a nice review, a nice job

Apr 13, 2009 19:12

hello friends!

hope you had a happy easter/passover/days off of whatever. mine was very lovely. i spent it in pittsburgh, visiting my boyfriend nick's family. he has 7 brothers and sisters, and all but one showed up. we all hung around a fire for several hours,  goofed off and ate chocolate and had a great time. i baked banana bread and an apple oat ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

habarigani April 14 2009, 01:41:29 UTC
That's really cool you're going to be teaching at Pitt. It makes me wish I were still a student there. Most of my writing classes were on the 3rd or 5th floor but who knows, maybe you'll make it all the way to the top. Good luck!


siobhan_says_so April 14 2009, 13:52:59 UTC
haha. yeah, i am really excited to be in pittsburgh. it's such an awesome city. i just hope enough people want to take the class.


daphnegrab April 14 2009, 01:43:44 UTC
congrats on an awesome review! and you are going to be such an awesome teacher- your students are totally lucky!


siobhan_says_so April 14 2009, 13:53:53 UTC
i keep thinking that i'll have to be better than a particular ex-lover of a beat poet at the very least. : )


tokio_charlotte April 14 2009, 02:11:29 UTC
what a fine review of SD!! man that book is awesome.

and dude, you're making me want to move pittsburgh next semester and get taught by this "acclaimed Young Adult novelist" (!!!!). shucks.


siobhan_says_so April 14 2009, 13:52:11 UTC
ahem. all i'm sayin is... GUARANTEED A!


tokio_charlotte April 14 2009, 21:24:57 UTC
oh boy i could use that.


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