[Open] Earthquake

Aug 16, 2011 12:40

Who: OPEN! It's an event log of seismic proportions!
When: Tuesday 16th, 9:45am onward.
Where: Citywide
(When starting up your own scenario, locations and dates go in subject line)
Summary: An 5.0 earthquake shakes things up, and the city hurries to get everything back in order before nightfall.
Warnings: Natural Disasters? Everything that needs a ( Read more... )

veser amaker hatch, sander cohen, lee falun, *open log, zoey, solid snake, jessica hamby, naoya, william t. spears, ocelot, the joker, *event, destiny, fai d. flourite, bruce wayne | batman, hellmaster phibrizzo, kanji tatsumi, grell sutcliff, riku, roxas, undertaker, peter parker | spiderman, xigbar, kurt hummel, ahiru, kurogane, sora

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[ uzushio - all day & night - OPEN ] forefather August 16 2011, 19:29:12 UTC
[When the earthquake hit the Uzushio, it wasn't as strong as it perhaps was in other sectors. However, with architecture as delicate as matchsticks in certain places, the wood creaked and splintered in the quake and its aftershocks ( ... )


payback August 17 2011, 00:28:43 UTC
[Rin turns up for work as usual, though she's not entirely certain everything is going to be proceeding as usual. Better safe than sorry, and the chance to get out and walk a bit of the city's ground to see what's going on is not unwelcome.

She surveys pristine Uzushio with mild bemusement. More to herself than anything:]

It's like nothing happened here...


forefather August 18 2011, 08:32:37 UTC
And you're not even late for work today.

[Yes, hello, here's Madara leaning in just an inch too close.]

Not hurt, clearly. Not shaken either?


payback August 18 2011, 08:40:23 UTC
Ah - [Startling slightly, as always, and turning both to gain a little distance and face him head-on. Madara is always edging just a bit too much into her space, and she's not even that shy of contact.]

Not really. It was over quick enough and I think the boarding house didn't even get the brunt of it. Everyone's fine.


forefather August 18 2011, 08:45:44 UTC
Good, good. I worry so much for all of you there...


payback August 18 2011, 08:46:38 UTC
... Do you really?

[She doubts it, yes.]


forefather August 18 2011, 08:48:20 UTC
I do, really.

[But it's impossible to tell if he's sincere.]


payback August 18 2011, 08:50:12 UTC
[A brief pause, and she shrugs. Rin is sort of uncomfortable with being worried over even when she frets over others incessantly herself.]

Actually, I think most people living there are fairly capable in one way or another. I feel safe.


forefather August 18 2011, 08:54:02 UTC
Hmmhaha... Well. You live with some formidable shinobi. Beyond capable, although I cannot exactly call it a safe situation.


payback August 18 2011, 08:55:14 UTC
Safe here is a tenuous situation at the best of times... safe anywhere. So I guess, I feel safe enough to fall asleep there. That's probably about as good as it gets.


forefather August 19 2011, 07:54:12 UTC
No, indeed. I doubt that any one of them would intentionally harm you. They are, if nothing else, honorable.


payback August 19 2011, 08:03:57 UTC
... Riiiight.

[Oh, God. Feeling a little wigged out already.]

So I should go get ready!


forefather August 22 2011, 06:43:26 UTC
Yes, let me not keep you. We'll be having more guests than usual, I expect.


payback August 22 2011, 07:07:09 UTC
[After a moment, she nods. Damage, of course... it won't all get fixed. She wonders if he'll pack people in the halls if the matter comes up.]

What a mess. [She feels bad for the people in danger. But there's no point lingering. She gets on with edging around him so she can go get ready.]


Late afternoon brat_from_hell August 17 2011, 05:41:53 UTC
[Although Phibrizzo had enjoyed the chaos and fear the earthquake caused, he kept it to himself. He did venture through the city throughout the day, but he supposes he should stop in to the Uzushio to see if he can make himself useful. Staying with Madara spares him so many questions about the whereabouts of his parents.

He can't help but be surprised when he finally arrives at the Uzushio in the late afternoon to check up on Madara. He's not surprised that Madara is alive and well, but he's surprised that there appears to be no damage whatsoever.]

...wow. I was going to offer to keep a look out for any cracks the Darkness might get through but it looks like you've got that taken care of already.


forefather August 18 2011, 08:35:54 UTC
You need not worry ever, little one. As long as I am here, the Uzushio will not face danger from the Darkness.

[And he says that so proudly, sweeping his arms out. But now lowers them to ruffle Phibrizzo's hair.]

I'm expecting more guests than usual tonight, too.


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