A friendship sadly lost?

May 06, 2011 01:02

Who: Sherlock and Slade, later Sherlock and Batman
When: Evening to late night, May 5th
Where: Black Market/Sherlock's apartment
Summary: Sherlock goes out to the Black Market for information gathering and ammunition in order to get his mind off John leaving. Later, he gets a visit that's only partly unexpected.
Warnings: Terse men being terse? Probably not much, beyond a little ~salty language~, if it comes up.

Sherlock, who normally had a hard time processing one emotional response to anything, was now juggling several and all of them were negative. When John hadn't returned from the night shift that morning, panic was the initial reaction. No response on the NV. Darkness as the culprit was quickly ruled out when no deaths were reported overnight. Considering foul play, he called Skye Medical, and John clocked into his shift but never timed out. A trace on his NV showed it was gone. That left the Core.

Had they been pulled at any other time, Sherlock would be able to take some comfort in the fact that John would be better off in London. At the very least, Sionis couldn't get to him there. As things were, he wasn't doing any better. He was approximately two yards away from a vest full of Semtex, if it hadn't already blown him-- No. That thought was hateful. Sherlock normally took the time to consider every possible outcome, but that one caused his jaw to set in his skull and his mind to rattle. And no consolation changed the fact that John was supposed to be with him, because Sherlock was his friend, and no one else's.

He couldn't let these emotions best him, however. There was too much work to be done, too much to inquire about. Burying himself in work and logic would in turn bury these hopelessly emotional responses. So naturally, like any grieving soul, Sherlock left the gloom of the apartment for the Black Market in the Underground Mall.

sherlock holmes, deathstroke the terminator, bruce wayne | batman

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