A friendship sadly lost?

May 06, 2011 01:02

Who: Sherlock and Slade, later Sherlock and Batman
When: Evening to late night, May 5th
Where: Black Market/Sherlock's apartment
Summary: Sherlock goes out to the Black Market for information gathering and ammunition in order to get his mind off John leaving. Later, he gets a visit that's only partly unexpected.
Warnings: Terse men being terse? ( Read more... )

sherlock holmes, deathstroke the terminator, bruce wayne | batman

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Sherlock's apartment, late night/early morning Sector 4 (Batman) caveatwalls May 6 2011, 00:04:56 UTC
i am sorry but i get insecure without my brackets kingofrooks May 7 2011, 08:37:43 UTC
[ The Sirens have rang hours earlier by the time he has the time to 'drop by' Sherlock's apartment. The Darkness is all-encompassing, swallowing him up so entirely that not even the part of his face exposed by his cowl can be seen - there's just the faint glow of white lenses burning in the dark. All the better for his purposes, really - this is supposed to be secret, after all.

He has Edgeworth and Mayer's notes, but those are just official investigations. And Holmes is practically inviting him in with the way he's been talking- Bruce smirks a little, his cape falling around him as he lands on the roof right next to Sherlock's apartment building. Not bad security- he doesn't expect anything else. But.

Within three minutes, he's in the house, landing silently on the living group, crouching low even as he shuts the wndow. ]


totally okay bb caveatwalls May 7 2011, 17:49:08 UTC
[In Sherlock's unique way, his egging on had been something of an invitation. A challenge was probably the better name for it. As much as Robin could be Batman's PR officer, Sherlock severely questioned the ability of anyone who had to rely on a bat costume for cover. Not that he didn't disapprove of all these ridiculous masquerading crimefighters, but that was another matter ( ... )


if this is info/godmoddy, tell me kingofrooks May 8 2011, 09:34:16 UTC
[ And Sherlock's suspicions would be right - Bruce has heard his keys on the door. Looks like he's a little too late today to have a peaceful robbery- and the phrase makes a small smile quirk up his lips, and at the same time he's listening carefully. There's no sound of a lock, no footsteps, no jangle of keys as they are being re-pocketed ( ... )


caveatwalls May 8 2011, 13:53:14 UTC
[He hasn't moved. Decidedly curious, Sherlock thinks--why doesn't he get on with it? There's the chance Batman knew where he was, or at least what he was doing. He's always been conscious of that glaring mistake he made since the NV recorded him discovering his new power several months before, and Batman made it clear he'd been researching the Network quite thoroughly. Most others hadn't been able to put two and two together, but Batman proved capable of at least that. Or if not, Robin could have told him. Either way, he knows. Unfortunate. More importantly, Batman's moving. Throwing. Shit.

Sherlock darts down to the wall just in time and morphs out in front of the intruder. It's impossible to see his face beyond vague shadows. He would move to turn on the light, but he had a feeling that wouldn't work out so well. Sherlock's mind is also on the gun concealed in his coat, but he doesn't think he'll need it here. Not now, anyway. The Heartless incident with Robin made it perfectly clear what her boss' rules were.]If you make it ( ... )


kingofrooks May 8 2011, 15:37:27 UTC
[ So he's right, then. Sherlock has the powers to move within shadows - convenient. Bruce's lips flicker upwards, the ghost of a smile before he steps back and jumps upwards, grabbing hold of the batarang on the ceiling- then he shifts and half-flips until he lands right in front of Sherlock. Encroaching into his personal space.

He knows that the other man can move away at any time he wishes, but at the same time, Bruce is pretty sure he won't. This is his territory. Not Bruce's. If he backs down now...

Then the respect he gives Sherlock is wasted. ]


Are you speaking in euphemisms now?


caveatwalls May 8 2011, 21:08:15 UTC
[Sherlock doesn't even flinch when Batman moves, in his own strangely flashy way, in front of him. It was very clear that intimidation was one of the man's main weapons, and Sherlock wasn't going to let him use it here. He only raised a brow at Batman's response, though he kept eye contact. Or contact with whatever the cowl put in front of his eyes. The stale smell of the Darkness outside exuded from him, though Sherlock realized he probably reeked of it as well.

The costume, he was noticing now, was remarkably state of the art. Unlike Robin's, it actually looked like it had preventative measures to it, like kevlar.]

Hardly. I wouldn't just gloat that I have information without a good reason. I knew it would pique your interest, and you'd show up eventually. Always safer to speak off the Network.

[A test of sorts, to see how Batman would choose to approach him. Sherlock had guessed the method pretty accurately, and he was starting to see signs of the teacher-student connection with Robin. He's actually getting used to people ( ... )


kingofrooks May 9 2011, 05:15:55 UTC
[ Of course. That was precisely how Bruce had read that conversation, albeit he had not wanted to meet this man face-to-face like this. Not in his territory, where he has the most knowledge and where he most likely feels most secure.

But then again, Bruce can adapt well enough.

He cocks his head to the side. ]

You could have always just said that we should meet.

[ So droll. ]


caveatwalls May 9 2011, 08:28:31 UTC
And you would have obliged, not knowing me or precisely everything I'm capable of? You don't seem the type to discuss your work over coffee with strangers.

[Sherlock smiles, but there's a definite edge to it. He casually takes off his gloves and tucks them into his coat pocket.]

I'd offer tea now, but then you might suspect its purity, I imagine.


kingofrooks May 9 2011, 09:06:39 UTC
You're underestimating my instincts.

[ It's truly instinctive, to immediately switch the cups of whatever that's offered to him. If Sherlock had tried to poison him, he'll just end up poisoning himself.

Bruce has never been caught switching, after all.

He tips his head up. ]

I'm not here for small talk, Holmes.


caveatwalls May 9 2011, 13:19:02 UTC
[Was he? Sherlock had his doubts, but Batman probably had his underestimations of him, too. His eyes flitted for a moment to his room, where most of his his notes were scattered and disorganized in ways only he could control.

Sherlock just scoffed when Batman stated the obvious. A bit of venom leaked onto his response.]

No, I thought you broke in to shoot the breeze. I know perfectly well why you're here. My cases are just that-- my cases.


kingofrooks May 9 2011, 14:32:25 UTC
[ So the prowling panther is finally showing his teeth. Bruce steps in even closer, until inches barely separate him from Holmes. Looking down on him and using his height to its greatest advantage.

Intimidating, of course. It's a very primal fear to have; that of someone who is larger than you. More powerful. Capable to breaking your back with the least effort needed, and skilled enough to cause enough pain that make you wish for death without leaving permanent damage. Or even a mark. ]

Your pride is less important than the lives that can be saved.

Get over yourself.


caveatwalls May 9 2011, 14:48:51 UTC
[Sherlock only gave Batman another mirthless smile. He could fight, but it was clear he'd be at the disadvantage if his phasing powers didn't cooperate. That adrenaline, however, was just a motivator. It pumped through him as if by pistons.]

You talk to me about pride, while you make it perfectly clear you think you're the only one capable of stopping the crime all over this city. I didn't think you'd sink to hypocrisy quite so quickly.


kingofrooks May 9 2011, 15:52:57 UTC
[ Good catch. Bruce smirks a little. ]

It isn't hypocrisy if it's justified.


caveatwalls May 10 2011, 00:11:01 UTC
[Another brow raise.]

You're not helping yourself with this pride issue, you know.

[Sherlock, still holding eye contact, sighs quietly. Might as well humor him, sarcastic or not.]

How so?


kingofrooks May 10 2011, 02:56:05 UTC
I know them. [ And there might be a hint there of- I created them. By being myself. By doing this. By being the Bat of Gotham- ]

Their methods. Their ways. Their capabilities. [ A thin smile. ]

Their logic.

Why should I leave it to others to fumble through understanding?


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