admittedly caught her off-guard but she made sure to keep him held lest he fall out her arms and cause further injury--even aware that the creature was capable of floating.

"Shh, it's alright. Calm down." His burst of strength was encouraging, at least. "What happened... can you remember anything?"


time_mast3r December 16 2010, 04:08:02 UTC
She had been lingering by, waiting for the right moment to actually place herself into this situation. Dana approached Samoo and held her arms out slightly. "Let... Let me have him." she whispered, slightly reaching for her family member.

"I.. Can help calm him." She added quickly, trying to justify her need to have him in her arms.


betterthanawiki December 16 2010, 04:13:17 UTC
Now, more than ever, Uxie was not the being of knowledge, but merely a small and frightened fairy. Although he seemed to realize he wasn't in any immediate danger of having more body parts torn out, he still seemed to be utterly struck dumb by fear. He curled into a small, childlike ball, tails shielding his face like a pair of fans. The sound of Dana's voice coaxed a small, quavering little coo out of Uxie, but it was quite clear: he dared not speak a word about who had done this to him.


icequeen_aran December 16 2010, 04:20:49 UTC
At first, Samus held Uxie away protectively until she recognized Dana, and realized that she was here to help.

"...I still want to know what happened." But she could press the matter later. Samus gently handed the cowering Pokemon over to the other.


monsieur_miller December 16 2010, 04:24:46 UTC
"There'll be time to find everything out later. Stop wasting time."

Seriously, all this standing around talking at a time like this was DUMB. Would they stand around in the middle of No Man's Land too?


time_mast3r December 16 2010, 04:30:37 UTC
"You will get your information when the time is more appropriate. I assure you of this."

With that said, she carefully held her smaller sibling close to her, cradling him within her arms. She leaned down and whispered to him. "It is alright, Bookworm... I am here now. There is nothing to fear. No longer shall harm come to you while I am around." Then, she lowered her voice as low as it could go while being able to still speak coherently and added, "I...Apologize greatly for not trying to stop this. I did not want to risk there being consequences."

She then looked up and glared at Kaz. Her red orbs seemed to glow slightly. "I am aware of the situation and I have a handle on it."


betterthanawiki December 16 2010, 04:43:39 UTC
The little ball that was Uxie made no reply. He merely pressed his cold, aching body closer to Dana, as if trying to turn away from the statue, the other people, and the rest of the world as a whole.


icequeen_aran December 16 2010, 05:03:41 UTC
Samus gave a lingering glance to the two sunglasses-clad men present, one that bordered between the usual poker face and an underlying disappointment. The others had been freed and were being rushed off to the infirmary. There was no point in her being here any longer.


She stormed off, probably to go hunt down the security tapes or do something constructive or useful with her time... or a least feel more useful than standing around simply watching or barking orders needlessly.


pedaltothemetal December 16 2010, 05:07:55 UTC
Yeah Falcon was not gonna stick around if Uxie was taken care of and the only faculty left at the statue were people he didn't actually like (he was glaring at you, Miller). So when Samus took off, it was pretty much a given he was going to go after her. He nodded to Dana and hightailed it in pursuit of the fellow bounty hunter. "Wait up."


time_mast3r December 16 2010, 05:25:11 UTC
With the two departed, Dana proceeded to walk away from the scene. She was more inclined to taking her sibling somewhere private to get him help. At least... to get him out of the outside world.

She knew that she would help him in anyway that she could, whispering soft, gentle words as she strode.


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