Title: Shadow of Pleasure
Author: M. Elizabeth Ravensblood
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jack/Grace with implied Jack/Samantha
Summary: Pre-series. While attending the National Forensics Conference, Grace runs into her friend Jack, a successful thriller author who unknown to her derives his ingenious plots from his exploits as serial killer Jack-Of-All-Trades. Upset over her husband's infidelity, Grace decides to even the score and soon she takes the first step into Jack's world...
Author's Notes: Shadow of Pleasure is the first story in a series called, Gods and Shadows which will be Jack/Grace in parts and ultimately Jack/Samantha. This first tale which focuses on Jack/Grace is for my lovely friend,
velvetwhip. This is part one of Shadow of Pleasure, the second part will be posted soon. The story may end up being divided in three to four parts due to length.
There are two pieces of artwork under the cut, the first is for the Gods and Shadows Series as a whole and the second is the story art for Shadow Of Pleasure.
On the verge of tears, Grace fought her way through the crowd and ducked into the ladies room. She wasn't in the mood to sit through the barrage of lectures at the National Forensics Convention, but at least it was a week long reprieve from Morgan. They had been fighting steadily for the past three months, ever since she found out he'd cheated on her. Although he insisted it he still loved her and that it had only been a one night stand, it was hard to forgive him and let go. Recently they had started counseling, but things were far from fine and Grace was still furious.
Standing at one of the sinks, Grace turned the water on and splashed some water on her face trying to stem the urge to cry. She paused and looked at her reflection in the mirror. It was strange seeing the image reflected back. Her self-confidence shattered, Grace had spent a day at the salon the week before and along with a facial and a manicure and then on a whim had her hair lightened to a dark honey blonde. She wasn't quite used to seeing herself as a blonde yet and probably would return to her natural color one day. However, Morgan had been furious and declared he hated it, so at least for a while she intended to keep her hair lighter.
Grace had been fine until she had overheard two men discussing using an escort service while they were away from home. The conversation had brought Morgan's infidelity to the front of her mind once more and she'd dashed to the ladies room to avoid anyone seeing her distress. Fortunately the ladies room was empty and she had some privacy as she collected herself.
Taking a deep breath and forcing a slight smile, Grace ventured back out into the hotel and headed to the conference room where the next lecture on her itinerary was being held. The National Forensics Convention offered dozens of lectures through out the week in every field of the science imaginable. Every thing from computer forensics to insect analysis to forensic accounting and everything in between was available from the foremost experts in their fields. Each year the week long convention was held in a different city through out the US. This year it was being held in her native Miami, but Grace hadn't told her mother she was in the area. Her stress level was too great to let her mother add to it at present.
Inside the conference room, Grace took a seat, the were a few minutes until the lecture and there were enough seats she was able to sit by herself. As people, primarily males, filed into the room, she watched the growing sea of dark suits in front of her. She stood up to let a portly man to move past her and take a seat in her row. About to take her seat once more, she froze as she heard a voice behind her.
Turning, she smiled when she saw the familiar ivory clad figure and beamed, "Jack!"
"Mind if I join you?"
"Of course not," Grace answered. She slid into the second seat inwards, leaving the end seat for him. Even though she hadn't seen him in nearly a year, he was exactly as she remembered. The scent of roses and sandalwood with a hint of cigarette smoke and his penchant for pale colored suits that made him stand out among her colleagues were hard to forget. Even more unforgettable were his eyes, Grace thought. The intensity of his gaze made him stand out, his eyes seemed to always be searching and dissecting, There was a knowing quality to his eyes as if he had only to look at someone and he saw into the darkest recesses of their souls. Realizing she was staring, Grace pulled a notebook out of her bag and teasingly inquired, "So what's a nice writer like you, doing in the Bloodborn Pathogens and Other Biohazards in Relation to Autopsy Protocols?"
"Same as always," Jack replied. He shrugged and grinned, "Research."
"I thought the great Jacklyn Trades, always wrote from the killer's point of view," Grace said.
"She does," Jack clarified. Raising a finger to his lips in a hushing movement he added, "But please don't throw the name around. The last thing I need is for people to find out who Jacklyn is. Only you, me, my publisher and God know who she is and I'd like it to stay that way."
"Your secret is safe with me," she assured him. A look of confusion crossed her face as she recalled his companion last year and she hesitated, "Surely your wife knows your nom de plume?"
"Wife?" Jack repeated in dismay. "Have you ever known me to date a woman for more than two weeks?"
"No, I just thought since she was, er in the family way-"
Realization dawning on him, Jack laughed, "You thought- Oh heavens no! Just another of my brief relationships. And I certainly had nothing to do with her getting pregnant, that was six months before I crossed paths with her."
"Sorry, I just assumed. A pregnant date seemed like such an odd choice-"
Non-chalantly he replied, "It seemed fitting and ironic at the time."
"Oh, I didn't mean anything was wrong with that," Grace said, concerned she'd offended him. In a light tone she teased, "I should have known better than to assume any woman could possibly capture your heart."
His expression became remote and Grace saw that she'd accidentally touched on a nerve. In all the time she'd known him, she'd never seen him express anything but amusement, self-assurance and a fascination with knowledge. Vulnerability and pain marred his face as he sighed, "My heart wasn't so hard to capture. Hers is another-" Jack trailed off. A moment later his mask of carelessness returned and he smiled as he offered, "In answer to your question, biohazard knowledge is useful for my killer in terms of clean up when he kills in his home and taking precautions with arterial spray while he's carrying out his murders."
Grace was about to comment when the lecturer stood at the front and began to speak. Although she tried to focus and take notes, she felt uneasy at the thought she had hurt her companion. As she pretended to listen to the lecture, she stole periodic glances at Jack who seemed to be absorbed in the lecture and unaware of her studying him. Trying to think of a way to salvage the situation, Grace thought about their previous encounters. She's known him for five years and had consulted on everyone of his books but he was so hard to know.
Five years ago at a her first National Forensics Conference, Grace had felt out of place and was feeling discouraged by the boys club attitude of many of her colleagues when Jack crossed her path. She had presented a paper she'd written on blood evidence and only a small handful of people attended her lecture. Depressed by the lack of attendees, she'd slipped away to the hotel bar for a drink. Just as she began to drink, Jack had walked in and joined her. He'd attended her lecture and followed her, full of questions. Initially she wondered if he was merely trying to be polite, but he had such enthusiasm that she slowly let her guard down. They had talked on and on until a blonde woman came into the bar looking for him. Before he excused himself Jack asked about which lectures she was attending the next day and promised to meet her in the morning with coffee. To her surprise, he kept his word.
They spent the morning together and he took her to lunch. Over lunch she told him about Morgan and he told her about the book he was researching. The blonde interrupted their lunch and she watched in surprise as Jack took the woman aside.
Thrusting money at her, Jack instructed, "Go shopping. Go to the spa. I don't care but I don't want to see you before 10 PM."
The amount of money he'd handed over coupled with the expensive cut of his clothes, suggested Jack wasn't just a starving artist. After the woman left, Jack resumed talking with Grace as if nothing had happened. Over the next few years she would see similar situations repeat themselves at a variety of forensic conferences and expos. He always had a different blonde companion who he clearly only wanted around during the night. At the time, Grace thought she would never see Jack again; but he turned up over and over at various industry shows and after the second time they met had taken to sending her occasional e-mails.
Six months after their first meeting, Jack called her up to tell her his book had sold and the pen name he was using. She'd been thrilled for him and planned to purchase his book. To her surprise, six months later at the next National Forensics Conference, Jack crept up behind her and slid the book onto her lap during a lecture on Hair and Fiber Collection and Analysis. That night as Jack indulged himself with his latest blonde, Grace sat up all night reading. The book was very disturbing, it was written from the killer's point of view and delved deeply into his thoughts as he murdered to capture the attention of Alexandra Thornton a psychologist with the FBI. At each crimescene, Mack the Knife as the killer was known, would leave a private message to her referring to her as Alex.
Critics praised the audacity of Jacklyn's style as Mack continued to elude authorities and stalk Alexandra as she caught lesser murderers in each book of the series. It shocked Grace each time she would read Jack's books how graphic and dark the vivid and violent imagery of the words were compared to the charming and sweet man who wrote them. Perhaps it was the way he vented his frustration over the mystery woman he alluded to, Grace considered as she cast another glance at him. She had a hard time imagining the woman who was resistant to Jack's charm. Even though she was married, she had to admit she had a little crush on him and occasionally in the dark as Morgan made love to her, she would let her mind wander to her handsome friend to push her over the edge.
The lecture ended and Grace began, "Jack, I'm sorry I-"
"You have nothing to apologize for," he cut her off. Then smiled and suggested, "Shall we find some of the swill they're passing off as coffee and compare lecture notes?"
Grace stood up and walked with him out of the hall and countered in an amused voice, "You didn't take any notes. You never take any notes."
"Don't need to," he answered airily. "Photographic memory. If you like I'll fill you in on everything you missed while you were daydreaming in there."
"I wasn't day dreaming," she protested as they headed to one of the coffee tables that was sat up throughout the conference room corridors.
"Uh-huh." There was a long line at the free coffee station and Jack suggested, "Let's go to the hotel bar and see if they have any coffee."
"You only want to go so you can have one of your cancer sticks," Grace replied. Then shrugged, "Sure. Why not?"
The bar was fairly empty except for a pair of middle aged men who sat at the bar and drank quietly. Jack pointed to a quiet table in a back corner. Grace waited while he got their coffee. She was relieved he wasn't upset with her, but was dying to find out more about his mystery woman. When he came to the table, he placed a cup in front of Grace before sliding into the booth across from her. True to form, Jack withdrew a cigarette case and lit a cigarette immediately after sitting down.
Chuckling slightly, Grace took a sip of coffee and made a face. "Ugh. That's not just coffee."
"Sorry," Jack apologized and switched their cups. Grace took a sip and in inquired, "Better?"
"Not a lot, but somewhat. Isn't it kind of early to start drinking?" she inquired and mentally slapped herself even as the words escaped her lips. Attempting to do damage control she joked, "The blonde of the month won't be waiting for you for another eleven hours."
"No blonde of the month this time. I had a deadline to make just before I got here, so no time to acquire a companion. Suppose I'll have to do without," Jack sighed dramatically. "Alas, the only attractive blonde woman around here is married."
"Maybe not for long," Grace replied.
"What did Morgan do?" Jack demanded in an annoyed tone.
"Cheated on me," she answered, her lower lip trembling.
Jack switched their coffee mugs once more and said, "I think you need it more than I do at the moment."
Looking at him through watery eyes, she agreed, "Maybe so.
Sipping the alcohol laced coffee, Grace told Jack about Morgan's infidelity. As she told him, he continued smoking calmly and steadily. His eyes flashed with anger and annoyance at Morgan's exploits but to her relief he didn't look on her with pity. Anger on her behalf was one thing, but pity was quite another. Grace appreciate Jack's silent empathy. It felt good to vent to him. Even though she and Morgan were in counseling, there were times she felt like she had to hold back for fear of completely destroying things. Talking to Jack she didn't have to worry about Morgan's feelings.
When she'd finished the coffee, Jack offered, "Can I get you something else?"
"I shouldn't. The New Tools For Autopsy demonstration is in an hour."
"Oh come on,' Jack urged. "You know perfectly well, the best way to take a body apart is a sharp scalpel, a Styrker saw, and a good pair of pruning sheers from your local hardware store to snip the ribs. All they'll show you are things Atlanta PD won't pay for that don't work that well anyway. Stick with the basics for dismembering a body."
"You know if it was anyone but you who just said that I think I'd be worried. I guess one more drink wouldn't hurt. How about a Tom Collins?"
Jack made a slight face and went to the bar. As he stood at the bar, he appeared to be arguing with the bartender for a moment. The man looked flustered and Jack smiled in triumph. A couple moments later, he returned with her drink and a large glass of amber colored liquid that she could smell the alcohol from across the table. Taking her drink from him and thanking him, she watched with amusement as Jack, shed his jacket and sat down, immediately lighting up once more.
"Those things will kill you. What exactly are you drinking?" Grace inquired.
"Jack and Jill shots."
"Come again?"
Jack laughed and explained, "Jack and Jill shots are Jack Daniels with a few drops of root beer schnapps added."
"Don't shots come in shot glasses?" she teased looking at the large highball glass he held.
"The bartender had that same illusion, but I persuaded him that he could put five shots in one glass and save me the repeated trips."
"If anyone should be getting drunk it's me, I'm the one married to Morgan."
"A gentleman should never let a lady drink alone," Jack informed her.
"And a gentleman drinks several Jack and Jill shots at a time?"
"On occasion. You're depressed. I'm depressed. Ergo, drinking seems like a good plan," Jack drawled.
"You're depressed?" Grace asked in surprise. She knew she'd touched a nerve earlier but Jack always seemed so contained and self-satisfied. The distant look seemed to pass over his face once more before he tossed half the contents of the glass back. Gently Grace offered, "Want to talk about it?"
"Not really. I could talk until the sun comes up about it and nothing will change. Not yet anyway."
Grace took a deep breath. If she was wrong she might alienate him but she felt like she had to give him the opportunity to open up. In a quiet voice she hesitated, "Is she Alexandra?"
Jack took a long drag from his cigarette and exhaled a steady stream of smoke upwards. Looking at Grace he sighed, "Yes. That's not her name; but the books are all about her."
"Does she know? I mean does she know the books are about her?"
"No," Jack answered. With a bitter laugh he said, "Which is ironic since she's every bit as self-absorbed as Alexandra. I changed very little."
"And that's why you had a pregnant companion last time," Grace speculated. "Because Alexandra just had a baby."
"She was pregnant at the time and has since had the wretched creature. Zoe makes her first appearance in the book I just sent off to my publisher. So, now you know how utterly pathetic I am. The woman I love was pregnant and beyond my reach so I dated a woman who was due within a week of her to try and know what it would feel to be with her even in that condition."
"It's not pathetic," Grace assured him. She had to admit it was rather strange, but if Alexandra or whoever she was had been around for the past five years and he still was still writing about her, clearly his feelings were very strong. "I'm sure you care about Alexandra or whatever her name is very deeply."
"There aren't words enough in the English language to express how much I love Samantha." Jack drained his glass, stood up and said, "I'm going to get a refill on my drink, do you want anything?"
Grace shook her head and watched as Jack returned to the bar. The longing in his voice as he spoke about Alexandra or rather Samantha was heart breaking. Not merely that notion that his love was unrequited, but also because Morgan had never sounded that way during the course of their relationship. Despite his infidelity, Grace knew that he loved her. However, she'd never heard the depth of emotion from her husband that Jack had imbued in a single name. Looking at Jack, Grace couldn't help imagining what it would be like to hear him say her name that way.