I woke up today, and thought to myself: "You know what ME fandom needs? A ficathon!" I figured I had two options, either wait around for someone else to host one, or get off my keister and host it myself.
Guess which one I picked?
Sign Ups Begin - August 17, 2010
Sign Ups End - August 31, 2010
Assignments Sent Out - September 2-3, 2010
Stories DUE - October 27, 2010; POST ANYTIME DURING THIS 24-HOUR BLOCK!
Ficathon Guidelines (and How this Works!):
- From August 17 through August 31, interested folks will comment to this post with a completed sign up form.
- Everyone who signs up will be matched (by me, your Overlord for this event) with someone else who has signed up, based on wants/don't wants and what each person is willing to write.
- I will send out the prompt that you have been matched with, along with all other important information, to you from September 2-3 via LJ private message/email.
- Prompts will be matched ANONYMOUSLY, meaning that while you will know who YOU are writing for, you will NOT know who is writing for you. (So keep that on the down-low, please!)
- You have until October 27th to complete a fic for your assigned prompt.
- In the case that someone cannot complete their assigned fic, I will try to find someone from the back-up writer pool to take it on (a back-up writer is someone willing to write an ADDITIONAL story on top of the one they have been assigned, simply because they are a good person :-D).
- Fics must be a minimum of 1000 words. There is no maximum.
- This is an anything goes-type ficathon! So any prompts, characters, and/or pairings (including gen, het, slash, femslash, xenophilia, threesomes, foursomes, etc) from the Mass Effect canon is welcome. The only restriction is that the stories MUST take place in the Mass Effect universe.
- When making prompts, please refrain from submitting anything that could be considered deliberately offensive (please, use your best judgment) or that includes character or pairing bashing OF ANY KIND! I'm very anti-bashing, and I would like to keep this as a fun and wank-free event.
How to Sign Up:
Snag this code:
Characters/Pairings you'd like included:
Preferred rating of fic:
Things you don't want:
Characters you are willing to write:
Pairings you are willing to writing:
Ratings you are wiling to write:
Have you read the books/comics?:
Things you will not write:
Are you willing to be a back-up writer? and fill it out in a comment.
Keep in mind that the more specific you are in your comment with your wants/don't wants, the easier it will be to pair you up with someone. And that'll equal more fun for everyone! (Or maybe it'll just make my life easier, jury's still out. But either way, BONUS!)
Example Comment
yourusername E-mail: youremailaddy @ youremailaccount .com
Prompt: The presence of EDI on-board the Normandy is discovered by the Council.
Characters/Pairings you'd like included: EDI, Anderson, Joker, Shepard
Preferred rating of fic: K through T
Things you don't want: Romance, character death
Characters you are willing to write: EDI, Joker, Chakwas, M!Shepard, Thane, and Kasumi
Pairings you are willing to writing: Thane/Kasumi, EDI/Joker
Ratings you are wiling to write: Any is fine
Have you read the books/comics?: No.
Things you will not write: Bondage, Anderson/Shepard
Are you willing to be a back-up writer? Yes
When the due date rolls around, feel free to post your fic wherever you are most comfortable; be that on
Ao3, or somewhere else. The only rule is that the post most be made public for viewing. You will then post a link to your entry in a new post that I will make here on my LJ, where a masterlist will then be maintained for easy access.
Sometimes things happen in Real Life that get in the way of ficathon commitments; it's not ideal, but it happens. If you are going to default, please let me know ASAP so that I can try and organize a back-up writer. No one likes working hard on a fic, only to have their own prompt flounced on.
Please feel free to PIMP this ficathon far and wide! The more the merrier!
The Mass Effect Ficathon!!
Sign Ups Open August 17-31, 2010
Stories Due October 27, 2010
Sign Up Now! Snag this code, and pimp away! SIGN UPs NOW CLOSED!
Assignments will be sent out Friday, September 3, 2010! (Just in time for the weekend!)