Newcomer Memorial Center - Grand Opening

Jan 03, 2012 21:14

Who: deservesabone & Open
When: 12/3, morning
Where: The Newcomer Memorial Center ( information & reference page here)
Summary: The Newcomer Memorial Center is now open to the public. Feel free to mingle.
Warnings: Please add any warnings to your subject header.

In Memoriam )

re-l mayer, celes chere, replica riku, nick, *open log, griffin o'conner, france, iron-tail fratley, lucifer, iroh, yako katsuragi, sam merlotte, jack kelly, roxas, ritsuka aoyagi, kurt hummel, rochelle, ahiru, larry butz

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Comments 232

deservesabone January 4 2012, 02:18:23 UTC
[anyone looking to find Sam Merlotte will find him standing near the maple tree, his hands deep in his coat pockets, a scarf around his neck. He watches people quietly, ever so often turning a cautious eye to the sky for signs of rain. There's no cover here. He wonders if that should be a later renovation.


tea_lover64 January 4 2012, 03:04:31 UTC
[Iroh decided to investigate the new place himself. He wondered if people he knew other then Azula had been here before. It was good to have a place to remember those who died, or disappeared. It felt proper and right, and he was actually a little surprised no one had done that before. He supposed it had something to do with how people seemed to come in and out here. He wondered if this was a sort of crossroads between worlds, that had somehow been corrupted. The air around him is warmer around him, heated by the fire he felt with in him. He approaches a man to make some inquiries]

Hello! Excuse me sir, might I have a moment of your time?


deservesabone January 4 2012, 14:11:15 UTC
Huh? - Oh, yeah, sure. [Sam straightens. He doesn't recognize Iroh as anyone he should know.]


tea_lover64 January 4 2012, 20:09:13 UTC
Is this a definitive collection of everyone who has arrived here and left?

[The man seemed a little cold]

Would you like a fire to warm yourself?


axemeaquestion January 4 2012, 03:22:21 UTC
[Rochelle was there among the small crowd for two big reasons. First, she was looking to replace those tired-eyed journalists for what couple be one of the first stories for the news network she was planning with Lois and Snow. And at least for the INN. Shit, Rochelle realized she should have talked to Sam about it when he first announced it to the Network. But by then she was distracted by her other reason.


With a warm coat and an umbrella in her hand just in case, the apocalypse surviving TV producer is wandering among the Memorials. She's part getting ideas and part doing her own remembering... but the remembering is getting more distracting.]


madeinoblivion January 4 2012, 03:32:44 UTC
[Joe is here, lingering around to look at a bunch of names...Tifa's, Soul's, Amaterasu, Brooke, Noki... some are names he hasn't even thought about for a long time.

They make him feel empty, to not have them here as friends anymore, even if he still has plenty of other people, good friends, still around.

At least he has memories of his own. He likes the idea of having a place to attach to them also, something which won't just fade away.

Not far off, he spots Rochelle, and looks up from his dispirited melancholy to give a little wave hello.]


axemeaquestion January 4 2012, 04:06:14 UTC
[Ro had the same in mind. But at the same time, even if she lost at lot... at least there was something she could hang onto. Right?

When Joe gets her attention at first she's not even looking. Then she notices that little wave out of the corner of her eye. It takes a few seconds to register but she slowly starts to look up. She finally realizes who it is and pauses to give a little wave back. She flashes him a weak smile as she comes up to him.]



madeinoblivion January 4 2012, 04:09:44 UTC

[He echoes, voice low, when it's on the deliberate quiet side. It feels like a place where people should be... like a graveyard, or church. Which feels awkward.] turned out kinda nice, right?


quackery January 4 2012, 03:55:12 UTC
[Despite the fact that the day is cold and grey, and the reason for the visit is melancholic, she feels relatively cheerful. She's remembering all the people she knew in the city who had left, but instead of sadness at their departure (or death, in some cases), she's thinking of how lucky she was to be in this place and to have known these people, even if they were gone. Before she went home, she'd have an opportunity to meet so many more people and make more memories with them... She can't find a reason to be sad about that right now.

She walks past the markers curiously, looking at all the faces as they pop out. When she sees the first face she recognizes, she pauses. Alice... She reaches out, putting a hand to the stone.]


topslug January 5 2012, 15:21:01 UTC

[ Yako, in a grey muffler, comes to a stop beside the girl, peering at her and tugging down the cloth to offer her a familiar smile. The hologram Ahiru's looking at now is familiar to her, and her expression falters a little. She didn't know Alice well-- certainly not enough to know the girl had disappeared-- and she can't help but feel a little wistful for not having gotten the chance to know her better. ]


quackery January 5 2012, 19:04:13 UTC
[She's so deep in thought that she can't help but jump when she hears her name called, her hand recoiling quickly from the marker as she turns to face the source of the noise. Once she sees that it's Yako, she relaxes immediately, laughing weakly.]

Hi! Sorry about that.


proxysearch January 4 2012, 04:26:06 UTC
[There are several names here that Re-l is familiar with, a lot of people she's spoken to and who have disappeared or have died. She lingers on two names in particular, two friends who got to have their names etched in side-by-side: Daisuke Aurora and Claire Leonelli. With Roman in prison, she's kept one of her promises...but not the other. It still bothers her. It's been over a year since she lost her casework partner. It's troubling.

There are other names that she stops in front of, names of friends who have gone or people she just knew. She stands for a long time in front of Gin Ichimaru's name, frowning at the letters and at his face when she sees it there.

She finally comes to a stop in front of two other markers, though they're fairly spaced apart. One says Vincent Law and the other says Miles Edgeworth. It's there that she stays, looking at the lettering and watching the faces when they appear. There's no emotion on her face, though she absently touches the necklace she has that's hidden away under her shirt when she glances ( ... )


troublesmells January 4 2012, 04:31:53 UTC
[Re-l won't be the only one lingering in front of Edgeworth's marker for long. After paying a visit to Phoenix Wright's, Larry walks toward his other best friend, hands in his pockets, a melancholy look on his face.

He knows where they are, at least. And that they were both safe, probably even doing what they did best.

...still, Larry felt a little ashamed when he remembered his shadow, how he had grappled with his hidden jealousy for them that night.]


proxysearch January 4 2012, 05:11:39 UTC
[She glances over when Larry approaches, keeping silent for some time to give him his peace and to let him pay his respects. Eventually, she speaks up.]

I'm sorry he's gone too, Larry. He was a good man.


troublesmells January 4 2012, 14:23:42 UTC
[Larry was indeed silent for a while. Though he knew Edgeworth wasn't dead exactly, he took his hat off anyway, looking down at the marker. They, as well as Phoenix, had been through a lot here together. Edgeworth and Phoenix had warned Larry about Yaha. They had stuck by him when AGI ganged up on him and left him curled up in pain in his old apartment. Larry attended their trials, immortalized them into statues, and told them about how sometimes, he did feel like he was nothing compared to them.

He blinks, shooing thoughts of his shadow from his mind. Hadn't he accepted his jealousy in the end? Accepted that, no matter how he felt about himself or about his friends, he would always stick by them? And not just Phoenix or Edgeworth.

Turning to Re-l, he nods slowly, replacing the fedora on his head. For the most part, his goatee had yet to return to its former glory.]

Yeah. I know. It's hard to believe that he was around long before I got here, and he was doing so much...and then suddenly, he's gone.


troublesmells January 4 2012, 04:35:26 UTC
[Larry can't help but take off his hat when he stops in front of Phoenix Wright's marker. He had gone to Gumshoe's, Apollo's...even Mia's. And he would find Edgeworth's soon.

Hey, Nick. He watches Phoenix's face for a while, as if expecting his best friend to suddenly materialize in front of him.

No doubt about it, Larry missed him, and all his other friends. But they were safer back home...still, that didn't stop him from thinking of them from time to time.]


paysdelamour January 5 2012, 16:52:57 UTC
[Larry suddenly has a hand resting on his shoulder. Behind him is Francis, looking uncharacteristically solemn for being such a cheerful man. There are no words said, because Francis really can't come up with a thing to say. Larry knew Phoenix - and Edgeworth, for that matter - far better than he did.]


troublesmells January 7 2012, 10:16:39 UTC
[Larry turns when he feels that hand on his shoulder. He really appreciates France coming over, and lets out a sigh, smiling sadly. For a while he doesn't know what to say, and when he finally figures out what to say, he keeps it to a short, quiet word.]



paysdelamour January 7 2012, 14:46:33 UTC
[Francis squeezes his shoulder a little bit in recognition, when Larry finally looks at him.]

... de rien, Larry. I thought that... maybe... you would like someone to be with you. To remember him and all he's done. [A pause.] I did not... know him as well as I should have... mais, from what I knew of him, he was a wonderful man.


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