A friendship sadly lost?

May 06, 2011 01:02

Who: Sherlock and Slade, later Sherlock and Batman
When: Evening to late night, May 5th
Where: Black Market/Sherlock's apartment
Summary: Sherlock goes out to the Black Market for information gathering and ammunition in order to get his mind off John leaving. Later, he gets a visit that's only partly unexpected.
Warnings: Terse men being terse? ( Read more... )

sherlock holmes, deathstroke the terminator, bruce wayne | batman

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Comments 35

Black market, for Slade caveatwalls May 6 2011, 00:03:57 UTC
I am the latest T_T ... also hope you don't mind brackets from me too >>; terminates May 10 2011, 15:54:09 UTC
[ With all the new arrivals coming in after months of nothing, it would be an understatement to say that the week has been busy. He's had to make changes, adjustments to his daily routine to compensate, especially due to one arrival in particular. Overall, though, things have remained the same. He has a job to do and information to track down.

It's why he's out today, clad in muted colors and a long coat. That he's armed goes without saying. It just isn't readily apparent. ]


It's all good <3 caveatwalls May 10 2011, 22:02:13 UTC
[Sherlock was acquiring quite the collection of British Army standard issue handguns. Technically, the two he had were the same, from different points in time. The fact that they didn't cause some sort of anomaly surprised him, but the Port was an anomaly, wasn't it?

Regardless, they needed bullets. It was always his excuse for going to the Black Market. His typical ammunition stand was deep in the market, so in walking through it Sherlock was able to distinguish regulars from others, and especially natives from Newcomers. As such, Slade does cross his radar, if only briefly, as there's no real reason to look harder. Yet.]


/latelatelate terminates May 16 2011, 17:53:09 UTC
[ Being what he is, Slade takes note of everyone within his immediate vicinity. An assassin must always be vigilant, regardless of whether he's on assignment or not. His gaze flickers briefly in Sherlock's direction, sharpening a bit before moving on.

Stopping at a booth, he exchanges a few quite words with the vendor. The man stiffens briefly, then relaxes. A deal was being struck. ]


Sherlock's apartment, late night/early morning Sector 4 (Batman) caveatwalls May 6 2011, 00:04:56 UTC
i am sorry but i get insecure without my brackets kingofrooks May 7 2011, 08:37:43 UTC
[ The Sirens have rang hours earlier by the time he has the time to 'drop by' Sherlock's apartment. The Darkness is all-encompassing, swallowing him up so entirely that not even the part of his face exposed by his cowl can be seen - there's just the faint glow of white lenses burning in the dark. All the better for his purposes, really - this is supposed to be secret, after all.

He has Edgeworth and Mayer's notes, but those are just official investigations. And Holmes is practically inviting him in with the way he's been talking- Bruce smirks a little, his cape falling around him as he lands on the roof right next to Sherlock's apartment building. Not bad security- he doesn't expect anything else. But.

Within three minutes, he's in the house, landing silently on the living group, crouching low even as he shuts the wndow. ]


totally okay bb caveatwalls May 7 2011, 17:49:08 UTC
[In Sherlock's unique way, his egging on had been something of an invitation. A challenge was probably the better name for it. As much as Robin could be Batman's PR officer, Sherlock severely questioned the ability of anyone who had to rely on a bat costume for cover. Not that he didn't disapprove of all these ridiculous masquerading crimefighters, but that was another matter ( ... )


if this is info/godmoddy, tell me kingofrooks May 8 2011, 09:34:16 UTC
[ And Sherlock's suspicions would be right - Bruce has heard his keys on the door. Looks like he's a little too late today to have a peaceful robbery- and the phrase makes a small smile quirk up his lips, and at the same time he's listening carefully. There's no sound of a lock, no footsteps, no jangle of keys as they are being re-pocketed ( ... )


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