[Open] Earthquake

Aug 16, 2011 12:40

Who: OPEN! It's an event log of seismic proportions!
When: Tuesday 16th, 9:45am onward.
Where: Citywide
(When starting up your own scenario, locations and dates go in subject line)
Summary: An 5.0 earthquake shakes things up, and the city hurries to get everything back in order before nightfall.
Warnings: Natural Disasters? Everything that needs a ( Read more... )

veser amaker hatch, sander cohen, lee falun, *open log, zoey, solid snake, jessica hamby, naoya, william t. spears, ocelot, the joker, *event, destiny, fai d. flourite, bruce wayne | batman, hellmaster phibrizzo, kanji tatsumi, grell sutcliff, riku, roxas, undertaker, peter parker | spiderman, xigbar, kurt hummel, ahiru, kurogane, sora

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Comments 607

Dahlia and Maya; 9:44am, old office building in Sector 9 acemedium August 16 2011, 19:01:36 UTC
[Maya had just come from dropping off some files for a case. She's gotten a few weird looks for her outfit for today, she was fairly used to getting weird looks by now, considering what she usually wore. In any case, she was just about to head home when she caught side of a familiar face obstructing her path]

[... Oh, crap.]

[As soon as she catches sight of Dahlia, her heart races, and she turns around and power-walks in the other direction. There has to be another way out, or somewhere else to go-- Maya just prays Dahlia hasn't noticed her]


Re: Dahlia and Maya; 9:44am, old office building in Sector 9 toxic_jezebel August 17 2011, 07:02:52 UTC
[Dahlia hadn't expected seeing her at all today. She had a few errands to run for work, a quick walk from one building to another to drop off some paperwork, nothing terribly important.

But now things were going to get so much more interesting. It's near impossible to miss someone who dresses like normally Maya does. Today her presence was just more glaringly obvious. Dahlia makes a beeline for Maya, walking quickly and doing her best to suppress a wicked smile.]


acemedium August 17 2011, 08:07:31 UTC
[No, no, no]

[She doesn't look behind her, but she can hear footsteps... Dahlia's following her, isn't she? And there's no one else around to call for help..]

[Wait, an open elevator! Maya doesn't dare look behind her. Rather, she quickens her pace, heading into the elevator. There's no one around, so she break out into a run---]


toxic_jezebel August 17 2011, 08:26:05 UTC
[Dahlia walks faster, quickening her footsteps to a trot. Really, Maya Fey, the elevator of all places?]


Night-Joker Plot he_is_wild August 16 2011, 19:28:06 UTC
[The Joker is traveling the wealthier districts with a modified version of the Man-Bat controller. He's breaking into the night businesses-clubs, etc-and ripping into their Darkness proofing. Then, upon leaving, he uses the controller to rile up the nearby monsters and trigger them into an attack.

By the time authorities arrive, he's gone. But he leaves carnage in his wake. His precise motives for doing this are, at this time, unknown.

He'll be hitting as many businesses as he can tonight (and for a couple nights following) so if you want to say he hit where you were, or if you are arriving at a crime scene somewhere to help, go for it.]


[ June 17th Night, Sector 4 ] leading3men August 16 2011, 20:51:29 UTC
[ This night is considerably less terrible than last night's. She should go out to Sector 9 and 10, but ever since That Incident - she'll always call it That Incident, caps included - she's been trying to avoid it. Mostly out of guilt, but also the fear that the residents there might gang up on her for killing one of their own. Especially if it's just a kid.

So she's at one of the businesses, helping out the business owner in the Darkness proofing, getting everything in order. The man had enormous difficulty with the Darkness during the previous night, and was literally holding everything back by a thread.

But everything is in place now. ]


[ uzushio - all day & night - OPEN ] forefather August 16 2011, 19:29:12 UTC
[When the earthquake hit the Uzushio, it wasn't as strong as it perhaps was in other sectors. However, with architecture as delicate as matchsticks in certain places, the wood creaked and splintered in the quake and its aftershocks ( ... )


payback August 17 2011, 00:28:43 UTC
[Rin turns up for work as usual, though she's not entirely certain everything is going to be proceeding as usual. Better safe than sorry, and the chance to get out and walk a bit of the city's ground to see what's going on is not unwelcome.

She surveys pristine Uzushio with mild bemusement. More to herself than anything:]

It's like nothing happened here...


forefather August 18 2011, 08:32:37 UTC
And you're not even late for work today.

[Yes, hello, here's Madara leaning in just an inch too close.]

Not hurt, clearly. Not shaken either?


payback August 18 2011, 08:40:23 UTC
Ah - [Startling slightly, as always, and turning both to gain a little distance and face him head-on. Madara is always edging just a bit too much into her space, and she's not even that shy of contact.]

Not really. It was over quick enough and I think the boarding house didn't even get the brunt of it. Everyone's fine.


Near the Underground Mall - Kurt and Kanji showbizpanache August 16 2011, 19:43:47 UTC
[It had taken some doing, but Kurt had finally managed to convince Kanji to show his face to the world since losing Yosuke. This, of course, had meant going out shopping, and Kurt had spent entirely too much money trying to cheer up his friend as much as possible. It was worth it-- He had managed to get a smile or two, and is feeling quite proud of himself as the two of them leave the mall, laden down with shopping bags.]

So you know you have to try all of this on when we get back, right? I'm not letting you off the hook just yet.


unmanliest August 16 2011, 19:55:41 UTC
[Kanji is considerably cheered. Kurt's kept him so busy that he hasn't had a second to think about Yosuke or death or anything that's kept him holed up in his room for half a month.]

Fuck yeah, dude. You're gonna get, like, a whole fashion show.

Shit, I shoulda just changed into somma this before we left the store.


showbizpanache August 16 2011, 20:10:37 UTC
[He laughs. Mission accomplished.]

Well, we just have to hurry home, then.

[It's still pretty damn early, but Kurt is most definitely a morning person. His shopping trips have started as early as 5am before, circumstances permitting. He is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as they walk down the street, the City still in the process of waking up.]


unmanliest August 16 2011, 20:28:14 UTC
[Kanji spent most of yesterday sleeping, so he was already awake when Kurt called him up. He isn't exactly bursting with energy, but he's definitely excited. It's in his quick step.]

--Wait, wait. You wanna stop for ice cream first? There's a place just up the road...

[Ice cream before 10 am. Yes.]


Sectors 9 and 10 - Noon until someone drags her away vw_coyote August 16 2011, 20:08:13 UTC
[She'd checked on the house and the shed. Neither were in bad shape and the Proofing hadn't been compromised. So, after that, she'd left a note for Anna, stripped off her clothes and made a run for Sectors nine and ten as a coyote, after putting her collar on.

She couldn't do a lot as a coyote, but at least she could help search out people under the rubble.

Her nose to the ground, she continued searching for any sign of life.]


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