Shadow Of Pleasure Part 2 - Jack/Grace Fanfiction

Dec 24, 2007 19:02

Title: Shadow of Pleasure
Author: M. Elizabeth Ravensblood
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack/Grace with implied Jack/Samantha
Summary: Pre-series. While attending the National Forensics Conference, Grace runs into her friend Jack, a successful thriller author who unknown to her derives his ingenious plots from his exploits as serial killer Jack-Of-All-Trades. Upset over her husband's infidelity, Grace decides to even the score and soon she takes the first step into Jack's world...
Author's Notes: Shadow of Pleasure is the first story in a series called, Gods and Shadows which will be Jack/Grace in parts and ultimately Jack/Samantha. This first tale which focuses on Jack/Grace is for my lovely friend, velvetwhip. This is part two of Shadow of Pleasure, the first part can be found here. The story is cross-posted at profiler_fans. Due to length this will probably be posted in at least four parts.

When Jack returned, he had a glass and a full bottle of Jack Daniels with him. Grace was tempted to inquire how he'd managed but decided to see if he said anything further about Samantha first. She watched as he poured glass and quickly drank it. Then he poured a second glass and let it sit as he lit another of his interminable cigarettes. Although she worried every time he lit up, she refrained from lecturing him this time time and instead took a generous sip of her own drink.

"We make quite the pair," Jack remarked.

"Yes we do," Grace agreed and had another sip of her drink. She wasn't drunk but the alcohol was starting to have a soothing effect. Looking at him, she asked, "So question is, what is it we need to do with our regard to our respective partners?"

Jack laughed as if he was thinking of a private joke and drawled, "I have a five year plan to kill everyone around Samantha, isolating her and forcing her to finally face that we're the same."

Grace gave him a dour look then giggled, "So, you plan to write your frustrations away, huh?"

"Something like that."

"Wish I could write Morgan away. I just can't seem to let this go," Grace groaned.

Jack finished his glass and poured another as he inquired, "So what bothers you most about it? Aside from the obvious, that is."

"Nothing," Grace lied and finished her drink.

"I don't believe you."

"Me either, but I don't plan to talk about it."

Jack shrugged, "That's fine. I'll let you know when I figure it out later."

"Don't tell me that Jacklyn likes to play Alexandra and profile people," Grace protested.

"Only now and then," Jack replied. He finished his glass of Tennessee's finest and rapidly downed another, then stood and slipped on his jacket. Offering his hand to Grace he said, "Come on. We have just enough time to grab some lunch and sober you up enough that you can go to the Blood Spatter Pattern Analysis lecture with me."

"That's not on my list," Grace informed him.

"Yes but I'm sure it's more interesting than sitting through old Hedgerow's Bite Mark Interpretation and Forensic Dentistry lecture again."

"How did you know-"

Grinning Jack answered, "You've taken it for the past two years. I guarantee he hasn't added anything new unless it's an additional chorus of blowing his nose. I need this for my next novel, don't make me sit all by myself."

Rising to her feet and allowing him to lead her out of the bar and towards one of the hotel restaurants, Grace sighed, "All right. But only in the interest of Mack being able to terrorize Alexandra."

"It's for a case Alexandra's working," Jack clarified. "Mack is far too clever to let the police find any evidence he doesn't want them to."

"Ah. Of course, I should have know," Grace said as they entered the restaurant and were shown to their table. Neither talked much as they skimmed the menu. Once their orders were placed, she asked, "Have you ever thought of how you'll end the series? You mentioned a five year plan so I'm assuming you're going to end it one day."

"Not so much end as give it a whole new dynamic. I plan to put out another half dozen books over the next five years in which Mack continues to stalk Alexandra. Then comes the turning point. Alexandra finally sees the darkness inside her and starts to kill, joining Mack in his world."

"Bonnie and Clyde, huh?"

"No," Jack bit out in a harsh tone. Seeing Grace flinch slightly, he apologized, "I'm sorry Grace, I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just that, I have a personal interest in Alexandra and Mack. I don't want them to become something comical or cliché. They're important to me. I want-"

"You want what?"

"It's too strange," Jack demurred.

"Tell me," Grace pressed. "I won't think it's strange or silly, I promise."

Jack bit his lower lip and hesitated, "I want people to see the beauty and poetry of their killing together. It's love at it's most perfect and pure. More than sex, more than mundane figuring out what to have for dinner- that through their killing Alexandra and Mack achieve a sort of immortality. That with each murder they reaffirm their love and become godlike by creating stunning works of art. Each death a testament to their love. A tableaux displaying the perfect likeness of mind they share."

It was absolutely gruesome, yet as Jack spoke with passion and tenderness about murder, Grace could see a certain twisted intimacy to it. People would be shocked at the idea of a serial killer getting the object of his desire and her embracing his lifestyle; but Jack's books had been shocking from the start and sales were continually climbing. He'd probably be banned a few places but in the end it would probably push his books up higher on the best seller list.

"I think I understand what you're aiming for. It's dark but I'm sure you'll pull it off. Probably sell even more books because of it," Grace told him. Curious, she asked, "What are you going to do if your sales grow larger still and your publisher starts pressuring you again to take credit and do interviews and such?"

"Oh that," Jack shrugged dismissively. "At the moment I have him convinced that Jacklyn's mysterious quality will help boost her popularity. And if nothing else I had one of my companies buy the publishing house last year, so I can always threaten to fire him."

"Bought the publishing-" Grace repeated and trailed off. Deciding it was finally safe to pursue the issue she inquired, "Just how rich are you really?"

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

"I probably would," she said. Looking sheepish she admitted, "I looked your name up at the library once."

"Ah," Jack commented. "Well, then you know Albert Jackson Newquay inherited the family estate upon his father's death three years ago."

"Why didn't you tell me when your father died at the time? I would have sent flowers."

"Hardly necessary or worthwhile. My father was-" Jack hesitated momentarily before finishing. "Less than pleasant."

Grace suspected he'd been going to say something different. The clipped tone with which he spoke suggested there was a great deal more to the man than merely being unpleasant. It never ceased to amaze Grace, how very aloof and reserved Jack was at times. Yet other times as he spoke of Mack and Alexandra there was such passion in his voice. Jack seemed to be a walking contradiction of quiet introspection and intensity and passion that seemed to bubble beneath the surface. Each time Grace met Jack she seemed to discover a new facet to him, as if he were an unending puzzle, an enigma that had no solution. However as charming as he was, it was an addictive puzzle and she wanted to see more of the many facets that made up Jack.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories," Grace told him apologetically.

The vulnerability that had appeared earlier when she'd first learned of his unrequited love, seemed to return. Seeing the pain in his eyes, she wished she could fix what was hurting him. When his handsome face registered pain it was heartbreaking just to watch him. Once more his expression became veiled and he smiled at her. However deep his pain, he seemed to need to control his emotions at all times.

"So, you know about my inheritance," Jack said in a bright tone. Returning the conversation to her earlier question he confided, "The estate was sizable. But I think I've made an investment that's going to triple my net worth soon. William Henry's company went public on the market a few years ago and I bumped into him at a party his parents hosted last month. He has an idea that I think is going to change the world and so I sunk a bit of capitol into his company."

"A friend of yours?"

"My mother briefly left my father and took me to Seattle when I was a teenager. First and only prep school I ever attended that wasn't a boarding school. We weren't close by any means, he was older than me, but we were civil. His father did some legal work for one of my family's companies when we started branching out on the Pacific coast. I was in the area on business and on a whim accepted an invitation to a holiday party. William told me about his company. He has an idea that will change computers as we know them."

"Computers?" Grace wrinkled her nose slightly. "We have a couple at Atlanta PD and they're miserable to use. I hope you didn't invest too much money in good old Bill's company."

"Actually, I put in four percent of the family estate," Jack admitted. "Should have heard my mother screeching on the phone when she found out I spent twenty-four million on stock without consulting with our broker. Even if it fails, which it won't, it's hardly the end of the world."

"So what's the name of this wonder company?"

"Microsoft. You ought to invest in it," Jack told her.

"No thanks. You can afford to throw money away, I can't."

"I could give you the money to buy in," he offered.

She shook her head and declined, "No thanks. I think you've squandered enough money already. Keep it up and you'll have to start living off your book royalties."

"As you like," Jack replied. "At the very least let me pick up the check for lunch."

Grace agreed and mentally shook her head at Jack's frivolousness. Although it was a large sum of money for her to contemplate it wouldn't hurt Jack. But still, it seemed silly to throw so much money away. She wished she could ask him more about his father. Maybe one day he would confide in her. The food arrived interrupting her train of thought. As they ate, Jack asked her about how her job was going at Atlanta PD and she told him about some of her cases. Normally she had to censor herself, Morgan couldn't handle hearing much about her work and definitely not at dinner. However, Jack listened happily and seemed comfortable discussing post mortem lividity and the removal and weighing of organs with ease as they ate.


After lunch, Jack went outside to have a cigarette and Grace accompanied him despite her aversion to cigarette smoke. Although she always enjoyed his company, something felt different this time and she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Once Jack had his nicotine fix, Grace went with him to the lecture on Blood Spatter Pattern Analysis. During the lecture, Jack sat in rapt attention, his focus entirely on the lecture and Grace found herself looking at her companion more than the lecturer. What was it about him that she was so drawn to?

Jack was handsome, but there was no reason why he should capture her interest any more than any of the other attractive men she encountered at the precinct. Beneath all of his charm and civility there was something primal and indefinable that distinguished him from other men. An arresting quality that made her pulse quicken. Powerful, almost predatory, as if Mack had leapt from the pages of his novels and fused with him. Such gentleness and old fashioned romantic charm coupled with the power, violence and animal magnetism of an alpha male, that was what made him so intoxicating, Grace decided.

What would it be like to be touched by a man like Jack? Grace wondered then blushed at her thoughts. Jack would probably be shocked if he knew where her mind was at present. He was focused on forensics while she was mentally undressing him. Forcing herself to stare at the front of the room, Grace felt as if every nerve in her body was on overload as her mind kept returning to Jack. Although she'd always thought he was handsome, she'd never been more sexually aware of him than she was at that moment. Despite her efforts to try and push him from her mind, her nipples pressed painfully against her bra and an ache started to spread from her stomach to the juncture of her thighs in a slow but insistent pulse.

"Grace, are you all right?" a voice intruded on her thoughts.

Turning to Jack, she realized the lecture had ended and stammered, "F-fine. I guess I was just day dreaming."

"I suppose I'll have to transcribe both lectures for you," Jack told her dramatic sigh. Looking concerned, he reached out and felt her face. "Are you certain you're all right? Your face is quite flushed?"

The touch of his hand made her heart beat faster and she squeaked, "I'm fine. Just a bit warm."

"Let me help you outside," Jack offered.

While he stood and held out his arm, Grace was wishing desperately that he wasn't such a gentleman. The closeness was more than she could bear at present. As she stood, her knees buckled slightly and Jack caught her tightly in his arms. She'd never been so close to him before and her body screamed at her greedily for more contact. A moment later once he was certain she had her bearings, Jack released her and offered his arm once more. Reluctantly she allowed Jack to escort her outside. He settled her on a bench before lighting another of his interminable cigarettes and smoking happily,

Jack stood beside the bench smoking and Grace tried not to look at him and to calm her rapidly fraying nerves. While he stood and exhaled in the opposite direction, her traitorous eyes looked in his direction once more. Sitting, her eye level was even with his fly which wasn't helping to distract her from the sensations that coursed through her body. As much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't seem to pull her eyes away. He rested his hand on the back of the bench leaning casually as he flicked ash into a nearby ash receptacle. From his new position, Grace realized from the outline against his leg Jack didn't wear underwear. Unconsciously, she moaned as she turned her head away from him.

Instantly, Jack flicked his cigarette away and knelt down in front of her, worriedly asking, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I-" Grace trailed off blushing as the switched positions brought a whole new train of bad thoughts to her mind.

"Grace," Jack admonished gently. "I went to med school. Is it er female troubles?"

She would have burst out laughing at his delicate wording and his obvious embarrassment, if it weren't that she was having a problem with those places, just not like he was imagining. Shaking her head, she forced out brightly, "Jack! God no! Just slight muscle cramp in my back. Probably from too much sitting."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive," she lied and stood up. Jack was sweet and meant well, but Grace had to get away from him and have a few minutes to collect her thoughts and to get her body back under control. She tried to think of a polite way to escape for a while.

"Would you like to go for a walk before the next lecture?"

"That's sweet of you," Grace said. Her mind racing, she looked around for an idea to buy some time. A pink wad of gum on the ground gave her inspiration. Turning slightly as if looking behind her, she exclaimed, "Damn it!"


"I sat in some gum. You know what, I'm going to go up to my room and change. Meet you at the Bullet Wound Trajectory and Powder Burn Lecture in a bit," Grace told him, Hold her hand against the back of her leg as she brushed past him. She went into the hotel. Once inside she practically ran to elevators and headed to her room.

Left behind, Jack lit another cigarette and looked at the bench. He was so sure he'd checked it carefully before letting Grace sit down. Exhaling thoughtfully, he decided to insist she allow him to pay to have her pants dry cleaned. It was the least he could do.


In the safety of her room, Grace sank down on her bed. What the hell was the matter with her? She didn't go around fantasizing about male friends and staring at the crotch of their pants. This wasn't like her, she chided herself. What had she been thinking even allowing herself to start thinking about Jack that way? Granted she'd fantasized about him while she was with Morgan, but she'd only in the dark of her bedroom in Atlanta. How was being around Jack this time any different from the others? Nothing had changed. Nothing was different, except- Except for Morgan had cheated no her but that shouldn't affect how she acted and felt around Jack.

She loved Morgan, but they hadn't been intimate since she found out about his infidelity. Was it just a case of missing sex? No. She hadn't thought much about it in the three months since she found out that he'd cheated. There were plenty of good looking guys at the precinct if that was the case. That new Detective Grant was easy on the eyes, even if he had a bit too much attitude. So wouldn't she have been feeling this way sooner if she had simply been missing sex?

Maybe she ought to call Morgan to get her head back in the right place and it wouldn't hurt to check up on him, God only knew she didn't trust him any more. Pausing she considered, was that the problem. Now that she didn't trust Morgan was she looking for someone to trust? No. She wasn't looking for another man she could trust, although certainly Jack was was devoted to his Alexandra- no Samantha, she thought and corrected herself.

Before she always felt she could trust Morgan and that they were meant to be together always. Now she was unsure of those things. For the first time in her life she was looking at Jack without feeling bound to Morgan. She hadn't felt bound to him for a while, Grace realized. Maybe other men had caught her eye recently, but none of them had captured her attention the way Jack had.

"I want him," Grace murmured in shock.

She didn't feel ready to give up Morgan and clearly Jack's interests lay elsewhere and with great fervor. But there was no denying that she wanted to feel his hands on her. Morgan was the only man she'd ever been with and it was a bit of a shock to her system to crave another man so strongly. Before she could face Jack again, she needed to have a shower to cool down and then switch clothes since she'd lied about the gum. She would try to put the matter from her mind and act normally. Jack had plenty of problems from the sound of things and she didn't want to add to them or worse lose his friendship.

Taking her clothes off, Grace went into the bathroom and got into the shower. The water instead of cooling her down seemed to re-stimulate all the aching nerves in her body. Adjusting the water temperature and the angle of the shower head, Grace leaned against the back wall of the shower and let the water pound against her overheated sex. Closing her eyes, she tried to think of Morgan and when that failed try to think of one of the men she worked with. Only becoming more frustrated than finding the satisfaction her body craved, Grace finally allowed herself to think of Jack. Half heartedly she tried to scold herself but her eager body urged her mind to a more pleasant train of thought.

In her mind she imagined him standing as she sat, but this time she was sitting on a bed and they were alone. His cock grew hard under her gaze and he smiled at her with his lazy sensual smile as he unfastened his pants. Then he pushed her back against the bed and magically all their clothing was gone. Jack's mouth slid over her breasts and down her stomach. Lips teased along her thighs, in her mind as she writhed under the steady pulse of the water.

"Are you sure you want this?" he teased, his mouth hovering just over her slit.

Her imagination left off as the water's dance brought her to a searing climax and she cried out loudly. For several minutes she panted as she adjusted the shower head back in place. Standing underneath the water she reached for the soap she'd brought with her and began to wash away the evidence of her arousal. Strange that even in her fantasy Jack was charmingly impudent but it was oddly fitting. She suspected Jack was very much in control when it came to sex and that he probably had the skill to tease a woman to the point of madness and do it a way that was so charming she probably thanked him and begged for more.

After her shower, as Grace got dressed she felt more relaxed. She would focus on the lectures and perhaps could persuade him to spill some secrets about the book that just went off to the publisher. Yes she had feelings and was attracted to him; but surely now that she'd admitted it she could act and feel normally with him once more. Heading downstairs, Grace began to look for Jack who was standing near the conference room where the Bullet Wound Trajectory and Powder Burn Lecture was being held. A man stood talking to him and Jack looked distinctly annoyed.

"I'll have to let you know," Jack told the man and walked up to Grace. Taking her arm he moved close and kissed her cheek. In a warm tone, he purred, "I've missed you, darling."

Once they were inside the room, Grace asked, "What was that about?"

Sinking into a chair, Jack sighed, "A reminder that I'm the head of the Newquay wealth. A man I've never met and never care to again, trying to persuade me to part with several million to fund his research project. Sometimes someone recognizes me and the hands go out. I'm used to it."

"Speak of the devil," Grace murmured under her breath as the man came in.

Jack gave the man withering glance, but he enthusiastically persisted, "Mr. Newquay. Albert. May I call you Albert?"


"Mr. Newquay, I'd love to talk to you in greater detail and show you some of my figures. I believe that together we could go down in medical history for our contribution to viral myocarditis. You probably don't understand what it is yet, but I-"

"Enough," Jack said in a firm tone. "Myocarditis is an uncommon disorder that is usually caused by viral infections such as coxsackie virus, adenovirus, and echovirus. It may also occur during or after various viral, bacterial, or parasitic infections. The condition may also be caused by exposure to chemicals or allergic reactions to certain medications and it can be associated with autoimmune diseases. Characterized by inflammation of the heart. Subsequent myocardial destruction can lead to dilated cardiomyopathy."

Grace was impressed and watched as the man stammered, "W-well, you seem to have heard of it."

"Heard of it and wrote a check for several million to Walter Anderson a couple years back. I believe he's considered the top researcher in the field. Now unless you're planning to attend the lecture, I'm sure you'll understand when I ask you to leave us alone."

"Of course, Sir. I'm sorry to have troubled you," the man apologized and left.

"How often to you have to put up with that?" Grace inquired.

"It varies. Sometimes it seems like it's every time I go out. Other times I can go months without being recognized. It was my fault this time. I saw a trinket I wanted to purchase for Samantha, to give to her one day. I should have paid cash and instead made the mistake of flashing the black card."

"Black card?"

Jack got his wallet out and pulled out a black colored American Express card. Although Grace wasn't much for gossip, she'd heard of the legendary invitation only card that had no limit to the amount that could be charged on it.

"He probably either was looking for wealthy investors and got my name from the clerk or he found out I was here and seeing card figured out who I was," Jack told her, sliding the card back in his wallet and putting it away.

Curious, Grace asked, "What did you buy?"

He reached inside his jacket pocket and pulled out a velvet box from the hotel's jewelry store and handed it to Grace. Opening it to survey inside, Grace saw it was a delicate gold chain with a heart pendant that had a rose in the center. The petals were comprised of pave rubies and the stem was created from a strangely cut emerald. It was very old fashioned and not the sort of thing many women wore any more, but Jack apparently felt it suited Samantha. She realized he was staring at the pendant and her breath caught at his expression. His eyes danced as if he were seeing Samantha wearing it, a mixture of hope and rapture on his face. Not even on their wedding day had Morgan looked at her the way Jack looked at the necklace he'd purchased for Samantha.

"Someday," Jack breathed softly.

Handing the box to him, Grace said, "I'm sure she'll love it. It's quite beautiful."

He beamed as he put the box away, then scowled as the man from earlier hesitated in the doorway. Giving the intruder a look that would freeze fire, Jack growled with irritation. Grace could feel the tension coming off of him in waves.

"I'm not in the mood for this," Jack hissed under his breath. Giving Grace a dazzling smile, he pleaded, "Have dinner with me in my suite tonight, please. I don't want to do something I'll regret to that man. We can get drunk and talk shop. Please?"

Grace hesitated, but nodded, "Okay."

"You're an angel!" Jack exclaimed and caressed her arm briefly before looking towards the front as the speaker moved into place.

This was not good, Grace thought as her body reacted to the devastating grin he gave her. The brief touch he gave her arm, had her nipples stinging back to life and the ache she'd taken care of earlier returned with a vengeance. While she had no doubt Jack would be a gentleman, she didn't think she would be able to handle being alone with him in such an intimate setting. He'd said he had a suite and she knew from the hotel's brochure the suites had a separate living room and bedroom. Then her mind strayed to the jetted tubs and fireplaces the suites were supposed to have. An image of Jack shirtless, with a fire casting a warm glow over his skin as he handed her a glass of champagne rose up in her mind. Grace may have escaped the frying pan earlier when she lied to escape but tonight she was going into the fire and in her mind the fire was looking very tempting indeed.

fanfiction, jack/samantha, jack/grace, m ravensblood

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