I hear ya stacey. I've been busting my ass hunting for jobs too and for what? Jack shit. No one wants to hire us recent college grads. We have no "experience." Which is stupid because how are we sposed to get any experience if no one will hire us??? i think what scares me most is lack of health insurance. i mean i can always get a crap job as a cashier or something, but health care.... ugh real life blows.
this is a multi-part commentcubschickJuly 6 2006, 19:28:40 UTC
Okayyy... Yech. If I were you, this is what I would do.
Sit your parents down. Tell them they are NOT allowed to speak. You are speaking. And tell them in no uncertain terms that they should KNOW better. They shoudl KNOW you are looking for jobs. They KNOW you go on interviews and if you're going on interviews you are sending out like three times that amount of resumes.
Re: this is a multi-part commentcubschickJuly 6 2006, 19:28:57 UTC
They shoudl KNOW you have no desire to be a professional waitress. They should KNOW that this is stressful and frustrating for you. And they shoudl CERTAINLY know that making you feel bad will only make you feel worse about what is already incredibly frustrating.
And then... Personally.. I would contemplate but perhaps not actually say something like "So lay the fuck off of me" and in reality say "So if you're not going to help me figure out new places to look for jobs or ways to change my stragety or strengethn my resume, lay off. Because you're just making me feel like shit for trying my best."
Re: this is a multi-part commentcubschickJuly 6 2006, 19:29:20 UTC
i'm unemployed as well... and you know, i wanted to do one of two things. work in publishing. work in a museum. right now... i might well end up working at all state for all i know. JOY. and i will end up being a lawyer. BIGGER JOY. but you know, whatever. it will pay the bills and if it makes me blow my brains out... i'll find something else. i guess. my job search has sucked just as much as yours....
sincerely, she Who, Despite Her High GPA, School Honors, and Great Resume Has Only Been Offered A Real Job in.. Columbus Ohio, AKA The Land Where No One in their Right Mind Would Move To.
Re: this is a multi-part commentcubschickJuly 6 2006, 19:29:40 UTC
PS have you considered doing a Mock Interview at the career center when you are down here sometime? Maybe they can help you strengthen the way you are presenting yourself in interviews or something.
The average job search takes between 6-8 months. It takes time, but you'll find a job, I promise. Maybe broaden the areas in which and where? Also, talk to a career counselor and don't just go over your resume--that's the easy way out for them.
I received a really scary letter from my university in December which my parents did as well. I sat them down and said, "I promise I am doing everything possible to get a job. I will tell you EVERYTHING if you don't ask and nag. I need your silent support" and that helped a lot. I called them and told them about successful interviews and a little of what was happening on my own initiative (which they appreciated), but up until I received my first job offer, they weren't even sure I wanted to go abroad.
Comments 18
In unrelated news, we have a lot of crazy people in this country.
- Commenting from an RV @ Cornerstone in the middle of nowhere. Awesome.
Where did you do your internships in P.R. at?
in hindsight, this was a poor choice.
Sit your parents down. Tell them they are NOT allowed to speak. You are speaking. And tell them in no uncertain terms that they should KNOW better. They shoudl KNOW you are looking for jobs. They KNOW you go on interviews and if you're going on interviews you are sending out like three times that amount of resumes.
And then... Personally.. I would contemplate but perhaps not actually say something like "So lay the fuck off of me" and in reality say "So if you're not going to help me figure out new places to look for jobs or ways to change my stragety or strengethn my resume, lay off. Because you're just making me feel like shit for trying my best."
sincerely, she Who, Despite Her High GPA, School Honors, and Great Resume Has Only Been Offered A Real Job in.. Columbus Ohio, AKA The Land Where No One in their Right Mind Would Move To.
PS have you considered doing a Mock Interview at the career center when you are down here sometime? Maybe they can help you strengthen the way you are presenting yourself in interviews or something.
I received a really scary letter from my university in December which my parents did as well. I sat them down and said, "I promise I am doing everything possible to get a job. I will tell you EVERYTHING if you don't ask and nag. I need your silent support" and that helped a lot. I called them and told them about successful interviews and a little of what was happening on my own initiative (which they appreciated), but up until I received my first job offer, they weren't even sure I wanted to go abroad.
The outcome of your job search reflects NOTHING on you, but rather the companies, which you just might not fit into for whatever stupid reason.
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