
Sep 22, 2011 17:57

[Man, Chuck picked the wrong fricking day to quit sniffing glue.]

Pop quiz, everyone: raise your hand if Siren’s Port somehow manages to be more apeshit crazy than the world you come from. Bonus if the answer involves lasers.

[Private to Michael Magneto]Okay, seriously. What the fucking hell was that? I mean, I just assume you felt that and no ( Read more... )

c: griffin o'conner, c: magneto, c: bruce wayne | batman, c: emma frost, c: rochelle, c: castiel, c: franziska von karma, c: haruhi suzumiya, !: chuck shurley, c: crowley

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Comments 422

Telepathy / unhackable frosty_mind September 22 2011, 23:56:09 UTC
Are you all right?


Telepathy / unhackable paterelohim September 23 2011, 01:50:01 UTC
In the past three days I've had a terrifying new arrival from my world, one of my best friends tried to kill me, and I got mugged and was surprised by fucking lasers and stalkerish lojacking in my fucking wheelchair that I didn't know about.

I'm awesome.


Re: Telepathy / unhackable frosty_mind September 23 2011, 01:59:53 UTC

There's nothing to be done about Archangel Michael, I think.

I don't know what can be done about Peter, but we'll be trying.

The wheelchair's the least of it, but our Michael should have told you, including how to trigger it manually. If he didn't build in a manual trigger, he should.

Let me know if you want help sleeping tonight.


Telepathy / unhackable paterelohim September 23 2011, 02:03:40 UTC
Emma... you're too good to me. Thanks.

I don't like being scared of my friends. This isn't... shit. This isn't his fault.

The wheelchair is stupid, but it's just. Man, everybody has the straw that breaks them, you know? It's all timing.


[video] axemeaquestion September 23 2011, 00:26:47 UTC
[Raising it!] No lasers, though.

You okay?


[voice] :| :| :| paterelohim September 23 2011, 01:48:47 UTC
[Staying on voice tyvm.]

Yeah, I'm fine. Been a weird week, but c'est la vie, right?

[Chuck isn't a very good liar.]


[video forever] what i do axemeaquestion September 23 2011, 02:11:40 UTC
You sure? [Yeahhh, Ro wasn't stupid.] 'Cause I won't ask you the details if you don't want me to, but color me not convinced.

[And she wouldn't push it if he said otherwise. It just wasn't hard for her to pick up on a bad liar.]

That and I can't talk either because. Same. The having a weird week thing, I mean.


[voice for always] ur mom paterelohim September 23 2011, 02:14:41 UTC
Nn. I never said I was a good liar.

...Is everything okay?


Video; beardedveteran September 23 2011, 01:12:17 UTC
[ Leaning torwards the camera enthusiastically gossip gossip ]

So you heard abou--

[ Wait, wait-- he remembers himself and raises his hand, obviously wrestling with what he wants to discuss more ] This place is kinda crazier in the, monsters after dark, everyone havin' powers way, but there were laser... type things back at home.


voice :| :| :| paterelohim September 23 2011, 01:46:22 UTC
Hey, man, my world is nuts, but it didn't have surprise lasers. Or Batman. [Kind of a lie. A little?]

Let me guess. You read the news? [ :| ]


Video (but he said to 'raise your hand'!) beardedveteran September 23 2011, 02:07:16 UTC
[ Dragging that raised hand through his hair now- he supposes technically what he's seen wasn't lasers, it was some form of energy shield, but the memory is awkward and he wants to glaze it over-- ] Sorry 'bout this, but I'm new here. Ish. What's Batman?

Oh! Yeah! Uhh. [ Reining in his curiosity for the moment, he has a suspicion he's missing something here ] How 'bout that... lasers and wheelchairs and muggers. Crazy.


Voice (but chuck is hurt AGAIN and is keeping quiet about it :| ) paterelohim September 23 2011, 05:26:17 UTC
What- what's Batman? [Omg hdu] Batman's a guy who dresses like a bat and goes around fighting crime at night. He's on the most wanted lists for stupid stuff like flagrantly committing crimes in the pursuit of getting shit done. He pops up in the news sometimes.

[He's showing so much restraint, Bruce. Aren't you proud?]

He saved me from Darkness monsters once.

And now, apparently, the police think he has lasers? Which is. I don't know. Whatever. Maybe.


[video] whoisjohnsmith September 23 2011, 02:02:20 UTC
...That was you in the news?



[VOICE okay he do what he wants :| ] paterelohim September 23 2011, 02:04:45 UTC
Yeah. [You can kind of hear a little bit of a "heh" smile. Maybe. A wee bit.] That was me.

The reporter got some stuff wrong.


[VIDEO SO DOES SHE] whoisjohnsmith September 23 2011, 02:06:39 UTC
...But not the part about lasers and Batman?



[VOICE FOREVER :|] paterelohim September 23 2011, 02:13:26 UTC
Well- lasers and Batman were involved. The details are kind of classified.


voice; kingofrooks September 23 2011, 02:18:52 UTC
Should I still come when your chip calls?


voice; paterelohim September 23 2011, 02:22:15 UTC
I- I don't know. I'm getting out of the wheelchair eventually. Maybe there's something Michael can do to interact with your chip? So when I'm in the wheelchair and that stuff is working, it doesn't activate the chip?

[This stuff is all sci-fi to him. He might as well be talking about ghosts.]


voice; kingofrooks September 23 2011, 03:55:22 UTC
Ask him.


voice; paterelohim September 23 2011, 04:09:26 UTC
Yeah. I'll do that.

[Burying his head in his hands, and his voice takes on that kind of tone.]

Thanks. Again.


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