
Jun 28, 2005 05:50

Went to Metrocon... talked a little bit about it & posted pix on DOA: http://www.denofangels.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=26232Read more... )

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Comments 32

dizziness June 28 2005, 11:49:17 UTC
ah, yes..i was bombarded with peeps saying the same thing... calling them "Dollfies" and asking if I was selling thrm..and i'm like..no they are "super dollfie or aie or DoD...etc." ..no they are NOT for sale (I'm doll sitting) and if they were, you COULDNOT afford them.... *hiff*...@ least they couldn't afford them @ that con! XD

It was sooo NICE to see you again ..and the lovely fox!! =O


small_cosmos June 28 2005, 17:48:08 UTC
Oh, god! I can only imagine the comments that you have to deal with when you're surrounded by so much dollie goodness!

I dunno... on one hand, I hate to discourage anybody from any hobby/interest... but I really do get tired of people being so willfully ignorant and... weird. o_O

It was great seeing you again, too! What are the chances of your coming to AFO? I dunno if you saw my post on DOA, but I'm not doing a BJD panel this year, & I don't know if anyone else has proposed the idea... it's still far enough in advance that if you wanted to do it, you probably could. :}

Anywho, hope to see you again... this time, hopefully, before 2 years or so goes by. ;D


dizziness June 28 2005, 20:38:41 UTC
I'm not sure if I'll even BE in this state for AFO..or I would probably do a SD panel..My life is SOO up in the air right now >.<#



twotone June 28 2005, 13:51:52 UTC
Aw, sorry to hear about the rude behavior you had to put up with. Some people just don't know how to behave!

I was at Wizard World Philly this summer with some Pullips and my three MSD-sized dolls, and I got a few "Are those Dollfies?" and one "Is that a Unoa?". (The Pullips got a lot of "Are those Blythe dolls???" comments, with one person asking my husband if they were Living Dead Dolls.) Many people thought we'd made the dolls ourselves and were selling them... I wish!

My favorite was the guy who flung himself at our feet so he could take pictures of the Little Pullips.

Cons are sometimes an excuse for the socially inept to awkwardly commingle and display their inability to interact with others... but I hope you won't let the experience get you down! Hopefully there were some good interactions too, right?


mmymoon June 28 2005, 17:38:23 UTC
Cons are sometimes an excuse for the socially inept to awkwardly commingle and display their inability to interact with others...


(Next con I'm working on a screened tee that says something along the lines of "Fanboys Step Off." Or maybe the more straight-forward "Touch me and die.")

But it's all part of the magic! <3


small_cosmos June 28 2005, 18:05:54 UTC
But it's all part of the magic!

Bwa ha! You rule! :D


mmymoon July 2 2005, 13:19:06 UTC
XD <3 <3


twotone June 28 2005, 14:28:54 UTC
I also hate back-handed compliments like "Oh, your doll is soooo pretty!" "Thank you!" "Yeah... I've got one like her back home..."

I just realized... that's almost exactly what besotted parent/pet-owners do. "Ohhhh, your baby is so darling! Mine was just like that at that age, only she didn't use a pacifier/had the cutest nose/was flat-coated instead of being curly-coated!"



small_cosmos June 28 2005, 18:06:39 UTC
Just goes to show, people are subtle assholes all over. ;P


uccellini June 28 2005, 17:25:20 UTC
congoers, by law, are socially inept. I cosplay, and I get the same type of stupid freaks thinking my costume is an open invitation to have a long, rambling conversation with me about things I neither know about nor care about. It is also not an invitation to hug, jump on, or otherwise touch me. There is absolutely no exception to this unless you're a friend or a 6 year old girl (who are generally polite enough to ask in the first place, unlike their older, unbathed brethren ( ... )


small_cosmos June 28 2005, 18:24:42 UTC
congoers, by law, are socially inept.

Ah, alas! I wish it were *only* con-goers! ;}

It is also not an invitation to hug, jump on, or otherwise touch me.Oh, god! What is the matter with these people? Probably the only time that I "cosplayed" in the anime con sense of the word, I dressed up as Devil Zukin from DDR. I got to the con, & shortly some strange girl came running up to me, exclaiming "Oh my god! Devil Zukin!!!", & gave me a huge hug. At the time, I was unfamiliar w/ the concept of "glomping", & only my stunned silence kept me from explaining to the girl that I wasn't *really* Devil Zukin ( ... )


mmymoon June 28 2005, 17:34:46 UTC
I had kind of the reverse deal, doll-wise, at Katsu -- all the BJD owners seemed really, really into themselves. "Go away, you cannot look at my super magcal dolliah!" (Okay, it could just be they were sick of the "Ooooooooo, Dollfie!" comments. And they ALL HAD FREAKING LUCAS.) Nice lady with Dollfie Dream, which is what my girl is (DD/Azone head hybrid), so we had a chat. No one knew who the Blythes/Pullips are.

Since I was wearing what I consider to be a "cute dress," (I'm not a wanna-be, I should hope) I got a lot of those weird comments about "X Series is so great!" "Uh, yay!" "You're cosplaying as Y character, right?" "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... surrrrrrrrreeeee."

By the end of it, I just started telling everyone I was from Magical Fighter Doki Doki Witch-chan. Heh.

Heeeheehee. The concept of grown women-geeks being "kids" to the Antique Roadshow crew cracks me up. Go play with your expensive toys, children, the adults are busy with expensive old crap...

Once again, I have to say that generally speaking, old ladies are the ( ... )


small_cosmos June 28 2005, 20:18:59 UTC
Isn't it weird how people can act pretentious about how much "better" their *doll* is, compared to dolls belonging to random other con-goers? I'm not saying this is the case with the people you met at Katsu...I wasn't there, & anyway I know of at least one instance where I *thought* I was being nice, but somebody later complained that I was a bitch to her. o_O

I'm afraid that I'm not making much sense, but here's the basic gist of it: Can't we all just get along?

By the end of it, I just started telling everyone I was from Magical Fighter Doki Doki Witch-chan.

Awesome! When I cosplayed Devil Zukin (see above anecdote ;} ), I used a colour scheme that was completely not related to any DDR game known to man. I had a few people ask what mix I was from, to which I invariably answered "twenty third".

No clue how many people believed that, but it did usually make the questioners go away. ;D

No matter how bizarre I've been in my life, old ladies have always been really nice. Good! I'm glad I'm not the only one whose noticed! ^_ ( ... )


mmymoon July 2 2005, 13:25:05 UTC
*nods* Geek status, maybe... but yeah, maybe I was a bit harsh to the overall dolly populace of Kats -- they weren't all carrying Lucas and a sneer, I swear. Let's all get along!

Now I want to play the twenty third mix...

It would be totally awesome for you to volunteer! I took care of three of my elderly relatives during their final years, and really -- I'd say the most important thing needed in eldercase is COMPANY. Especially bringing pets; I wish every eldercare (or otherwise) program, EVER, had a group pet. It's such good thing for both the animals and the adults, and a group pet eliminates the problem of pet having love once a person finally goes.

I'm a little out of it this morning, but it's a really wonderful idea. <3 <3 (Especially if you get a carriage for him! XD)


minakolabelle July 2 2005, 06:38:48 UTC
ehh I had a F28 not a Lucas (same shit different pile I know) I believe that the other one what was with me was an F28 too.

I was only bitchy aout my doll because apperantly a doll in a jrock costume with Bright red hair = Chucky now and that REALLY got on my nerves; I can understand drunken stupid university kids calling him that(though I did scare teh shit out them), but not perfectly sober Otaku. Though if you DID ask me about him with out calling him Chucky I was mroe then happy to talk to you. I think I spent about 2 hours in line for my pic with PLC telling every one about what they were and where they came from.

*Minako taking over Dai's account*


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