In the Aftermath...

Jun 08, 2010 20:24

Who: OPEN to anyone with injuries, or draggin' in hurt NPCs
When: Post-Earthquake, June 8th-9th (Timestamp Threads for approx. hour!)
Where: Sky Medical Center ER/Clinic, Sector 4
Summary: After a disaster, it's always a long, long night of overtime ahead for the hospital with an open-door policy.
Warnings: Possibly some nasty descriptions of radiation ( Read more... )

morinozuka "mori" takashi, suou tamaki, kunogi himawari, miles edgeworth, daedalus yumeno, kei yuki

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Comments 84

piracyinpink June 9 2010, 04:24:43 UTC
Some people came by car or cab or the all-too few ambulances now hot at work. Some were walked in or carried in by friends or family or good Samaritans.

Kei came in on the back of a ninja-- not that anybody really knew that. Newcomer would probably all anyone would think to say to describe him. Either way, he didn't stay long-- places to be, more people to find. When he'd been certain she'd be attended to, he left, no explanations. She wasn't awake for them, anyhow.

The gauze was already darkened and dirty despite the relatively short trip from the epicenter to the hospital, and though the medicine he'd given had given Kei a boost as far as blood went, it wasn't going to be enough to sustain for long. Concrete had crashed down and lacerated her right thigh, grazing an artery and dumping blood into the contaminated water she'd tumbled down to. That was going to be a whole other bag of worms--he'd used a bit to clear out the wound.

Aside from that mess, however...nothing too critical. Bruises and scrapes throughout, as expected from ( ... )


gaveherwings June 9 2010, 05:17:59 UTC
Doctor Daedalus wove between travelling gurneys, trying to direct nurses (he'd never missed his attentive autoreivs more) as well as calm worried and frantic friends, family and strangers who insisted on trying to shoulder their way past the waiting room.

There were too many incoming patients to prioritize into a functional system, between the masses. He'd been Director of Health and Welfare for the whole city of Romdeau, and he hadn't seen a bustling night like this since Monad Proxy's rampage.

Snatching the triage tag from the bottom of Kei's gurney for a quick glance, he raised his hand into the air and signaled for another nurse. "Move this one up to orange priority- lacerated thigh and she's suffered a lot of blood loss..."

"No can do, Doogie, we're full in 8, 7 and 3!" The woman at the desk shouted back, and fresh-faced Daedalus was too busy to be bothered by stupid workplace nicknames.

"No, I know there's a delay," but the girl looked soaked, and he'd seen her distress call by NV long enough to be expecting a girl in her ( ... )


piracyinpink June 9 2010, 11:25:06 UTC
Kei hadn't had the chance to be afraid of a hospital bed before. Her dire experience with the infirmary had been softened by the faces of those she'd loved standing around her: Doctor Zero, her Flourite Crew...the Captain. Even with the few seconds of panic that came with waking up in a strange place, it was gone in a flash.

It was not so in this place. There would be no friends to greet and tease her here: just florescent light and a high, unfamiliar ceiling. Kei grimaced, blinking her eyes into focus and shifted, slowly trying to make sense of the world bustling all around her. It was very noisy.

Moving much more than that made for uncomfortable work on her part; she grunted, pushing herself up with the palms of her hands and flinched when her leg shifted with her. There was no ignoring that anymore-- it still burned and ached.

Well, what do you expect? She put it aside for the moment, taking time to scan her environment, particularly the array of machinery. All so outdated and clunky to her, but everything had its purpose, ( ... )


gaveherwings June 9 2010, 17:29:49 UTC
It was rather outdated and clunky to Dr. Yumeno too, but in this mad hospital scramble of a trial by fire, he was learning his way around the foreign equipment and new trauma center terminology quickly, for his first week on duty.

Still, working in high-adrenaline mode under this kind of intensive pressure was unfamiliar terrain, such that he was even beginning to doubt how he was ever qualified to be Chief of Medicine for an entire city without ever having experienced a night quite as challenging as this.

"Please remain on your back." Daedalus spoke softly, looking up from reading the dosimeter wand he'd been holding over her injured leg for a quick scan, measuring the radiation count.


9pm-ish hour? controllingluck June 9 2010, 05:23:06 UTC
She had fought the young man weakly as he carried her off down the street. “No… n-no… you… you’ll be cursed…” she tried to tell him, trying to push him away. But the young red head didn’t bother with her weak attempt to defy his orders.

“No way miss. I was told to get you here or it was my life.” He said, a thick accent making his words sound a bit uneducated but honest. “Just hold on and don’ give me no trouble, hear?”

Himawari realized she was being carried, her bag still slung over her shoulder and on her belly. The tiny puppy she had with her that she had yet to name was tucked away in that bad, as was her now crushed NV. I was leaving the book store… saying good night to Lin when it happened. Something fell… O-oh! That’s right! The roof it--

She wined, her chest hurting more as she realized breath was coming harder. Her chest ached and ribs felt as if they had been crushed in. As the boy headed towards the shelter of the hospital her eyes fought to stay open.

Why… is he… Who was he even? She didn’t remember seeing him. ( ... )


gaveherwings June 9 2010, 05:47:31 UTC
"Slow down, sit down, set her on this-" Oh. They'd already taken it ( ... )


controllingluck June 9 2010, 09:25:32 UTC
The red head frowned as he was told to sit down, to sit her on-nothing. There was a yell for a gurney. He was told no one would kill him and everyone would be seen, but he shook his head and said “No man, He was serious. Some old man who couldn’t do it himself. Took me long enough though, the darkness is all over the streets, like a lunch buffet was called out and they came in hordes ( ... )


gaveherwings June 9 2010, 17:19:37 UTC
"You're a very brave man." Daedalus offers distractedly in consolation, circling key areas and and initialing her triage tag...that was at least a second degree burn, worsening with corrosive acid and would need prompt treatment, but at least she wasn't suffering irradiation like some of the worst cases he'd seen this evening ( ... )


backdated to about 7 pm; Mori and Tamaki quietwildtype June 9 2010, 06:12:30 UTC
It had at least stopped degenerating when he got away from the lake, at least mostly. Still, it was pretty bad, he thought. He wasn't going to die or anything, he didn't think, but Mori was in quite a bad way ( ... )


Re: backdated to about 7 pm; Mori and Tamaki daddydaioh June 9 2010, 06:53:28 UTC
Tamaki had hardly ever been so worried. There's a difference between worry and concern; concern is much easier to deal with. He can be concerned for his friends, but worry is so much more gripping and intense.

And it's certainly worry that he's feeling right now. Mori does not look well at all. And Haruhi is out there--he's talked to her now, but she's still out there--and Kyouya, and all the friends that he's made here, too.

But there is no sense in worrying. Worrying is not a proper emotion for a king. Kings don't worry--they do things. Tamaki has been pacing slightly, waiting, but now he crouches down on the floor in front of Mori.

"I'll speak to the doctors," he informs his subject. "They'll see to you as soon as possible, I'm sure. Ah, and--" He holds out a little paper cup of water to Mori, an offering. "Drink this."

It's important to be useful, to be doing something. Tamaki scans the room, a bit anxious. There are so many people. This shouldn't have happened.


7 pm; Mori and Tamaki gaveherwings June 9 2010, 17:47:31 UTC
Get all clinic patients with irradiated exposure rushed up to onocology floor. That's what the nurse who'd shoved a new clip board at him had barked-

And while on a normal night he'd politely say something about having a higher ranking authority, tonight was not the night-

"Are there any more Agricultural Workers out here, or people who have had close contact with the epicenter- Anyone who was within a half mile radius of the lake?"

He called over the crowded waiting room, feeling uncertain already at the sheer volume of people who looked up to meet his eyes. He cleared his throat and raised his voice a higher pitch, which made him sound even younger-

"If you are suffering symptoms of the following: Nausea, Vomiting, Dizziness, Fatigue, bleeding from the mouth or nasal passages, surface burns or abrasions, please come forward, we're going to bring you upstairs immediately for treatment."


proxysearch June 12 2010, 01:14:22 UTC
It was just before dark and Re-l finally wandered into the hospital. Her boots were dusty, jacket as well, as she clicked down the halls, her bearings far too professional to be stopped. She could have been a social worker, for all they knew. In a way, she was, but not in this world.

The young woman maneuvered her way into the back, looking through rows and rows of crowded hallways and offices until she found the one she was really after.

Daedalus Yumeno

"Excuse me, miss?" Re-l turned. "Do you have clearance to be back here?"

Her blue eyes narrowed. "I'm here to see Doctor Daedalus. I won't be long, believe me." Before the woman could protest, she quickly added, "It's important," and then she was inside. She closed the door behind her with a quick click and went to the man's desk. "Daedalus."


gaveherwings June 12 2010, 01:25:54 UTC
Daedalus looked thoroughly exhausted, hunched over his desk in scrubs with his doctors coat left hanging over the back of his chair, head resting on his arms. They'd finally told him to take a break, when the shift change had showed.

So many patients, so many terrible cases...they all blurred together in a mindless haze of panic and pain and commotion, the abrasive rush of too many clashing personalities operating in crisis mode, too many emotions that had no business in any rational practice of health care.

It had been the longest, grueling nights of work he could ever recall, and right now his adrenaline had plummeted so far it too every effort to lift his eyes, focusing wearily on the familiar figure standing over him.

"Re-l..." He sighed slowly, relieved, scrubbing sleep from his eyes- hands still slightly powdered under the nails from sterile gloves. A half-eaten sandwich and a cup of black coffee sat pushed to the side of his in tray.


proxysearch June 12 2010, 01:34:23 UTC
Looking him over, she mentally chided herself. She should have gotten there sooner to either relieve him of work or to help in some way. He looked horribly tired and in absolute disarray.

She carefully reached out and touched his shoulder. "How are you feeling?" She was sure he felt like hell, but it didn't hurt to show a little concern. "Are you about ready to go home?"

Damn the nurses and the hospital; she was going to take him whether he said yes or no. "I've got a ride for us and a place to stay." In all honesty, she had spent too much of the day trying to coordinate this perfectly, so all he had to do was step outside and the worst of this would be over.


gaveherwings June 12 2010, 02:04:29 UTC
It was one of those moments that felt strangely surreal in its reversal, such that Daedalus almost considered her a phantom wish.

It could just as easily be Deleuze with Turing on, a cool consoling automated hand on his shoulder, reminding him to not overwork himself.

But his assistants were turned off and set away, crushed and lost in another time and place, and it was Re-l Mayer with her hand on his shoulder and concern in her tone. Somewhere amid his muddled exhaustion, Daedalus privately reveled in it.

That's very sweet of you to care.

"Tired." He admitted in a raw, shallow voice, feeling a slow aching rush tingle back through his limbs, pulling himself upright and blinking dazedly at the far wall...back to Re-l. "It's been rough here." He was not quite the prodigy making small miracles happen here, after all.

"That's very good." Daedlus sighed, nodding. "Wonderful...thank you."


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