004 ♠ Voice

Nov 19, 2011 03:11

[ Caster chose the occupation of Greeter for various reasons, but it certainly took up quite a bit of time. In-between showing the Newcomers their temporary lodgings and explaining how Siren’s Port worked, she didn’t have very many moments to spare for her NetVice. As a result, she devised a simple remedy of addressing various matters in a single ( Read more... )

!: caster, c: eric slingby, c: luna lovegood, c: akira inugami, c: loki

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Comments 75

voice; believesbeyond November 19 2011, 13:23:14 UTC
I've never celebrated Thanksgiving before. What do people usually do?


voice; boundbytreason November 20 2011, 00:00:23 UTC
Well, people usually invite all their friends and family for a feast. Then they each give thanks for what they have. It may not sound like much, but I think it's a lovely time for bonding and reflecting on what you have. Although, it's not simply restricted only to those you know. Sometimes, people invite strangers as well, sharing what they are thankful for in a show of good will.

Did your world not have Thanksgiving?


voice; believesbeyond November 21 2011, 08:04:04 UTC
Oh, it did, but we didn't have it in my country.

I do like the sound of it, though. It must be nice to take out such time to remember to be thankful. I think some people forget.


voice; boundbytreason November 21 2011, 08:21:46 UTC
Indeed. It is understandable, though. When life keeps pushing you forward, you don't usually stop to think about it.

I was actually thinking of holding a Thanksgiving dinner myself. I thought it wouldn't be a bad way for people to get to know each other. Since you never had a chance to experience it before...what do you think about coming?


(The comment has been removed)

Voice boundbytreason November 20 2011, 00:36:26 UTC
I lived in Japan myself, actually, so the first thing that comes to mind is the labor festival. But knowing what the celebration of Thanksgiving involves in other countries, like in Canada or America...I think it makes for a wonderful holiday. Giving thanks for what you have is always a nice thing, isn't it?


(The comment has been removed)

Voice boundbytreason November 20 2011, 02:36:59 UTC
Oh...I know that we lost something important, our home and the people we know, but there are still things to feel grateful about. Beng alive, having our five senses, even being able to feel the sun -- little things like that. Things that shouldn't be taken for granted. I'm trying not to understate our losses, but we haven't lost everything.


doeswhathewants November 19 2011, 21:25:36 UTC
Thanksgiving? Isn't that an American thing?


boundbytreason November 20 2011, 01:32:45 UTC
It is, and Canadian. Since Canada is closest to where the island is, most people in Siren's Port celebrated it on the second Monday of October, which is the respective Canadian tradition. But Thanksgiving in America is on the 24th of November, which I've noticed is the home of some of the arrivals here.

But for you, it doesn't sound like you come from America. Where are you from?


doeswhathewants November 20 2011, 02:56:51 UTC
France. Land of wine and culture.

And they celebrate by eating? I could make a very ethnocentric comment right now, but I shall refrain because some of the Americans I met are fairly nice.

Are you American? or Canadian?


boundbytreason November 21 2011, 02:49:34 UTC
[ A soft chuckle. ]

Neither, actually. Japanese.

I actually heard about the holiday of Thanskgiving from word of the mouth, so I was curious on other's thoughts on it. I was thinking of celebrating it, since I thought it was a good way to make everyone feel closer and lighten the atmosphere. Going around a table and saying what you're thankful for...it's not a bad way to forget about your troubles and focus on the good for a moment, don't you think?


[Reaction] blackest_hawk November 19 2011, 21:47:36 UTC
[Ayanami considers taking her offer, mainly that for information, but decides against it for now. Instead, he files her name and face away for future reference.]


Re: [Reaction] boundbytreason November 20 2011, 01:53:59 UTC
[ If Ayanami ever decides to speak with her in person, for information or otherwise, she would certainly not object to it. Although, the only time that she showed her face on the network was with Hidan and Himawari, and even then, she kept her hood low over her eyes. However, there are times she lowers it from her face or speaks to another. ]


Oops blackest_hawk November 20 2011, 03:02:49 UTC
[[ooc: **just name, I don't know why I typed that.]]


reginagloriae November 19 2011, 22:26:06 UTC
I hope people can wear warm clothes during the winter.

Huh. Thanksgiving? In Japan, we celebrate Labor Thanksgiving Day on November 23rd, but it's not like the American holiday, Miss Caster.


boundbytreason November 20 2011, 01:50:41 UTC
Oh, hello, Miss Nakajima.

I hope so as well. I do not know if many will accept my offer, though. But it is a reasonable precaution, since I wouldn't actually recommend taking something that a stranger gives so freely. However, there are ways to accept without putting yourself in danger. A crowded place, for instance. Or gathering information on what others say about a person. [ A brief pause. ] Those are things I would advise keeping in mind.

Ah -- yes, I think I know what you mean. It's a labor festival, right? I was in Japan before coming here myself. But then I heard about Thanksgiving and with its American date coming up, I was curious to see what others thought about it. For there to be a holiday centered on giving thanks...well, I think it really sounds just lovely.


reginagloriae November 21 2011, 09:17:35 UTC
We've taken the offer of housing in this building, haven't we? I think you're more trustworthy than anyone who runs the city.

[ She has heard about the slavery and experiments... Unbelievable. ]

W...Were you? I hope you have a pleasant trip. It's courtesy, isn't it? We must be thankful to those who offer us help and are there in our life.


boundbytreason November 22 2011, 04:37:42 UTC
[ The girl really should know better than to call her that word. Trustworthy. Nonetheless, Caster doesn't correct her. If anything, she sounds caught off-guard when she speaks: ] You think so? [ A smile returns to her voice. ] It makes me happy to hear that you think that way. I don't intend to misplace your trust, so I hope that you will manage to find some small reassurance in it.

Oh, certainly. [ This, she says, almost earnestly because she means it. Her gratitude for the man that prevented her disappearance was an emblem that her heart would carry until her demise. ] I was actually planning on holding a Thanksgiving dinner. Would you like to come?


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