...and Garth Brooks IS better than the Beatles!street_hassleDecember 10 2004, 10:41:30 UTC
Well, dear friends, it's sad to hear you've all completely passed over my Garth. Only the greatest entertainer of all time?! Oh, how I do love him
( ... )
Re: let's be reasonable...ruokDecember 10 2004, 12:53:18 UTC
i cant remember what color brit's eyes are (blue right?) but if you thought my "making out with a brown eyed girl" rant was inferring brittany, i apologize to you and her. it was only a cynical view of people who God did not bless with the more attractive, blue eyes
( ... )
much appreeshstreet_hassleDecember 10 2004, 14:03:35 UTC
Your response was appreciated and neither Brittany nor I assumed brown-eyed girl was a reference to her, and it was noticed that you were not being serious. We also had noted that your response to Nathan's quote was random and seemingly unrelated.
The one thing I will say is that I do not condone condescention as a viable source of comedy. If a friend is degraded or their feelings are hurt, there is nothing funny about it.
Thank you for responding; we both want you to know we love you as well. "Tell him I said thanks for the kind words." -Brittany
from now on lets just comment "hahahaha...true" on everythingsemelinapilcherDecember 10 2004, 15:05:32 UTC
i'm not sure if i'm replying to the most appropriate comment, but i just want to get this up here in defense of a lovely boy who made a harmless, meaningless joke among friends who honestly should have gotten the humor in it...nothing nathan said was attacking or inherently offensive...(i mean, sure Blair's a bit of a dosier, but there's no shame in being associated with him)...if nathan thought that those comments would be taken offense to, he wouldn't have said them...nathan teases me about being in love with every boy i meet(which is only like 87% true) and i know that he's just jealous so i kiss him on the cheek and toussle his little head of hillarity and tell him "girls are in love with you" or some shit like that, 'cause it's funny....also, no one thought anything of his brief comment aluding to a "crush" until a few people got all defensive, which makes it seem like there's something to it...therefor, thus, and so forth and so on, i have a crush on every boy and i don't care who knows it!
Your response was appreciated and neither Brittany nor I assumed brown-eyed girl was a reference to her, and it was noticed that you were not being serious. We also had noted that your response to Nathan's quote was random and seemingly unrelated.
The one thing I will say is that I do not condone condescention as a viable source of comedy. If a friend is degraded or their feelings are hurt, there is nothing funny about it.
Thank you for responding; we both want you to know we love you as well. "Tell him I said thanks for the kind words." -Brittany
Miles apart but always together,
it was.
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