004 ♠ Voice

Nov 19, 2011 03:11

[ Caster chose the occupation of Greeter for various reasons, but it certainly took up quite a bit of time. In-between showing the Newcomers their temporary lodgings and explaining how Siren’s Port worked, she didn’t have very many moments to spare for her NetVice. As a result, she devised a simple remedy of addressing various matters in a single audio recording. ]

[ Normally, she waited until she settled all her tasks before turning on her NV, leaving only silence to accompany her words. This time, there’s the soft brush of wind against glass, the weather against her window that sings in the background like the rustle of a lark’s wings. ]

For anyone concerned about Mr. Hidan’s condition, I would like to assure everyone that the situation has been dealt with. It wasn’t our intention to trouble anyone by its broadcast. But if any circumstances of a similar nature take place in the future, we will certainly take care to treat it with more tact to avoid causing any problems. [ There was an apology spelled into the smooth deliverance of her voice, but her last sentence introduced a firm undercurrent, insinuating a sense of certainty in her promise. ]

Now then, for those that have been arriving recently to the city of Siren’s Port…I, Caster, welcome you. [ Her voice lightens, warms, evincing a smile without any visuals. ]

I’m aware that it’s a cold season, colder than the season that your original world might have been in, so you may be caught unprepared for the weather here. Of course, considering how you just arrived, you can’t possibly be expected to come up with enough money for warmer clothing. So, if you need any, I will offer you mines. I have a few, extra coats and scarves, and I will be glad to give them to you. With how low the temperature gets, you really don’t want to catch anything. [ She uttered that with a slightly more serious note to convey her warning appropriately. ]

And if there is anything else you need, medicine, directions, how to use your NV, or even more information about something, don’t be afraid to ask. I know that some people come from entirely different worlds, so if you want to know about the holidays or how society here works, I can elaborate. [ She was one of the Greeters, after all. However, she kept this piece of information carefully omitted in the event that anyone found it deterring. She would only clarify that upon a direct inquiry. ]

Putting all that aside…what does everyone think of autumn? And Thanksgiving - what does that mean to you?

[OOC: Aaaand since Caster here is speaking about getting sick... this will serve as the reminder on her magical cold plot, which anyone is welcome to join. The more the merrier, after all. ♥]

!: caster, c: eric slingby, c: luna lovegood, c: akira inugami, c: loki

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