In certain contexts, it's unworthy of the person(s) making it.
And in other contexts? Emblematic of how little their best is worth.
Yes, I'm addressing an old meme.
Also: Diahann Carrol's
JULIA. If you watched it, know it, please shed some light this way. THANKS!
And Jada Pinkett Smith's
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Comments 22
I'm gladdened by your information. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for commenting!
Favorite moments? I can't remember anything specific about the show. I think I may have had a crush on her son...
Significance? It was very important to me that Julia was beautiful and I remember getting in an argument with a girl about it at school. Also, her husband died in Vietnam. I didn't like that because my dad was going to have to go there (he was in the Air Force). Very distressing.
Sorry, I'm sure you were looking for something more analytical. :( If only I had been a couple of years older, or caught the show in reruns...
Six and already got your eye out for black peepulz. Ain't that a b? I wonder if you look harder now than you did then. Seems like I'm always looking for a black character in some show. (*gives Friends and How I Met Your Mother the stink-eye*)
I can't remember anything specific about the show. I think I may have had a crush on her son...
He was super cute, iir (from re-runs).
Very distressing.
Please don't be. I'm glad of what you've read and shared. Thank you.
I'm sure you were looking for something more analytical.
I wasn't. :)
:( If only I had been a couple of years older, or caught the show in reruns...
This, what you've shared, is good enough for me right here. :D
You still gonna write it, and, oddly enough, I was thinking of you when I wrote this. You and 'bana and...yeah. You know?
Hawthorne. I'm gonna give it a look, but I'm tired of mutton dressed as lamb.
I'm so glad you're writing. I'm so glad Campbell's book dropped too.
Of course I watched it in the early 80's (I think) when Bim bought the rights to air the series in the country. Or I watched it when visiting family in the US, but again that'd be in the 80's.
So that's way after the original airing, yes? After Julia, I remember watching the Cosby show (for having a black family) which kickstarted my fascination with brownstones. I never did like that show that had the tall skinny guy - JJ I think his name was.
The show with JJ was good times. Did I ever tell you about the time I went to renew my green card, and one of my brothers and one of his tall, lanky, skinny, white, artist best friends started a rousing rendition of the Good Times theme song up in there?
Pre-911 of course. Bi. Zarre.
I liked bits of the show. I loved the theme song. I loved Janet in it. Florida...James... Wait, I think I felt everybody but JJ. And him the artist! My fave episode is probably when he painted a black Jesus. :D
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