It's Time to Party! Join Us on November 3rd!

Oct 14, 2015 17:29

The news is out! We finally know the date and with that knowledge we are duty bound to celebrate our beloved Padfoot's birthday in style! It's long overdue. Join us this November 3rd to show your appreciation for the one and only Sirius Black!

So, this is going to be a fest, with people posting fic and art created especially for the celebration, right?

Yes, there will be some of that, but since we've missed a heck of a lot of birthdays over the years, there's going to be much more than that!

Such as?

We want this to be a proper celebration of Sirius Black in all his glory. We want you to share your memories of the character, and his role in canon, (How did you react to his character when we first met him in PoA? How absolutely gutted where you at the end of OoTP?), along with his role in fandom, we want you to share with us your favorite fanworks, songs that remind you of him, and just spend the day taking in all the Siriusly wonderful things that our fandom has to offer, both past and present. To that end, we'll be running discussion posts throughout the day, as well as asking for recs.

Sounds good! Now about that original art and fic, how is that going to work?

This is going to be a self posting celebration, so whenever it's Nov. 3rd anywhere in the world, you're free to post your work!

Any rules with regard to these works?

A few, and they are:

1. All works must feature Sirius as the central character
2. Chan is allowed, but must be f-locked to the community and properly warned for.
3. Please warn for adult content and the usual suspects (ie. non-con, chan, necro, you know the drill.)
4. Please use the provided template.
5. Please place fic and art under a cut.
6. Please tag all entries with "Sirius' Birthday Bash 2015"
7. Start posting when it's November 3rd anywhere in the world!

Fic/Art Template:


Word count/Medium:
Warnings: Highlight to read *style="background-color: black;">ADD WARNINGS HERE*

Will there be prompts?

Nope, no prompts this time. This is a rather impromptu affair after all. However, you can look at the prompt list from the past Sirius Black fest here if you'd like an idea to work from. But really, whatever you bring to the party, drabble, ficlet, rough drawing, photo manip, whatever, will be very welcome!

And that's it! (Hey, this is Sirius' joint, how many rules did you think there would be?)

Is the party over on Nov. 4th?

Phht! Do you honestly think that Sirius would leave a party so long as there's still life left in it? The Birthday Bash will go on for as long as you all can keep it going! Again, we missed a lot of celebrating in the years leading up to JK giving us his birthday and there's no time like the present to make up for it! (Although, we do think that Nov. 7th is a good cut off when it comes to posting your original works but we won't be sticklers about it.)

Help us send out invites!">"/>">"/>

Many thanks to digthewriter for the banners and for lighting a fire under this idea and to anemonen
and this_bloody_cat for the use of their art.

*mod post, *fest 2015

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