She cannot talk to Heather about this. Heather - even with all of her listening skills and willingness to try to help -- would never understand. Even with the world crumbling down around them (and what may or may not be a potential military coup centered on their outskirts), Heather is still Heather. She may be a little quieter; she may be a
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“I do not like where this looks like it is going.”
“Did you honestly believe that that conversation had anywhere good that it could go? If they weren’t all so stuck on out civiling each other down there, we would have a riot on our hands.”
[more]“They are being deeply unrealistic in their demands
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“I never much cared for spring. It was always so damp and muddy. Other people looked at it as a relief - things weren’t so cold and things would start growing again. I only saw the dirt that was about to be tracked in all over my floors
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