I woke up today, and thought to myself: "You know what ME fandom needs? A ficathon!" I figured I had two options, either wait around for someone else to host one, or get off my keister and host it myself.
Guess which one I picked?
Comments 12
Username: siujerkjai
E-mail: dinahlance (at) gmail (dot) com
Prompt: Jacob helps Shepard out of a jam. Can be male or female Shepard, romance or not, funny or serious, as long as Jacob saves the day.
Characters/Pairings you'd like included: Jacob, Shepard (can be Jacob/Shepard), any other crew member you'd like
Preferred rating of fic: Any
Things you don't want: No jokes at Jacob's expense and no derpy sidekick Jacob. I want Jacob as the big hero.
Characters you are willing to write: Shepard (male or female), Ashley, Kaidan, Garrus, Tali, Miranda, Jacob, Thane, Samara, Zaeed, Kasumi, Joker, Chakwas
Pairings you are willing to write: Shepard/Kaidan, Shepard/Garrus, Shepard/Thane, Shepard/Jacob, Shepard/Tali, Shepard/Miranda, Joker/Ashley. I'm open to other pairings as well, but no Jacob/Miranda or Jacob/Kasumi (I don't have anything against those pairings; I just don't think I can write them).
Ratings you are wiling to write: Any
Have you read the books/comics?: I've read the first two books.
Things you will not write: If you want romantic entanglements ( ... )
Username: Faith_harris
E-mail: xander1316@yahoo.com
Prompt: The Alliance and the Normandy Crew cross paths during a mission planned by Kasumi.
Characters/Pairings you'd like included: Kaidan/Garrus friendship or shipping (friendship preferred), Kasumi/Tali, M!Shep/Miranda. Not necessarily all three, but at least two would be preferred.
Preferred rating of fic: R
Things you don't want: No M!preg, no healing!sex, I'd prefer no heavy angst, no cross-dressing, no non-con. Essentially, the things listed in what I won't write.
Characters you are willing to write: Kaidan, Garrus, M!Shep (Paragon or Renegade), Jack, Legion, Miranda, Kasumi, Wrex, Grunt, Liara Samara, Morinth (Samara and Morinth as smaller characters, preferably, but I'll try them), Aria, Saren, Nihlus
Pairings you are willing to writing: My pairings are weird...Kaidan/Jack, Kasumi/Any, Kaidan/Liara, M!Shep/Wrex, Kaidan/Any!Shep, Legion/Tali, M!Shep/Miranda, Aria/Wrex, Saren/Nihlus, Saren/Garrus, Nihlus/Garrus, Kaidan/Garrus, Garrus/Wrex, Garrus/Tali...Anything with a Turian ( ... )
Username: rhiannon87
E-mail: PM via LJ would be preferred
Prompt: Jacob and Joker: drinking buddies!
Characters/Pairings you'd like included: Joker, Jacob (duh); background/implied Joker/Shepard (M!Shep or F!Shep, both are good) and Kasumi/Jacob crush-type-things would be good, but you can leave 'em out if you want
Preferred rating of fic: K to T
Things you don't want: No smut, no death, no excessive angsting
Characters you are willing to write: FemShep, Joker, Tali, Chakwas, Kasumi
Pairings you are willing to writing: Joker/Shep, Tali/Kal, Kasumi/Keiji (there are plenty of other pairings I like, I'm just not confident in my ability to write them well)
Ratings you are wiling to write: K to M
Have you read the books/comics?: No
Things you will not write: Smut (I am not good at porn), mpreg, big battle action scenes (I much prefer to do dialogue-heavy stuff or character studies)
Are you willing to be a back-up writer?
With enough warning, sure.
E-mail: clightsaber3 (at) gmail (dot) com
Prompt: Generic M!Shep is captured by the Collectors, turned into a covert Harbinger avatar, and returned to the Normandy in a "rescue." Bonus points for a scene where M!Shep "watches" his mind get systematically dissected, duplicated, and destroyed AND/OR where Harbinger!Shep muses on interacting with organics on a daily basis.
Characters/Pairings you'd like included: M!Shep, Harbinger, Normandy crew, almost any M!Shep pairing (but would give even more bonus points for Harbinger!Shep/Joker), though I would think that Harbinger!Shep only agrees to it for the sake of impersonating Shepard.
Preferred rating of fic: T-M
Things you don't want: M!Shep/Tali, smut, mpreg...
Characters you are willing to write: Pretty much anyone.
Pairings you are willing to write: Pretty much any pairing except the ones listed below.
Ratings you are wiling to write: K-M
Have you read the books/comics?: Nope.
Things you will not write: M!Shep/Tali, Fem!Shep/Garrus, serious EDI/Joker, smut (because I don't ( ... )
Username: eternity_1005
E-mail: driedrosesinwine [ot] gmail [dat] com
Prompt: After the destruction of the Collectors base, f!Shep is trying to re-connect with the Alliance to get them and the Council prepared for the greater threat, especially after pissing off the Illusive Man with her act of defiance. Kaidan Alenko is sent to be their representitive, but it has been two years for him and the Terminus systems have changed Shepard. He's become a leader, a commander in his own right, and worries that he could have lost Shepard already. Meanwhile, f!Shepard is still harboring resentment from his treatment of her on Horizon and his lack of trust, and is beginning to fear that they really have changed too much to be together. They both try to take the dominant role in the relationship to prove their commitment ( ... )
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