
Jul 06, 2006 01:41

dear parents:

do not get ANGRY at your daughter when she tells you that she does not want to talk about her completely fruitless job search. talking about it makes her feel worthless. you getting PISSED about her not wanting to talk about it does not help a damn thing. do not yell at her, and tell her that you are "mad at her." do not tell her, "i think you should continue your job search" - because she is obviously still unemployed and is obviously doing all she can really do. she feels totally worthless and trapped in her waitressing job, and pretty much wants you to shut the hell up about it.

thank you.

the times, they are getting desperate. the health insurance, it does not exist. the money? it dwindles. busy season at the forest ends in early september, so i pretty much have until then to get a real job or else i am totally screwed. this doesn't seem right. i am working my ASS off to get a real job, i send out resumes; i do follow-up phone calls; i send thank-you letters after interviews; i am polite and eager and i research the FUCK out of companies i interview with. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? WHY AM I UNEMPLOYED? why is the light at the end of the tunnel getting further and further away....?

it almost doesn't seem right to put this link up, the people who read this journal are probably in the same monetary boat as i am...oh well. desperate times, desperate measures.

work, angst, job search, family, insecurity

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