Newcomer Memorial Center - Grand Opening

Jan 03, 2012 21:14

Who: deservesabone & Open
When: 12/3, morning
Where: The Newcomer Memorial Center ( information & reference page here)
Summary: The Newcomer Memorial Center is now open to the public. Feel free to mingle.
Warnings: Please add any warnings to your subject header.

In Memoriam )

re-l mayer, celes chere, replica riku, nick, *open log, griffin o'conner, france, iron-tail fratley, lucifer, iroh, yako katsuragi, sam merlotte, jack kelly, roxas, ritsuka aoyagi, kurt hummel, rochelle, ahiru, larry butz

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troublesmells January 4 2012, 04:35:26 UTC
[Larry can't help but take off his hat when he stops in front of Phoenix Wright's marker. He had gone to Gumshoe's, Apollo's...even Mia's. And he would find Edgeworth's soon.

Hey, Nick. He watches Phoenix's face for a while, as if expecting his best friend to suddenly materialize in front of him.

No doubt about it, Larry missed him, and all his other friends. But they were safer back home...still, that didn't stop him from thinking of them from time to time.]


paysdelamour January 5 2012, 16:52:57 UTC
[Larry suddenly has a hand resting on his shoulder. Behind him is Francis, looking uncharacteristically solemn for being such a cheerful man. There are no words said, because Francis really can't come up with a thing to say. Larry knew Phoenix - and Edgeworth, for that matter - far better than he did.]


troublesmells January 7 2012, 10:16:39 UTC
[Larry turns when he feels that hand on his shoulder. He really appreciates France coming over, and lets out a sigh, smiling sadly. For a while he doesn't know what to say, and when he finally figures out what to say, he keeps it to a short, quiet word.]



paysdelamour January 7 2012, 14:46:33 UTC
[Francis squeezes his shoulder a little bit in recognition, when Larry finally looks at him.]

... de rien, Larry. I thought that... maybe... you would like someone to be with you. To remember him and all he's done. [A pause.] I did not... know him as well as I should have... mais, from what I knew of him, he was a wonderful man.


troublesmells January 8 2012, 09:09:54 UTC
Nick...I knew him ever since we were kids. Him and Edgey and me...we were best friends since fourth grade.

[The corners of his mouth turn down; he doesn't look at France, but focuses on the marker and the face of one of his best friends.]


paysdelamour January 13 2012, 17:01:59 UTC
It is hard, losing a good friend. Even two. [Sadly, Francis knows how it feels, to have the Core take away your best friends.]

... but not all hope is lost, oui? [At least, not for Larry. France admittedly gave up a while ago.]


troublesmells January 16 2012, 07:48:56 UTC
Yeah...and I know I'll see them again. Someday. [Either Larry is next to be sent home, or his best friends return to the Port. What he doesn't know is that the latter will happen in a matter of time.]


paysdelamour January 18 2012, 17:02:39 UTC
[Aww, Larry. With that look on your face, Francis just has to give you a hug. >: A nice comforting, warm hug around the shoulders.]


troublesmells January 21 2012, 11:29:33 UTC
[The hug is indeed very nice, comforting and warm. Larry no longer feels so alone; in fact, a part of him reminds him gently that he still had so many more friends here at the Port. Friends who would be there for him, friends who knew that his life wasn't always easy. He sighs again, and glances over his shoulder, trying to smile again. Even a little bit.

He doesn't move. He just stands there, letting France hug him. Because awwwww boss!hugs.]


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