Who: Yoruichi, Urahara, Byakuya
When: January 31st
Where: Byakuya's classroom at Hawthorne University
Summary: Today is Byakuya's birthday. Yoruichi and Urahara just can't leave that alone.
Warnings: Cake? Party hats? Humiliating a noble?
there's always something good to look forward to. (But maybe not this.) )
Comments 8
"Oh, of course, Little Byakuya." The old nickname slipped out, and not entirely on purpose. She fished out a small stack of paper plates and a bag of plastic forks from her pouch and set them down on the desk after she hopped down. "But, according to tradition, the birthday boy always gets the first piece."
A flick of her wrist, and there was a knife in her hand. She swiftly cut out a small slice of the cake. "Don't worry; neither of us baked it. We figured you'd prefer something edible."
Beneath the rim of his hat his eyebrow arched as Yoruichi-san offered Byakuya-kun the cake.
"It's banana!" Urahara offered helpfully.
It was said Byakuya-kun didn't like sweets but liked bananas, hence banana cake, but it was still cake. He rather hoped he'd put on a good show and eat it~
It was how his luck ran.
He ate the cake, but he did it with the same stoicism that he did everything. Accepting the congratulations and salutations of his students, he slid a look at the co-conspirators. "My thanks for remembering such an important occasion." He ticked an eyebrow up. "I'm sorry that I arrived too late to celebrate your birthdays."
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