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Comments 167

beststarter November 12 2009, 02:43:25 UTC
Bulbasaur had just been walking around, minding his own business.

But then something called to him. And there it was: a pile of leaves!

Bulbasaur stared.


beststarter November 12 2009, 02:43:45 UTC
He stared really hard.


beststarter November 12 2009, 02:44:47 UTC
And then he could resist no more. He was jumping! Jumping right at it!



whitedeviljack November 15 2009, 00:01:40 UTC
Being the janitor, Raiden was also partaking in some minor leaf raking. Not quite to the extend that Flint was but ALL OF A SUDDEN HIS CAREFULLY TENDED PILE OF LEAVE ERUPTED RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS EYES!

"What the?!"


bulbmin_glutton November 12 2009, 02:49:41 UTC
((HEY LIZ! If you wanna do Paula/Hoji leaf jumping, wanna go ahead and do so here?))

Hojita was out on her little exploration deals, blah blah, the usual. That was just about when she caught sight of the leaves.

She grinned, finding this to be a grand opportunity. She made a run for a nearby pile and PLOMP! In she went, falling back into the mound of oranges and yellows. Awesome.


((hrng sorry I suck)) miracleprayer November 13 2009, 14:46:37 UTC
Paula had been walking past the pile of leaves, looking on in anticipation. But she managed to contain her excitement. She had promised to jump in with Hoji, after all.

Speaking of the other girl oh hey there she was! "Hi!" the blond waved. "You sure don't waste any time, hee hee."


((it's ok i've been a terrible tagger recently)) bulbmin_glutton November 13 2009, 14:51:37 UTC

"Nope! Hiiiiiii!!" Hojita waved and climbed out of the pile of leaves. Some of them stuck to her clothing and her poor, tangled hair, but ah well. She really didn't care at all. Filth was more than worth it for fun.

"Look! The leaves are really fun! See?!" She then innocently threw some above Paula, letting them fall gently around to the ground again and maybe onto her head, oops.


miracleprayer November 13 2009, 18:01:39 UTC
The blond hadn't even jumped in yet and there were already leaves in her hair thanks to Hojita. Giggling, she picked one out and stared at it. "Yes, very fun," she nodded. Dropping the leaf, pushed the pile together again. "Why don't we jump in together?"


4x4_of_manly November 12 2009, 03:38:03 UTC
Being a man who lived in a forest full of trees, Lighter could appreciate the hard work that went into raking up leaves. But he also knew how much fun they could be to jump around in.

But he was also a grown man, and grown men didn't go doing silly things like that. Usually. Not when anybody was looking, anyway. As it was, anybody looking would have seen Lighter staring forlornly at one of the piles.


coveredinsoot November 13 2009, 03:16:51 UTC
Fortunately for Lighter, it was perfectly acceptable behavior to play in the leaves when with a kid.
And so, here came Fuel, looking like he'd already been through a few leaf piles- well, if the few leaves stuck in his hair were any indication.
"Dad dad dad dad! Mr. Flint's making leaf piles wanna come mess 'em up?"


4x4_of_manly November 13 2009, 03:21:07 UTC
"This is Flint's work?"

Well. That changed everything. Lighter grinned and plucked a leaf from Fuel's hair. "Looks like you've already ruined a good few of'em. You saved some for me though, right?"


coveredinsoot November 13 2009, 05:51:27 UTC
"Yeah! I saw him fixin' one of 'em up!"
he snickered, grabbing one of Lighter's hands and tugging him in the direction of the nearest leaf pile.


thisisavolcano November 12 2009, 03:57:04 UTC
Lemmy was rolling along on his circus ball, when, lo' and behold, a pile of neatly raked leaves!

Such vibrant reds, yellows, and reds!

It's as if the pile of leaves was just inviting him to jump on in..


thisisavolcano November 12 2009, 03:57:14 UTC
thisisavolcano November 12 2009, 03:58:18 UTC
Lemmy jumped into one of the pile of leaves, not really caring that someone might be upset if he messed up their hard work.


watermelon_yum November 12 2009, 22:13:39 UTC
Yoshi wandered by, not paying much attention to the piles of brightly colored leaves until he saw someone thrashing around in one.

"Are you being attacked!?" Yoshi gasped, running towards them.


blondprodigy November 12 2009, 04:18:01 UTC
The leaves should have dried by now, and Jeff was all set to put his leaf-piling machine to the test! He held the little automated robot over his head triumphantly and headed outside...

Only to find the leaves had already been piled.


Well... Maybe he'd be able to be useful in the event that the leaf piles were all destroyed somehow. Knowing this school, it was likely.


animu_nerd November 15 2009, 22:39:48 UTC
Otacon wasn't trying to destroy those leaves piles, honest!

But trying to walk four dogs at the same time was a really bad idea, especially if three of them were young, and your name was Otacon. Fuzzie just stood next to her master as the three other leashes finally slipped from his fingers and the puppies were free to run around everywhere.

So they did. It would be later described as the puppy leafocalypse.

For now he just stood there dumbfounded and unsure what to do as the three dogs rolled around the muddy grass, making the piles explode with spectacular force, a few of the dried plants sticking on their fur.


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