fic: Breaking Into School is Easy to Do

Oct 29, 2010 07:53

Title: Breaking Into School is Easy to Do
Author: slacker_d
Pairing/Characters: Rachel/Santana, Puck, Artie, Tina, Brittany
Rating: R
Summary: Rachel's idea for bro night is a big hit.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Word Count: ~5,000
Spoilers: None.
A/N: Follows The Student Becomes the Master
2nd A/N: Unbeta’ed, so all mistakes are mine.

It's Rachel idea actually. Artie can't believe it when she seeks him out. He never pictured Rachel as someone into video games.

"Well, does this really count?" she asks. "It is rather retro."

"That actually makes it cooler," Artie tells her.

Rachel smiles brightly and Artie is struck by the simpleness of it. Every once in a while he's reminded that there's more to Rachel than her glee club diva persona.

"So it's definitely possible?" Rachel asks.

"It is," Artie assures her. "Let me do some checking and I'll get back to you."

"Thanks Artie."

It takes over a week to get everything set up, but finally everything is ready.

Thursday finds Artie and Rachel having lunch in the choir room to iron out the final details. They figure there'll be less of a chance that anyone will hear their discussion.

"…so all you'll need to do is bring the cord down."

"What about turning it on and off?" Rachel asks.

"Extra remote," Artie says, holding it up. "I convinced the AV guys that they should have one." He tries to give it to Rachel.

"You should keep it," Rachel tells him.

"But you're going to need it," Artie protests.

"I know," Rachel replies. "But I'm bringing the console. I figure we each have our own aspect to worry about. It keeps it even, don't you think?"

"Yeah, but…you want me there?"

"Of course," Rachel says. "Unless you don't want to."

"I do. I definitely do."

"Excellent," Rachel says. "I was hoping to meet around eleven tomorrow. I just need to double check with Noah."


"Thanks so much for this, Artie."

"Thank me when it's working. I haven't had a chance to try anything really."

"Well I appreciate the effort either way," Rachel tells him.

"It should work," Artie says. "Hey can I bring Tina?"

"Definitely. Is she a fan?"

"She is. Plus this is something we've talked about, but never had the guts to try."


"I never thought you'd be the one to ask."

"I assumed as much."

"Puck and Santana are a bad influence on you," Artie tells her.

"That is definitely true."

Rachel won't tell Puck what they're doing tonight. He isn't worried, exactly. He considers Rachel to be pretty badass now, so he figures her idea for bro night will be cool. It's just one never really knows with Rachel Berry.

However, since it involves pizza and beer, he figures it can't be all bad.

Until he pulls into the McKinley High parking lot.

"What the fuck, Berry?" he hisses.

"Park in the back corner, under the cover of trees."

He nods and does. She makes no move to get out though, so he's starting to worry a bit. Finally after five minutes, he loses it and asks, "What are we doing here?"

"Patience is a virtue, Noah," she answers serenely. And then her phone beeps. She pulls it out and reads a text. She climbs out of his truck, pulling her rolling pink suitcase behind her. Puck grabs the pizzas, one pepperoni, one vegan and follows.

They walk around to the back where Puck sees some shadowy figures. For a moment, he wonders if Rachel is getting him into something sinister. He also mentally blames her for his use of the word sinister.

When they're close enough, Puck sees it's Tina and Artie, which really peaks his curiosity. No one says anything as Rachel proceeds to pick the lock. In less than a minute, they're hurrying inside.

"I'm impressed," Artie mutters

"Where'd you learn that?" Puck asks.

"From Brittany," Rachel replies. "I had her teach me. How do you think I managed to pull off all those pranks?"

"I had no idea," Puck tells her. "I just enjoyed the resulting chaos."

They're in the auditorium. Everyone seems to know what's going on but Puck. Tina runs up to the booth and comes down with a cable. Artie and Rachel are setting up the contents of her suitcase.

They don't seem to need any help, so Puck takes one of his beers, opens it and slumps into a seat.

He's sexting with some random drunk sophomore Cheerio when he hears familiar music.

Puck looks up to find Super Mario 3 on the huge projector. Rachel and Artie each have a controller and begin playing.

"Artie and I figured we'd take turns," Rachel tells him. "You and I against him and Tina. What do you think?"

Puck just stares with his mouth still open.

"You're catching flies, Noah. I'm going to interpret this as a good thing."

"I would," Tina chimes in. "This is awesome."

"You two are fucking geniuses," Puck finally manages.

They play until they beat the entire game. Between the four of them, they somehow manage. The celebration is mostly half hearted whooping since it's almost five in the morning. They clean up the best they can and return the cord to the booth.

Parting in the parking lot, they agree it needs to happen again, so they make plans for next week.

"Super Mario Brothers 2!" Puck crows.

"No way," Artie says. "I say we mix it up."

"But Princess Peach can fly," Puck protests.

"She floats," Tina replies. "It's different."

"Zelda maybe," Artie suggests.

"That game's a bit more involved," Tina points out.

"It might take more than a night," Rachel agrees.

"So? We've got time," Artie replies.

"How about we wait and see what we feel like," Tina suggests.

They agree to meet at the same time next week.

"We'll bring the pizza this time," Tina says.

"Make sure you tell them you need a vegan one for Rachel Berry," Rachel says.

"I still can't believe you got them to make you a vegan pizza," Artie tells her.

"My tenaciousness can be very rewarding sometimes."

"She harassed them until they agreed," Puck laughs.

"It worked, didn't it?"

"That it did, bro," Puck says. "That it did."

Puck is buzzed enough that Rachel insists on driving. Plus, he can't go back to his place so late. Coming home Saturday afternoon is better because his mom is at work and he can avoid a lecture.

They've apparently come to some unspoken agreement because Puck wordlessly follows her upstairs and into her room. She digs out the exact same clothes as last time and he goes into the bathroom to change.

After changing and peeing, he heads back into Rachel's room. He finds her already in bed and he climbs in on the other side. Rachel then flicks out the light next to the bed and the two attempt to sleep.

Rachel has a lot more trouble than she's ever had waking up Saturday morning to meet Santana. Going to bed just before the sun rises makes getting up for brunch seem silly, but Rachel also wants to see Santana.

They don't see each other too much during the week. Mostly after dinner because Santana has Cheerios and glee while Rachel has glee, voice lessons and dance lessons. Saturday is their day. They spend the entire day together and Santana usually spends the night. Rachel never questions her girlfriend about why her parents allow it, though she suspects they don't know. Just as Santana never questions Rachel about why her dads never seem to be around.

For the first time in a long time, Rachel makes coffee before she meets Santana. She wakes Puck and tells him there's coffee if he wants. He grumbles, but starts to get up. He doesn't want Santana to find him there. She turns off the coffee pot before she goes because she doesn't trust Puck to do so and she'd like her house to not burn down.

They meet at a little café that serves vegetarian. However, like the pizza place, Rachel has convinced them to make something vegan for her whenever she's there. Since it's almost always Saturday for brunch, it's easy enough and it probably helps that Rachel tips well. Santana is still impressed because her method would have been violence and intimidation, but her girlfriend's methods seem to work just as well.

Because of her lethargicness, Rachel is running late. She's fighting the urge to drive as recklessly as Puck or Santana to compensate, but her finely ingrained instinct to put safety first wins over. She's ten minutes late.

Not that Santana's ever on time. Rachel loves her, but wishes she could be a little more punctual. Santana tells her being only ten minutes late is a big step for her. Rachel knows this and tries to not greet her girlfriend with her arms crossed and face scowling.

Today they arrive at the same time and Rachel tries to play it off as if she was just compensating for Santana's tardiness. She hopes her fatigue isn't too obvious.

"Am I boring you, babe?" Santana chuckles as Rachel yawns for the fourth time in twenty minutes.

"Of course not," Rachel replies. "Bro night just went a bit long is all."

"I still don't understand why you want to be bros with that… pool boy."

"Hey, us hot Jews have to stick together," Rachel jokes.

"God, you are spending too much time with him," Santana replies.

"Aren't you always telling me I need just chill out and be a teenager?"

Santana nods.

"Well that certainly happens with Noah."

"Yeah Puck definitely knows how to let loose," Santana agrees. "But Rachel Berry has her own rebellious side. It's fucking hot as hell."

"Must you curse so loudly in a place we frequent?"

"Must you ask questions that you already know the answer to?"

"Must you mock me and my impeccable language skills?"

"Must you be such a big nerd?"

This goes on for another five minutes until they're laughing so hard, they decide to leave. The odd looks they're receiving are also some incentive.

The next week they beat the original Super Mario Brothers because it seems like a good compromise between Super Mario 2 and Zelda. For the next week, they decide to come in each with a suggestion and vote.

"But won't we all just vote for our own?" Tina asks.

This observation gives them all pause.

"It's possible," Rachel concedes. "But maybe someone will bring in a game someone else didn't know about or forgot about."

"Maybe," Artie says.

"We managed to compromise this week," Rachel argues.

And they had. Five minutes of fighting is much less than Rachel expected.

"It's not as if it has to be set in stone," Rachel continues. "We'll try it next week and if that doesn't work, we'll try something else."

The other three stare at her.


"Are you drunk?" Artie asks.

"I should think not," Rachel replies. "As designated driver, I take my responsibilities very seriously and would never over indulge."

"Hanging with Puckzilla just chills a person out," Puck says.

It's once again very late when they finish, so Rachel just drives home and Puck crashes there.

"Where does your mom think you are?" Rachel asks when Puck enters the room clad in black sweatpants and the Berry-rific t-shirt.

"Hanging with a bro," Puck replies. "Which you are."

"You just failed to mention that I'm female?"

"Details," Puck says. "Besides, as bros, we can no longer think of each other in a sexual manner."

Rachel stares at Puck a moment. "A sexual manner? Maybe we are spending too much time together.

"Shut up, Berry," Puck says. "I'm drunk and tired. Let's just sleep."

Oddly, Rachel's right. The next week Tina's suggestion is Die Hard. Puck and Artie both vote for it.

The week after that it's Metroid and then Double Dragon II.

"What if we run out of games?" Artie asks after they beat Ghostbusters.

"I don't know," Rachel says. "There have to be at least a hundred games."

"Way more than that," Tina adds. "Try a thousand."

"No shit," Puck mutters

"But getting hold of them, guys," Artie says. "That's the real challenge."

"We'll worry about that when we get there," Rachel tells them. "No use stressing over something so far off."

"Who are you?" Tina asks. "Did you built a robot and replace Rachel?" she asks Artie, who shakes his head.

"I just don't see the point of stressing out over Nintendo games," Rachel says.

Rachel is pretty sure that Santana is getting fed up with how tired she is on Saturdays. She hasn't said anything since the first week, but her girlfriend sighs a lot more than she used to.

Rachel feels bad, but she can't help it. Playing the Nintendo is the perfect bro night. It combines video games, drinking, and illegal activities. If she could, she'd spend every Friday night until she graduates like that. It's just become so addictive to play until they beat a game. Between the four of them, it seems entirely possible.

It also helps that Artie has started bringing his laptop and looking up cheats.

If she could just explain to Santana why, but they all swore secrecy. Having four of them is already enough of a risk. Having anyone else be present is just too perilous. Not that Santana would want to come, but if word spread…

So Rachel drinks more coffee and concentrates a little bit harder. And since the sex is still so good and consistent, Rachel figures Santana will most likely never voice her concerns. Rachel can live with the sighs.

It's when the beat Final Fantasy that Puck decides that he and Rachel should extend bro night with a celebratory prank. Needless to say, he's drunk. But Rachel's been itching to try something, so she goes along with it.

Of course, being Puck he doesn't really know what he wants to do. Everything he thinks up is too cliché in Rachel's mind or she's already done something similar. When he finally runs out of steam, Rachel offers her suggestion.

He jumps on it for which she's glad. The only reason she never tried this before is that another person is necessary. Rachel just hopes Puck isn't too drunk to help.

She goes to a few janitor closets looking for everything she needs, which she makes Puck drunkenly lug around. He grumbles about being a pack mule, but follows behind her anyway.

It goes off without a hitch. For once Puck doesn't question Rachel and simply follows her directions. She wonders if it's because he's drunk. They toast with a beer for Puck and a bottle of water for Rachel before sneaking out.

The only problem with the celebratory prank is that it takes some time. When they arrive at the Berry residence, the sun is rising. However, their routine is set and so they go through the motions without thought. The pair fall into bed after Rachel closes the blinds and they easily fall asleep.

Only to be woken up with a lot of cursing and Puck being pushed onto the floor.

Rachel blinks wearily, trying to find the source of the disturbance. She finds her girlfriend fuming, fists clenched, apparently just barely holding it together.

"What the fuck?" she growls.

"We just sleeping, Lopez, relax," Puck grumbles from the floor.

"You really expect me to believe that?"

"It's the truth," Rachel tells her.

"Then why was he wrapped around you like a damn blanket?"

Sitting up on the floor, Puck looks over at Rachel. "I was?"

"How could you not know?"

"Because I was fucking sleeping," Puck snaps, standing up slowly.

"In bed," Santana continues. "With my girlfriend."

"Santana," Rachel tries.

"What did I say would happen if you tried to make a move, Puckerman?"

"Whoa, whoa, I didn't try to make a move."


"What did I say?"

"That you'd rip my balls off," Puck says. "But you've got it all wrong."

"And you," Santana continues, turning to Rachel. "Is this why you've been so tired the past few weeks? You've been fucking him the night before?"

"Don't be ridiculous," Rachel snaps. "I have no interest in Puck, sexually."

"Well, what the hell am I supposed to think?" Santana asks. "You've been overly tired after hanging out with him for the last month, at least and now I find you in bed, curled up together!"

"Just out of curiosity, how'd you get in?" Puck asks.

"I have a key."

"God, you guys are so gay."

"Noah, you're not helping," Rachel says. "Not that I'm complaining, but why are you here?"

"Look at the time, Berry."

Both Rachel and Puck look at her clock. It reads 12:32 p.m.

"At first, I thought you were just trying to teach me a lesson," Santana says. "But after forty-five minutes, I got worried. Especially after you didn't pick up your phone."


"Yeah, oh," Santana snarls. "Forget this shit. I'm out of here."

Before Rachel or Puck can say anything, Santana is stomping out the door.

"Fucking fantastic, Berry," Puck says as he looks around for his clothes. "Your girlfriend is going to rip off my balls and feed them to me."

"I doubt it," Rachel replies, pulling clothes out of her dresser. "She'd probably stomp on them until they're a bloody pulp. It would release more anger that way."

"If I didn't know better, I'd say she needs to get laid."

"She thinks I cheated on her with you," Rachel says, holding an outfit. "I'm sure she's hurt and angry, especially after everyone assumed she and Brittany were still…whatever."

"Look, I know she's your girlfriend and she's a smokin' hot babe, but please don't try to paint her as a misunderstood, sensitive chick. I can't handle that right now."

"That's fine," Rachel replies. "I'm going to change."

Rachel goes to the Lopez residence first, even though she's fairly certain her girlfriend isn't there. She's proven right when Mrs. Lopez answers the door. A brief discussion gives her no insight into Santana's current location, but does info her of Santana's mother's knowledge about her, very little.

She wonders if she should be bothered by that; then again, her fathers know almost nothing about Santana, so fair's fair.

Brittany's house is next, but the blonde's little sister informs her that Santana came over and the two took off somewhere.

Sitting in her car, Rachel decides to call Brittany instead of Santana because there's a slight increased chance that the blonde will pick up where as Rachel knows her girlfriend won't.

Brittany answers and Rachel fights the urge to begin rambling.

"Hey, Britt," Rachel starts. "Is Santana with you?"


"How mad is she?"

There's the sound of shuffling and a whisper. "Not mad."

"Oh." Rachel doesn't know how to respond to that. "Well, where are you? I really need to talk to Santana, to explain."

"It's not really a good time," Brittany tells her. "I'll make her come by later. I promise."

Rachel is both relieved and worried, but she can only wait. "Thanks Britt."

"Bye Rach."

Rachel returns to an empty house. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal; she's certainly used to it. But today the emptiness just envelops it.

Her phone beeps and she excitedly checks it, but it's only a text from Noah.

U ok

His checking up on her makes Rachel feel slightly better; even if he uses the horrendous text spelling and grammar.

Not yet, but I'm working on it. Thanks.

Not knowing what else to do, Rachel hopes on the elliptical for her endorphins and then into the shower.

It's dark outside when Rachel looks up to find her, hopefully still, girlfriend standing in her bedroom doorway.

Santana holds up the house key Rachel gave her a month ago and sets it on the desk before turning and walking into the hallway.

Rachel's up and chasing after her without a thought. She catches up just as Santana reaches the front door.

"Can we talk?"

"I don't want to hear it."

"Please, sit."

Santana huffs and walks into the kitchen to sit down. Rachel has the ability to stop her, though it would never come to that point. Nonetheless, Santana wants to avoid such a confrontation at all costs.

Rachel sets a Samuel Adams in front of Santana because it's her favorite and she figures it can't hurt while there's a bottle of water for herself.

"I don't mean to sound cliché," Rachel says. "But it wasn't what it looked like."

"Oh yeah? How long have the two of you been sharing a bed?"

"Okay, so that part looks bad," Rachel tells her. "But did you notice how we were fully clothed?"

"How long?"

"Months," Rachel says, meekly. "But nothing's ever happened, I swear."

"You must think I'm an idiot."

"Look," Rachel tries. "I know I exercised poor judgment by having us continue to share a bed. It's just that my bed is huge and the couch downstairs is uncomfortable to sleep on. I was simply trying to ensure Noah had a good night of sleep."

"Why the hell would you do that?"

"I realize you're angry right now, but he's my friend and I care about him. I would have made the same offer to Finn or Brittany."

Santana glares at Rachel for a long moment. Rachel refuses to flinch under the hard gaze.

"God," Santana says finally. "You would, wouldn't you?"

Rachel nods.

"Why are you such a freak?"

"Wanting people I like to sleep comfortably doesn't make me a freak."

"And the spooning?" Santana asks.

"That was unintentional, I swear," Rachel replies. "I certainly wouldn't have pictured Noah as a cuddler."

"Yeah, me neither."

"So you believe me?"

Santana sighs. God, she really is whipped by Rachel Berry. "Yeah, I believe you."

"Good." Rachel grabs Santana and pulls her onto the bed for a kiss that quickly turns heated.

When they finally come up for air, Rachel is shirtless without knowing how.

"You still totally owe me," Santana tells her.

Rachel smirks. "I know how to make it up to you," she says.


"Where is the one place in McKinley you wanted to have sex, but were too afraid of getting caught?"

"Ms. Pillsbury's office," Santana replies.


"Or any of those glass green house like offices," Santana continues. "But think about how freaked out she'd be if she knew we'd done it in her office. She'd probably have to just burn down her whole office. What about you?"

"The auditorium stage."

"Of course," Santana says. "You really are an exhibitionist."

"If I wasn't," Rachel replies. "There's no way I'd fool around so much with you at school."

"Lucky me, then. So why do you want to know?" Santana asks.

"Because later tonight," Rachel tells her. "We're going to break into the school and full fill both our fantasies."

Santana can only stare. "You are the best girlfriend ever."

"Well, I get something out of it as well."

"Still, there was so much awesome in that sentence, I might not be able to wait until later."

"Who says you have to?"

Rachel doesn't go in the auditorium door like she usually does. It's old hat by now and she'd like a new challenge, so they go the door by the gym.

"I would have thought you'd want to do it on Coach Sylvester's desk," Rachel says as they pass the office.

"Yeah, but I already have with Britt, so I had to come up with another one."

Rachel spins around to look at Santana and for a moment the Latina thinks she's fucked up mentioning an ex.

But Rachel just shakes her head. "God and you call me an exhibitionist. Besides the two we're going toward, is there any place in this school you haven't done it?"

"School's boring."

"Your education is important."

"Yeah, I can't wait to get into the real work and apply my knowledge of the Pythagorean Theorem."

They reach Ms. Pillsbury's office first and slip inside. Rachel, being Rachel, wants to have a plan of sorts, but Santana just ignores her slams her into the closest glass wall.

When they break for air, Santana's curiosity gets the better of her. "What exactly did we need to plan out?"

Rachel's answer is to spin them around and push Santana into the glass.

Because they ended up doing it against the glass walls, they have to spend nearly a half hour cleaning it, at Rachel's insistence.

"Why are we doing this again?"

"Because," Rachel says. "I don't want to leave any evidence behind. I've gone this long without being caught. I'd like to continue."

"Do you really think they're going to try to match your ass check print? What are they going to do? Have everyone they suspect drop trou and leave a mark? How does one read an ass check print?"

"Shut up," Rachel says. "I like Ms. Pillsbury and I don't want her hyperventilating until she passes out because she found out we had sex against each of her glass walls."

"Don't forget her chair."

"You're a terrible influence," Rachel murmurs.

"Considering this was all your idea, I think who's the terrible influence is up for debate."

When they finally make it to the auditorium, they both smell like cleaning products. Rachel flounces up to the stage and sits on the edge. Not wanting to bother with the lights, they're both using flashlights. Feeling a bit tired, Santana joins her. Rachel leans her head against Santana's shoulder.

"We can always come back another day," Santana suggests.

"Oh, so now that yours is done, you're fine leaving?" Rachel scoffs. "I see how it is."

"Or it's something to look forward to."

"We're doing it," Rachel tells Santana. "When are we going to have another opportunity?"

"Considering how easily you picked the lock," Santana replies. "I'd say whenever we want."

"Perhaps," Rachel says. "But I had my hopes set on this. And you know how I hate to be disappointed."

"I guess if we have to."

Rachel looks around and then disappears behind the stage left curtain. A moment later she reappears with a blanket. "The stage is filthy."

"Why do we have to be on the ground?"

"There's nothing to lean against," Rachel explains. "And we have to do be center stage."

"Of course we do."

"Shut up and kiss me."

Monday morning the McKinley High swim team enters to find that someone has taken the diving board and tossed it in the pool. Whoever did it also painted the words, "I'm drowning!" on it before pushing it in.

Several students try to retrieve it, but it's in the deep end and it's fairly heavy. Eventually they have to drain the pool. The janitorial staff then climbs in and drags it out. They spend the rest of the day cleaning the paint off and reattaching it.

Rachel is surprised to find her girlfriend waiting for her at her locker Monday morning, since it's not a regular occurrence.

"Good morning, Santana," she greets.


"It isn't that I'm not pleased to see you this morning," Rachel says. "But why are you here?"

"It seems that the McKinley prankster has struck again."


"It's might be my favorite one yet," Santana continues.

"Better than the chickens?"

"I think so."

"I'm glad," Rachel says.

"I was worried you'd never pull anything again."

"Everyone needs a hobby."

"May I walk you to class?" Santana asks.

Rachel gives an incredulous stare. "Really?"

"Of course," Santana says, taking Rachel's books from her. They start walking towards Rachel's first class.

"Next you're going to want to eat lunch together," Rachel says.

"We can if you want."

Rachel stops and pulls Santana into an empty classroom. "What's gotten into you today?"

"What do you mean?" Santana asks.

"You're acting all…girlfriendy. It's freaking me out."

"So what, now you don't want me to walk you to class or carry your books?" Santana questions. "Because you sure as hell did in the beginning."

"I remember," Rachel replies. "But things change. And now I kind of like it how it is. We're not that sort of couple. Sure we spend all day Saturday together, but we also spend Friday night apart, you with an ex and me with an ex for both of us. What does that say to you?"

"That we're secure in our relationship."

"Exactly," Rachel agrees. "So why change things? If you want to walk to class together every day, that's fine. But don't do it for me. Do it because you want to."

"It's just even though Saturday started out horribly, it turned out to be an awesome weekend," Santana explains. "I just wanted to give you something you wanted since you gave me something I really wanted. Two things, actually."

"I'm pretty sure we're even on that account," Rachel replies. "Though what's the other thing?"

"The return of you being…badass. Breaking into school to have sex. And then with the diving board. You know what that does to me."

"Confidentially," Rachel says. "I rather enjoy it myself. I had a few ideas that I didn't get to try before the plug was pulled."

"I should kick Puck's ass on principal," Santana mutters. "If my smokin' hot, badass girlfriend wants to pull the pranks he's not smart enough or ballsy enough to do, then she should be able to."

"Thanks." Rachel finds badass Santana pretty hot as well, so she grabs her Cheerios uniform and tugs her in for a kiss. Santana, being Santana, grabs Rachel's ass and pulls her even closer.

"Slow down there, tiger," Rachel says when they pull apart. "I fully intend on attending classes today. All of them, so you'll just have to hold that thought."

"Spoil sport," Santana grumbles as she takes Rachel's hand and leads her back into the hallway.

Santana walks Rachel to her first class, but doesn't carry her books. Rachel makes it to the rest of her morning classes without her girlfriend by her side, though they do pass each other in the hall with a passing smile. They do, however have lunch together, but they definitely don't eat.

fic, rachel/santana, glee fic, iwpurasifil series

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